A. 期刊論文 1. Chen-ju Lin;Yuan-chung Chuang, Comparing the lens displacement profile data by using the sequential approach for selecting alternative suppliers, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol.36, No.NA, pp 834~845( 2020/04 ) |
2. Chun-Ting Lin;Chen-ju Lin,Multi-response optimization of wire bonding process for evaluating alternative wire material,Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 106, pp 104925~NA ( 2020/12 ) |
3. W. L. Pearn;Chen-ju Lin;Y. H. Chen;J. Y. Huang, A note on group selection with multiple quality characteristics: power comparison of two methods, International Journal of Production Research, Vo57, No5, pp1366~1370(2019/03) |
4. Yu-jie Lan;Chen-ju Lin, An efficient subset selection method for supplier selection under multiple quality characteristic, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, Vo16, No.2, pp231~241(2019/03) |
5. Chen-ju Lin;W. L. Pearn;J. Y. Huang;Y. H. Chen, Group selection for processes with multiple quality characteristics, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol.47, No.16, pp3923~3934(2018/05) |
6. Chen-ju Lin;Yi-ling Shen, Comparing multiple process overall yields from multiple manufacturing lines, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 46,No. 23, pp11764~11775(2017/12) |
7. Chen-ju Lin;W. L. Pearn;J. Y. Huang;Y. H. Chen, Group selection for processes with multiple quality characteristics, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 47,No. 16, pp3923~3934(2018/05) |
8. Chen-ju Lin;Yi-chun Shu,Detecting clusters with increased mean using scan windows with variable radius,Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 42 , No. 11, pp 2420~2431 ( 2015/11 ) |
9. Chen-ju Lin;Yen-ting Chen,Spatiotemporal surveillance using biaxially weighted scan statistic,Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, Vol. 12 , No. 2 , pp 209~219 ( 2015/06 ) |
10. Chen-ju Lin;Hsin-hui Kuo,Multiple comparisons with the best for supplier selection,Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 30 , No. 7 , pp 1083~1092 ( 2014/11 ) |
11. Chen-ju Lin;Kwok-Leung Tsui;Chen-yu Lin, 'A spatial EWMA framework for detecting clustering', Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 181~189(2014/03) |
12. Shu-Kai S. Fan;Le-Chun Lo;Yuan-Jung Chang;Chen-ju Lin;Fugee Tsung, Prediction of time-varying metrology delay for dEWMA and RLS-LT controllersJournal of Process Control, 22, pp. 823~828(2012) |
13. Kwok-Leung Tsui, Shui Yee Wong, Wei Jiang and Chen-Ju Lin, Recent research and developments in temporal and spatiotemporal surveillance for public healthIEEE Transactions on Reliability, 60, pp. 49~58, 201103 |
14. Chen-ju Lin and Wen Lea Pearn, Group selection for production yield among k manufacturing linesJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, pp. 1510~1518, 201104 |
15. Chen-ju Lin and W. L. Pearn, Efficient tool replacement procedure based on yield evaluationJournal of Testing and Evaluation, 39, pp. 474~480, 201105 |
16. Chen-Ju Lin,W. L. Pearn, Process Selection for Higher Production Yield Based on Capability Index Spk, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26(3),pp.247-258, 201004 |
17. Chen-Ju Lin, Screening the best production line within restricted parameter space, Journal of Quality, 17, pp. 453~467, 201012 |
18. Chen-Ju Lin;A. J. Hayter,A Stepdown Procedure with Feedback for Identifying Inferiority Among Three Treatments,Biometrical Journal,50,pp.884-896,200805 |
B. 會議論文 1. Florence Leony;Chen-ju Lin,Classifying imbalanced data of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer''s disease with SMOTE,2021 5th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2021),日本東京及線上 ( 2021/05/14 ) |
2. 陳韋方;Chen-ju Lin,基於資料合成之不平衡資料分類方法,中華民國品質學會2020國際品質管理研討會, ( 2020/11/07 ) |
3. 陳韋方;Chen-ju Lin,利用合成資料上採樣法分類不平衡資料,第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2020/11/13 ) |
4. Florence Leony;Chen-ju Lin,Process selection based on process loss under non-normal data ,2020中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE2020), ( 2020/11/21 ) |
5. 陳韋方;Chen-ju Lin, 以正規化迴歸分析肺癌風險, 第二十二屆決策分析研討會 ( 2020/01/04 ) |
6. 張厚台;Ping-Huai Wang;Wei-Fang Chen;Chen-ju Lin, Prediction of lung cancer with elastic net, 中華民國人因工程學會第27屆年會暨學術研討會 ( 2020/03/20 ) |
7. 陳明暉;梁庭繼;周金枚;林真如;陳宇徹;張祐綸, 利用臉部表情辨識系統觀察睡眠、疼痛、情緒問題之患者在「光聲激發能量材技術」前後臉部表情變化, EST 2019第26屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 2019/03/22 |
8. Hsin-yi Lin;Chen-ju Lin, The application of the Apriori algorithm to maintenance strategy of winder machines, The 14th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS 2019) ( 2019/08/19 ) |
9. Hsin-yi Lin;Chen-ju Lin, Failure prediction and maintenance strategy of winder machines used in texturizing, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (Am&IE) ( 2019/10/04 ) |
10. 林欣儀;Chen-ju Lin, 捲取機故障預測與維修建議, 中華民國品質學會第55屆年會暨2019國際品質管理研討會(ISQM) ( 2019/11/02 ) |
11. Ping-Huai Wang;張厚台;Chieh Lee;Wei-Fang Chen;Chen-ju Lin, On prediction of lung cancer with LDCT assisted by health examination data, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems (APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 ) |
12. 胡雅涵;賴芳妤;Chen-ju Lin, 應用低劑量電腦斷層於初期肺癌預測, 2019中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE 2019) ( 2019/11/23 ) |
13. Florence Leony;Chen-ju Lin, Process selection based on process loss under non-normal data, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems (APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 ) |
14. Tsung-Hsing Chen;Chieh Lee;Chen-ju Lin, A prediction risk model of colorectal polyps for preventive healthcare, 2018 INFORMS International Conference, 2018/06/17 |
15. Chen-ju Lin;Pei-Ying Lin, On comparison of multiple non-linear profiles for process selection, International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2018), 韓國, 2018/08/26 |
16. Ming-yi Yi;Chen-ju Lin, Selecting alternative processes under non-linear profile data by using simultaneous confidence bandss, The 7th Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Asian Conference (IISEAsia2018), 2018 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2018), 2018/10/18 |
17. 陳積杰;Chen-ju Lin, 加工刀具組之更換時間分析, The 2018 International Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM 2018), 2018/11/03 |
18. Chi-Chieh Chen;Chen-ju Lin, Determination of Tool Replacement Time under Multiple Quality Characteristics, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 香港, 2018/12/05 |
19. Chen-ju Lin;Yuan Chung Chuang,Comparing multiple linear profiles for selecting alternative processes,The 5th International Symposium on Statistical Process Monitoring (ISSPM 2017),Korea ( 2017/07/03 ) |
20. Tsung-Hsing Chen;Chieh Lee;Chen-ju Lin, A prediction risk model of colorectal polyps for preventive healthcare, 2018 INFORMS International Conference, Taiwan(2018/06/17) |
21. Chen-ju Lin;Yuan Chung Chuang, Comparing multiple linear profiles for determining alternative processes, 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX(2017/10/22) |
22. Chen-ju Lin;Pei-Ying Lin, Selecting alternative processes under nonlinear profile, 2017第十三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/10/14) |
23. 林俊廷;Chen-ju Lin, 雷射二極體銲線製程替代材料分析:以銀合金線為例, The 2017 International Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM 2017), Taiwan(2017/11/25) |
24. 翁毓廷;藍鈺雰;Chen-ju Lin, 篩選替代製程之降階程序, 2017中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE), Taiwan(2017/12/16) |
25. Chen-ju Lin;Yuan Chung Chuang,Investigating alternative manufacturing processes under linear profile data,The 2016 International Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM), ( 2016/11/19 ) |
26. Tzu-Chi Hsu;Chen-ju Lin,Reducing defective alignment of laser drilling process,The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2016), ( 2016/12/07 ) |
27. Chen-ju Lin;Yi-ling Shen,Process selection by using the overall production yield as the criteria,International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM) ( 2015/07 ) |
28. Yu-Jie Lan;Chun-Yi Chen;Chen-ju Lin,Evaluating process difference in overall process yield under multiple quality characteristics,The 2015 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI2015),Daejeon, South Korea ( 20151016 ) |
29. Y. J. Lan;Chen-ju Lin,Process selection based on overall process yield,2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2015),Singapore ( 20151206 ) |
30. 羅筑儀;陳積杰;Chen-ju Lin,追蹤事件發生率異常之群集,中國工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會(CIIE), ( 20151212 ) |
31. Chien-hung Lin;Chen-ju Lin,A hybrid chart to detect increased incidence rate under unequal population,The 2014 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI 2014) ( 2014/08 ) |
32. 藍玉潔;林真如,多品質特徵之製程良率比較,中國工業工程學會103年度年會暨學術研討會(CIIE) ( 2014/12 ) |
33. Chen-ju Lin;Chien-hung Lin, Detecting regions with increased incidence rates under unequal population size at risk, Annual Conference on Engineering & Information Technology (ACEAIT 2014)(2014) |
34. Chen-ju Lin;Chun-hung Chien, Tool wear monitoring and yield evaluation, 2013 International Symposium on Manufacturing Intelligence ISMI2013 in Conjunction with IML2013 (ISMI2013)(2013) |
35. Chen-ju Lin;Chun-hung Chien, Tool wear diagnosis and tool replacement management, International Statistical Institute Satellite Meeting on Statistics in Business, Industry and Risk Management(2013) |
36. 林建宏;Chen-ju Lin, 存在風險母體數相異下檢測事件率提高之區域, 2013工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE)(2013) |
37. Chen-ju Lin;Yi-chun Shu, Detecting high incidence by using variable scan radius, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2013)(2013) |
38. Chen-ju Lin;Chun-hung Chien, A Hidden Markov Model for Tool Wear Management, IIE Asian Conference 2013(2013) |
39. Chen-ju Lin, Detecting clusters with mean shifts, The International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS 2012)(2012) |
40. Chen-ju Lin;Wei Jiang;Kwok-Leung Tsui;Yen-ting Chen, A spatiotemporal EWMA test framework for detecting clustering, The 2nd International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering (ICISE2012)(2012) |
41. Chen-ju Lin;Yen-ting Chen, On Detection of Spatiotemporal Clustering, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2012)(2012) |
42. 徐逸群;Chen-ju Lin, 以變動掃描視窗檢測平均值偏移之區域範圍, 2012工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE)(2012) |
43. 簡俊宏;Chen-ju Lin, HMM監控刀具磨損狀態及成本評估, 2012工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE)(2012) |
44. Chen-ju Lin and Yen-ting Chen, Detecting mean shifts in space-time data, The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Logistics Systems (IML2011), 201102 |
45. 廖超晧;林真如, 應用MPCA鑑別動態異常區域, 2011兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會(CIIE)(2011) |
46. Chen-ju Lin and Yen-ting Chen, Detection of directional changes in spatiotemporal data, The 21st International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2011), 201106 |
47. Chen-Ju Lin, Spatial EWMA Smoothing for Detecting Shifts in Mean, International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Complex Data (SACD), 201007 |
48. 林陳裕;Chen-Ju Lin, Scanning Cluster of Manufacturing Shift with Spatial Structure, The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems (IML2010), 201002 |
49. 林陳裕;林真如, 偵測空間型態製程資料之偏移群聚現象, 中華民國第18屆全國自動化科技研討會(Automation 2010), 201006 |
50. Chen-ju Lin and Hsin-hui Kuo, Evaluation of production yield for process selection, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2010), 201012 |
51. Chen-ju Lin, Chen-yu Lin and Yen-ting Chen, Spatial detection of manufacturing shift in mean, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2010), 201012 |
52. 郭馨蕙;林真如, 以良率指標建構製程評選模式, 中國工業工程學會99年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE), 201012 |
53. Chen-ju Lin ,Testing Yields of Two TFT-LCD Manufacturing Processes,The 1st International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering (2009ICISE),200907 |
54. Chen-Ju Lin, Subset Selection for Multiple Production Yields, The 2nd International Symposium of Quality and Management (ISQM), 200911 |
55. Chen-Ju Lin, Tool Replacement Policy for Processes with High Yields, The 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS2009), 200912 |
56. 林真如, 高良率製程之工具更換時間研究, 中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE), 200912 |
57. Chen-ju Lin, A. J. Hayter,Identifying Strictly Inferior Treatments in Clinical Trials,The 4th World Conference of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC2008),200812 |
58. Chen-ju Lin ;A. J. Hayter,A Stepdown Procedure with Feedback for Identifying Inferiority among Three Treatments,The Workshop of Computational Algebraic Statistics, Theories and Applications (CASTA2008),200812 |
59. 林真如,以降階步驟選取常態分配下最高良率之製程,中國工業工程學會97年度年會暨學術研討會 CIIE2008,200812 |
60. Anthony Hayter and Chen-ju Lin, 2007, "Recent Advances in Stepdown Procedures for Identifying Inferiority among Treatments in Clinical Trials," Proceeding of East Asia Regional Biometric Conference. |
61. Sharon Eve Sonenblum, Stephen Sprigle, Leslie VanHiel, Chris Maurer, and Chen-Ju Lin, 2005, "Kinematics of Lateral Transfers: A Pilot Study," RESNA 2005 Annual Conference. |
C. 獎項 1. 王嘉妘;江心瑜,元智大學工管系,畢業專題論文競賽第二名, 202105 |
2. Florence Leony,中華民國品質學會,2020卓越品質碩士論文銀帶獎, 202011 |
3. 王嘉妘;江心瑜,台灣作業研究學會,大專校院專題競賽佳作, 2020 |
4. 元智大學105學年度青年學者研究獎 ( 2016/12 ) |
5. 藍玉潔;陳郡憶 , 2016全國「工業工程與管理」大學生專題論文與技術報告競賽佳作(生產系統規劃與管制暨人因工程組) , 中國工業工程學會 , ( 2016/05 ) |
6. 藍玉潔;陳郡憶 , 元智大學工管系104學年度畢業專題論文競賽第二名(專題研究-學術性探討組) , 元智大學工管系 , ( 2016/05 ) |
7. 藍玉潔;陳郡憶 , 元智大學104學年度工程學院/電機通訊學院學生工程論文競賽特優等 , 元智大學104學年度工程學院/電機通訊學院 , ( 2015/12 ) |
8. 羅筑儀;吳仕元, 元智大學工管系, 元智大學工管系101學年度畢業專題競賽第一名(學術性探討組)(2013) |
9. 陳靜;敖鈺培, 元智大學工管系, 元智大學工管系99學年度畢業專題競賽第一名(學術性探討組), 201105 |
10. 陳彥廷, 中國工業工程學會, 中國工業工程學會2011全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽佳作(服務系統與科技管理組), 201106 |
11. 朱友晨;張耕豪;汪家慶, 中國工業工程學會, 中國工業工程學會2011年工業工程與管理大學生專題論文競賽佳作(服務系統與科技管理組), 201106 |
12. Chen-ju Lin, Young Scientist Prize Award, The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems, 201102 |
13. 陳靜;敖鈺培, 元智大學工程學院/電機通訊學院, 元智大學99學年工程學院/電機通訊學院學生工程論文競賽優等獎, 201012 |
14. 郭馨蕙;林真如, 中國工業工程學會, 2010工業工程與管理學術研討會論文競賽佳作, 201012 |