A. 期刊論文 1. Jheng-Dan Huang;Michael H. Hu;Hui-Ming Wee, Evaluation of Lead Logistics Provider Using the SMART Process: A Case Study in a Taiwan Automotive IndustryOperations and Supply Chain Management, 6, pp. 26~35(2012) |
2. Jheng-Dan Huang;Huang-Der Hu, Two-stage solution approach for supplier selection: A case study in a Taiwan automotive industryInternational Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, na, pp. 1~14(2012) |
3. Meei-Yuh Ku;Michael H. Hu;Ming-Jann wang, Simulated annealing based parallel genetic algorithm for facility layout problemInternational Journal of Production Research, 49, pp. 1801~1812, 201103 |
4. Jheng-Dan Huang;Michael H. Hu;H. M. Wee, Lead Logistics Provider and its Effect on Supply Chain Alliances - A case study on Taiwan Motor IndustryOperations and Supply Chain Management, 3, pp. 163~174, 201008 |
5. Huang-Der Hu;Ku, Meei-Yuh;Chen Chao-Chi,A Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Spine Layout,Journal of Statistics & Management Systems,12 (2),pp. 325-339,200902 |
6. Huang-Der Hu, Meei-Yuh Ku,A Study on the spine layout for semiconductor manufacturing facility using simulated annealin,Journal of Statistics & Management Systems,(期別:Vol. 9, No. 3,pp.591-612),2007 |
7. 鄭春生、胡黃德,"被遺忘的教育品質特性",品質管制月刊, 1996年2月,pp.34-36. |
8. 呂昌儒、胡黃德,"空間填滿曲線(SFC)應用於設施佈置之研究", 中國工業工程學會84年度年會論文集,1995年12月,pp.152-158. |
9. Hu, M. H. and Shieh, F. Z., "A Fuzzy Approach to the Facility Design Problems," Proceedings of Automation *94,Taipei, R.O.C., Vol. 6, July 1994, pp.171-177. |
10. Hu, M. H., "A Research on Interactive Computer Aiding in Plant Layout Problems," Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 1989. |
B. 會議論文 1. 羅聿偉;Huang-Der Hu;Liang Y.-C.;林文祥, 應用和弦演算法於半導體晶圓廠之設施佈置問題, 中國工業工程學會一百零六年度年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/12/16) |
2. 胡黃德,科學家的專業倫理與責任,第七屆海峽兩岸科普論壇 ( 2014/09 ) |
3. 胡智維;Huang-Der Hu, 粒子群演算法應用於多車種固定車隊之車輛途程問題, 2013 工業工程年會暨學術研討會(2013) |
4. 簡銓蔚;Huang-Der Hu, 粒子群演算法應用於具容量限制的開放式車輛途程問題, 2013 工業工程年會暨學術研討會(2013) |
5. 林育德;Huang-Der Hu, 應用禁忌搜尋法於半導體晶圓廠之設施佈置問題, 2013 工業工程年會暨學術研討會(2013) |
6. 徐維鍵;胡黃德, 運用資料包絡分析法評估 LED 產業之經營績效, CIIE 2010 中國工業工程學會99年度年會暨學術研討會論文集 (Session 4), 201012 |
7. 胡黃德, 由產品回收談品質倫理, 第三屆海峽兩岸科普論壇, pp.301-307, 201005 |
8. Hu, M. H.,Meei-Yuh Ku;Mu-Chung Chen, A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Facility Layout, 20th International Conference on Production Research, 200908 |
9. 鄭雁嬬;胡黃德, 混合式演算法應用於同時收送貨之車輛途程問題, CIIE 2009中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會, LI13, 200912 |
10. 羅婉珍;胡黃德, 粒子群演算法應用於物流中心批次人工揀貨之研究, CIIE 2009中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會, LI14, 200912 |
11. 胡黃德;王志仁,V1256 禁忌搜尋法應用於多產品宅配中心之車輛途程問題,中國工業工程學會97 年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
12. 胡黃德;吳舲雨,T1258 應用模擬退火法於批次訂單揀取環境下之物流中心人工揀貨系統,國工業工程學會97 年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
13. 胡黃德;蔡佩紋,V1257 應用禁忌搜尋法求解多車種多產品宅配中心之車輛途程問題,中國工業工程學會97 年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
14. Huang-Der Hu, Jheng-Dan Huang,Automotive industry supply chain selection model using FANP-GP and De Novo Programming methodology,The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Taipei, Jul. 29 to Aug. 2, 2008 |
15. Huang-Der Hu, Meei-Yuh Ku;Chao-Chi Chen,A Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Facility Layout in a Wafer Fab,International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS) 2007,March,2007 |
16. Huang-Der Hu, Yuan, Fang-Chieh,Metaheuristic for Solving p-Median Problem,APIEMS & 2007 CIIE |
17. 胡黃德,校園電子郵件 (e-mail) 與資訊倫理之再思,第二屆 倫理與身體思維學術研討會 |
18. 曹餘偉,胡黃德,應用禁忌搜尋法求解多車種多物流中心之區位途程問題,2006 年中國工業工程年會論文集,December,2006 |
19. 張俊隆,胡黃德,蟻群演算法應用於多樓層設施規劃問題,2006 年中國工業工程年會論文集,December,2006 |
20. 胡黃德,"溶入專業倫理課程之倫理教學經驗-工業工程之倫理教學", 專業倫理融入式教學研討會,1996年4月。 |
21. 呂昌儒、胡黃德, "應用模糊理論求解多目標設施規劃問題" ,中國工業工程學會85年度年會論文集,1996年12月,pp.25-32. |
22. 鄭元杰、鄧本中、胡黃德, "應用類神經網路及模糊理論方法辨認交疊特徵" ,中國工業工程學會85年度年會論文集,1996年12月,pp.833-888. |
23. 胡黃德,"先進的製造系統之合理性評估模式研究" ,國科會工業工程學門83年度研究計畫成果要覽,1995年3月,pp.155-160. |
24. 胡黃德、宮大川, "非製造業系統設施規劃模式之研究" ,國科會工業工程學門研究計畫成果要覽論文專集,pp.205-208, 1994年3月。 |
25. 胡黃德、張傳杰, "製造系統之細部佈置模式" ,亞太工業工程及中國工業工程學會83年度年會論文集,1994年12月, pp.201-206. |
26. 胡黃德,"建構型電腦化佈置程序之比較",中國工工學會82年會論文集,pp.194-198, 1993. |
27. Hu, M. H., Shieh F. C., and Wu, C. L., "A Study for Non-manufacturing Facilities Layout," Proceedings of the 1992 CIIE Annual Conference, Kao Hsiung, R.O.C., pp. 451-457. |
28. Hu, M. H., "Evaluation Techniques for Facility Layout Problems," Proceedings of the 4th National Workshop on Automation Technology, July 4-7, 1991, Taipei, R.O.C., pp. 73-81. |
29. Lin, Y. H. and Hu, M. H., "A Multi-criteria Model for the Facility Planning," Proceedings of 1991 National CIIE Conference, Nov. 1991, Taipei, pp. 227-234. |
30. Hu, M. H. and Lin, Y. H., "A Flexible Approach for Facility Layout Problems," Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Manufacturing Technology, Dec. 27-29, 1991, Hong Kong, pp. 119-121. |
31. Hu, M. H., and Cheng, C. S., "A Rule-based Approach to Facility Layout Problems Using the Fuzzy Set Theory," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Automation Technology, 1990, pp. 79-87. |
32. Lin, W. H. and Hu, M. H., "A Study on the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) Using the Database Design," Proceedings of the 1990 CIIE Annual Conference, Tai Chung, R.O.C., pp. 111-119. |
33. Hu, M. H., "Simulation Aids in the Design of Facility Layout," Proceedings of 1989 Summer Conference of Computer Simulation, July 1989, Austin , TX, U.S.A., pp. 467-472. |
34. Lu, In-Yuan, Hu, M. H., and Pan, Zing-Yuan, "The Treatment of Uncertainty in Expert Systems Using Fuzzy Logic," Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Automation Technology, July, 1989, Kao Hsiung, R.O.C., pp. 515-523. |
C. 專書及專書論文 1. 胡黃德,"配送中心場址規劃及選擇", 84年度工工學門研究計畫成果要覽,1996年4月,pp. 557-561. |