
A.    期刊論文
1.    Ko, Chao-Hua;Chin Mei Chou, Apply the SERVQUAL Instrument to Measure Service Quality for the Adaptation of ICT Technologies: A Case Study of Nursing Homes in Taiwan, Healthcare, Vol.8, No.2, pp 108~NA( 2020/04 )


3.    Chinmei Chou;Shih-Hsiung Chou;Yu Che Chen;Che Jung Yang, Using machine learning methods to detect physical conditions with postural balance, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol.na, No.na, pp 1~7( 2020/06 )

4.    周金枚;曾建維, 調查三輪班制度工作者與視環境, 工作壓力及幸福感之關聯性, 人因工程學刊, Vol.20, No.1, pp1~10(2018/08)

5.    Chin Mei Chou;Chien-Chun Lu;Ruyu Huang,Effects of different ambient environments on human responses and work performance,ournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol. 7, pp 865~874 ( 2016/07 )

6.    Chien-Chun Lu;Chin Mei Chou;Akira Yasukouchi;Tomoaki Kozaki;Cheng-Yi Liu,Effects of nighttime lights by LED and fluorescent lighting on human melatonin,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol. 7, pp 837~844 ( 2016/07 )

7.    Chinmei Chou;Cindy Sutanto;Shu-Kai Wu,Improving Service Quality by Prioritizing Service Attributes Using SERVQUAL and KANO Model- A Case Study of Nursing Home in Taiwan,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9172, pp 513~525 ( 2015/08 )

8.    2. Lee, C. H.;Chin Mei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun,Evaluating Presence for Customer Experience in a Virtual Environment: Using a Nuclear Power Plant as an Example,Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, Vol. 25 , No. 4 , pp 484~499 ( 2015/07 )

9.    Zi Ying Li;Chinmei Chou,The effect of cane length and step height on muscle strength and body balance of elderly people in a stairway environment,Journal of Physiological Anthropology, Vol. 33 , No. 36 , pp na~na ( 2014/12 )

10.    Chinmei Chou;Li-Chen Chen, 'Effects on different age levels of distinct lighting environment design', Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 488~494(2013/11)

11.    周金枚;Yutaka TOCHIHARA;Mohamed Saat ISMAIL;Joo-Young LEE, Physiological Strains of Wearing Aluminized and Non-aluminized Firefighters'''''''' Protective Clothing during Exercise in Radiant HeatIndustrial Health, 49, pp. 185~194, 201103

12.    Chin Wei Chou;Hsiao Wu Tu;Ya Hui, Chiang;Chin Mei Chou;Hung-Lieh Hu, Effect of LED desk lamp for working efficiencyThe 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE2011 ) (ISBM: 978-1-4244-8164-4), 7, pp. 5868~5872(2011)

13.    Chinmei Chou;Jui-Feng Lin;Yu-Ting wang;Chin-Wei Chou;Hsiao-Wu Tu, Effects of LED Galre in an Office EnvironmentThe 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2011)(ISBN:978-1-61284-871-6), 8, pp. 5261~5264(2011)

14.    Jia-Syuan Lee;Chinmei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, Dynamic virtual environment to explore the sense of presenceThe 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2011)(ISBN:978-1-61284-871-6), 8, pp. 5257~5260(2011)

15.    Jui-Feng Lin;Colin G. Drury;Chou, Chin-Mei,林育德;林奕荃, Measuring corrective reaction time with the intermittent illumination modelLecture Notes in Computer Science, 6761, pp. 397~405, 201107

16.    Joo-Young Lee,Mohamed Saat, Chinmei Chou, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Titis Wijayanto, Hitoshi Wakabayashi and Yutaka Tochihara,(2010) Cutaneous Warm and Cool Sensation Thresholds and the Inter-threshold Zone in Malaysian and Japanese Males, Journal of Thermal Biology,35(2) : 70-76. (SCI)

17.    栃原 裕、周金枚、李 珠英, 防護服の安全性、活動性と快適性-主観申告による温熱負担評価の難しさ-,日本官能評価学会誌13(1): 19-22 (2009)

18.    Chinmei Chou, Sonom Umezaki i , Su-Young Son , Yutaka Tochihara,(2009) Effects of wearing trousers or shorts under firefighting protective clothing on physiological and subjective responses, Journal of Human and Living Environnment,12(2):63-71.

19.    Chinmei Chou, Yutaka Tochihara and Taegyou Kim, (2008) Physiological and subjective responses to cooling devices on firefighting protective clothing. Eur J Appl Physiol, 104: 369–374. (SCI)

20.    Yutaka Tochihara and Chinmei Chou, (2008) Thermal strain and its alleviation in workers wearing firefighting protective clothing. Japanese Association for Clothing Studies, 52:1-6.

21.    Yujin Sunwoo, Chinmei Chou, Junko Takeshita, Motoko Murakami and Yutaka Tochihara, (2006) Physiological and subjective responses to low relative humidity,J Physiol Anthropol, 25: 7–14.

22.    Yujin Sunwoo, Chinmei Chou, Junko Takeshita and Motoko Murakami and Yutaka Tochihara, (2006) Physiological and subjective responses to low relative humidity in young and elderly men. J Physiol Anthropol, 25: 229–238.

23.    Mohamed Saat, Yutaka Tochihara, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Roland Gamini Sirisinghe, Mizuho Fujita and Chinmei Chou (2005) Effects of exercise in the heat on thermoregulation of Japanese and Malaysian males, Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci., 24: 267–275.

B.    會議論文
1.    Chi-Lun Hung;Pei-Lun Li;Chinmei Chou;Yan-Jun Liu;Tzu-Ling Huang;Bernard C Jiang,Research on Graceful Lighting Environment for the Elderly Bedroom,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2021), ( 2021/03/18 )

2.    An-Jo Sun;Chinmei Chou;Yu-Che Chen,Building a Detecting Physical Conditions System Based on Interface Design and a Health Recognition Model,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2021), ( 2021/03/18 )

3.    An-Jo Sun;Kuan-Yu Liu;Chi-Lun Hung;Chinmei Chou,Building a Logistic Regression Model with Relative Important Features to Predict the Effectiveness of Loss Weight,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2021), ( 2021/03/18 )

4.    Chi-Lun Hung;Chinmei Chou;Bernard C Jiang,Effect of the optimal illumination from different genders in a relaxed condition,The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021),Vancouver ( 2021/06/14 )

5.    An-Jo Sun;Yu-Che Chen;Chinmei Chou,Using Support Vector Machine Method to Build a Detecting Physical Conditions System with Postural Balance: a Pilot Study,The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021),Vancouver ( 2021/06/14 )

6.    劉冠妤;周金枚;孫安柔,Workshop 設計思維流程的建立與應用-以高齡者產品發想為例,ETS2021第十屆2021年工程、技術與STEM教育研討會, ( 2021/07/01 )

7.    劉冠妤;周金枚,開發Workshop設計思維流程-以高齡者產品發想為例,SSI 2021 第13屆系統性創新研討會, ( 2021/01/23 )

8.    劉永平;周金枚;黃紫翎;劉晏君;孫安柔;洪啟倫;王新雅;王靖儒;彭婉菁,運用 G 手環探討早班護理人員在護理站不同之光環境下對壓力和睡眠反應的影響,EST 2021第28屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2021/03/20 )

9.    Yu-Lun Chang;Cheng-Yu Li;Chinmei Chou,Discussing the Facial Expression and Emotional Arousal of Sleep Disorder,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2021), ( 2021/03/18 )

10.    劉冠妤;周金枚;陳宇徹;楊哲榮, 使用支撐向量機方法建構身體健康辨識模型, 第27屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集(EST 2020) ( 2020/05/30 )

11.    孫安柔;池晏伶;王博榕;周金枚,以使用者經驗探究文化旅遊 APP 之介面設計,TAICHI 2020 第6屆台灣人機互動研討會, ( 2020/10/23 )

12.    張祐綸;周金枚,以情感喚醒探討年輕族群之生理變化影響,CID 2020 創新設計研討會, ( 2020/12/01 )

13.    洪啟倫;孫安柔;劉冠妤;周金枚,以機器學習建立健身器材運動成效評估模組,2020中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE2020), ( 2020/11/21 )

14.    李沛倫;黃紫翎;劉晏君;劉冠妤;周金枚,探討相同時間下不同運動比重對熱量消耗的影響,CID 2020 創新設計研討會, ( 2020/12/01 )

15.    洪啟倫;周金枚, 探討不同年齡層在放鬆情境下之最適照度與效果的差異論文集, 第27屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會(EST 2020 ) ( 2020/05/30 )

16.    陳明暉;梁庭繼;周金枚;林真如;陳宇徹;張祐綸, 利用臉部表情辨識系統觀察睡眠、疼痛、情緒問題之患者在「光聲激發能量材技術」前後臉部表情變化, EST 2019第26屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 2019/03/22

17.    劉康?;周金枚, 探討目檢人員使用三種掃視方向下生心感受與工作績效之影響, EST 2019第26屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 2019/03/22

18.    Chia-Hao Hsu;Chinmei Chou, A study and development of smart hemostatic bandage based on user experience design for patients after a hemodialysis treatment, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(AmI&E2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

19.    Kuan Yu Liu;Yan Jun Liu;Chin Mei Chou;Bernard C. Jiang, Construct design thinking model for the elderly graceful life, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(AmI&E2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

20.    Hsiao-Chi Wang;Xin-Ying Zhou;Ruyu Huang;Chin Mei Chou, Effects of manual massage on heart rate variability and painrelieving outcomes in female office workers, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(AmI&E2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

21.    Ya-Hui Chiang;Charles Lai;Chin Mei Chou;Han-Kuei Fu, Ergonomic light environment of smart health classroom, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(AmI&E2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

22.    Hao Huang;Chor-Kheng Lim;Tien-Lung Sun;Chin Mei Chou;I-chun Liu, Evaluation of Elderly Gaming Devices Using OpenPose, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

23.    Ruyu Huang;Chinmei Chou, Investigate the effects of the light spectrum, ages, and gender factors on human responses in the fixed 3000K light environment, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(AmI&E2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

24.    Yu Che Chen;Che Jung Yang;Kuan Yu Liu;Shih Hsiung Chou;Chin Mei Chou, Using logistic regression method to build a detecting physical conditions system with postural balance, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(AmI&E2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

25.    Yu-Lun Chang;Chin Mei Chou, Differences and changes in facial expressions between young people and adults by using facial emotion recognition: A pilot study, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 )

26.    Chang, Y. L.;Chor-Kheng Lim;Chin Mei Chou;Hao Huang;Tien-Lung Sun;I-chun Liu, Using Facial Emotion Recognition to Observe the Emotional Changes of the Elderly Playing the Pillow Type Device, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 )

27.    Kuan Yu Liu;Chin Mei Chou;Yu Che Chen;Che Jung Yang;Shih Hsiung Chou, Using Support Vector Machine Method to Build a Detectably Physical Conditions Model with Postural Balance: a Pilot Study, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 )

28.    陳則宇;黃如鈺;周金枚, 不同光環境下對商品的心理感受之影響, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), 2018/03/16

29.    黃意芳;周金枚, 以電腦模擬手法探討雙邊採光診所室內照明現況之研究, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), 2018/03/16

30.    潘佩君;楊哲榮;周金枚, 探討不同的健康狀態與姿勢平衡間的關聯性,第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), 2018/03/16

31.    馬云青;呂佳璇;Chin Mei Chou, 探討遊戲刺激下對生理數據影響的研究, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), 2018/03/16

32.    陳宇徹;黃奕樺;周金枚, 點餐系統 APP 設計之使用者經驗研究-以美食街餐廳為例, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), 2018/03/16

33.    Chaohua Ko;Chinmei Chou, A Modified Weighted SERVQUAL Method and Its Application on Elder Care House in Taiwan, The 20th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Italy, 2018/08/26

34.    Chinmei Chou;Ru-yu HuangInvestigate the Effect of Age and Lights on Human Responses, The 20th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Italy, 2018/08/26

35.    Che-Jung Yang;Chinmei Chou, The Pilot Study of the human health status prediction model, The 20th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Italy, 2018/08/26

36.    Chinmei Chou;Tse- Yu Chen;Ru-yu Huang;Yi-Hua-Huang, Effects of Atmosphere on Consumer from Various Lighting Productss, The 7th Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Asian Conference (IISEAsia2018), 2018 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2018), 2018/10/18

37.    Che Jung Yang;Pei Chun Pan;Shih Hsiung Chou;Chinmei Chou, Study of the Relationship between Sub-Health and Postural Balances, The 7th Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Asian Conference (IISEAsia2018), 2018 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2018), 2018/10/18

38.    Yi Hua Huang;Chinmei Chou, Exploring the Commodity Lighting’s Random Forest Prediction Model and Statistical Analysis Results in Different Illuminance Combination, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 香港, 2018/12/05

39.    Yu Che Chan;Chin Mei Chou;Shih Hsiung Chou;Che Jung Yang, Using Machine Learning Methods to Detect Physical Conditions with Postural Balance, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, HK, 2018/12/05

40.    周金枚;柯昭華;田利鋒,SERVQAL 模型應用在電子商務服務品質之分析,第24屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, ( 2017/03/11 )

41.    Chinmei Chou;Bo-Xuan Li;Jing-Lan Chen;Xue Cheng;Kai-Xi Yang, A study of suitable lighting environment for inspectors, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto,Japan(2017/08/21)

42.    Che-Jung Yang;Chinmei Chou, A study of visualized response surface method model for assessing postural balance, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto,Japan(2017/08/21)

43.    Yi Ting Chiu;Chinmei Chou;Che-Jung Yang;Jinghong Xiong;Tatiana Diaz, Study of body balance at various heights for young adults, he 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto,Japan(2017/08/21)

44.    Tatiana Diaz;Yi-Ting Chiu;Chinmei Chou, Study of Postural Balance Capacity in Young Adults, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto,Japan(2017/08/21)

45.    Chinmei Chou;Ruyu Huang;Ya Hui Chiang, The effect of 3000K light on human responses in different ages, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto,Japan(2017/08/21)

46.    陳則宇;黃如鈺;周金枚, 不同光環境下對商品的心理感受之影響, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), Taiwan(2018/03/16)

47.    黃意芳;周金枚, 以電腦模擬手法探討雙邊採光診所室內照明現況之研究, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), Taiwan(2018/03/16)

48.    潘佩君;楊哲榮;周金枚, 探討不同的健康狀態與姿勢平衡間的關聯性, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), Taiwan(2018/03/16)

49.    李順泉;周金枚, 探討知識慣性對石化廠工作績效之影響, 第十三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, Taiwan(2017/10/14)

50.    Chin Mei Chou;李柏宣;陳青蘭;林曉華;程雪;楊開曦,二極體芯片檢查員在不同照度下之工作效率評估,第24屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, ( 2017/03/11 )

51.    馬云青;呂佳璇;Chin Mei Chou, 探討遊戲刺激下對生理數據影響的研究, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), Taiwan(2018/03/16)

52.    周金枚;李承諭, 應用精實生產手法於錠劑食品製造之實證研究, 中國工業工程學會106年度年會暨學術研討會論文集(CIIE2017), Taiwan(2017/12/16)

53.    陳宇徹;黃奕樺;周金枚, 點餐系統 APP 設計之使用者經驗研究-以美食街餐廳為例, 第25屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會論文集(EST 2018), Taiwan(2018/03/16)

54.    周金枚;楊哲榮,建立人體壓力中心量測之視覺化模型,第24屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, ( 2017/03/11 )

55.    袁昕;陳雲岫;孫天龍;周金枚;潘冰冰;林曉華,廣告版面設計對眼球運動影響-以百貨公司電子目錄為例,The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, ( 20160326 )

56.    周金枚;邱意婷;郭金燕;林曉華,運用測力板檢測青年的人靜態與動態平衡能力,The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, ( 20160326 )

57.    Chinmei Chou;Yi-pin Chen,The study of visual fatigue for solar cell inspectors in different illuminances conditions in 5600K,The Fifth International Conference on Human – Environment System,Nagoya, Japan ( 2016/10/29 )

58.    Chinmei Chou;Ruyu Huang,探討居家及安養院的高齡者照度與情緒之關聯性,The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, ( 20160326 )

59.    Chinmei Chou;Yi-Ting Chiu,Studying the Static balance differences between young and middle-aged adults,The 57th Annual Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society,Mie-ken, Japan ( 20160625 )

60.    Chinmei Chou;Ruyu Huang,Investigate the lighting environment in nursing home from Kruithof curve perspective:the case of Tawian,The 57th Annual Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society,Mie-ken, Japan ( 20160625 )

61.    Chinmei Chou;Chih-Chi Tai;Yipin Chen,A Study Of Prophylactic knee taping for badminton player comfort and lower extremity muscle electromyography,The 2nd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia ( 2015/01 )

62.    Chin Mei Chou;Cindy Sutanto;Shu-Kai Wu,Improving Service Quality by Prioritizing Service Attributes Using SERVQUAL and Kano Model,The 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,Los Angeles,CA,USA ( 20150802 )

63.    周金枚;陳依萍;林培坤;林培育;周金星,以人因角度評估太陽能目檢人員於不同色溫及照度環境之視覺疲勞及工作效率評估研究,The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan ( 2015/03 )

64.    張文倩;陳秀煌;黃必恆;尹佩婷;劉嫻恆;吳書愷;周金枚,探討行走騎樓時重心的變化,The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan ( 2015/03 )

65.    曾正宗;黃榮;胡澤陽;李旻晶;潘雪萍;陳潔;周金枚,部同業做較度對於上肢重複性作業肌力之影響,The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan ( 2015/03 )

66.    Chin Mei Chou;Cindy Sutanto;Chi-Kuang Chen,Integrating Kansei Engineering Method and Kano Model for Service of Nursing Home in Taoyuan, Taiwan,10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Occupational Ergonomics ( 2014/08 )

67.    Chinmei Chou;Zi-Ying Li, The impact of muscle fatigue and body equilibrium of the elderly using different length of cane on getting down in different height of stairway, The 55th Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society Commemoration Conference of JES 50th Anniversary(2014)

68.    Chinmei Chou;Yipin Chen;Yun-Ru Hung;Zi-Ying Li, The assessment of comfort and efficiency in cooling vest for firefighters, The 55th Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society Commemoration Conference of JES 50th Anniversary(2014)

69.    Yipin Chen;Chinmei Chou,The study of LED illumination and CCT combination design for solar-cell inspectors'' visual fatigue and work performance,Proceedings of the 38th Symposium on Human-Environment System ( 2014/12 )

70.    Chin Mei Chou;Zhi-Wei Rao;Ru-Yu Huang;Chung-Hsuan Chung;Yi-Yun Wang;Li-Wen Wang, Using UX to design the interface of ambulance records on app-A Case of Fire Department of Taoyuan County Government, The 21th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan(2014)

71.    Chinmei Chou;Yi-Pin Chen;Yun-Ru Hung;Zi-Ying Li, The Effects of Different Types of Cooling Vests on Movement Comfort of Firefighters-A Human Factors Assessment, The 21th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan(2014)

72.    Chinmei Chou;Tsu-Yu Chen;Chih-Yong Chen, Examined the CCT 4000K lighting environment on visual fatigue during working, The 4th International Conference on Healthcare System Ergonomics and Patient Safety(2014)

73.    Chin Mei Chou;Cindy Sutanto, A Study of Service Process Re-design for Takao Railway Museum, 2014 International Conference on Social Sciences and Innovations(2014)

74.    Chinmei Chou;王俐文, 不同溫熱環境對工作績效影響之研究, The 20th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, National Taipei University of Technology(2013)

75.    Chinmei Chou;Chia-Ling Li;Tsu-Yu Chen, A Study of Regulating Ward Lighting and Temperature on Human Response, The 13th Annual Meeting and Academic Conference for Association of CIIE(2013)

76.    Chinmei Chou;Chung-Hsuan Chung;Yi-Yun Wang;Li-Wen Wang, Ambulance APP Emergency Information Delivery System Needs, The 13th Annual Meeting and Academic Conference for Association of CIIE(2013)

77.    Chinmei Chou;Yi-Pin Chen;Yun-Ru Hung;Zi-Ying Li, The Assessment of Comfort in Cooling Vest for Firefighter, The 13th Annual Meeting and Academic Conference for Association of CIIE(2013)

78.    Chinmei Chou;李姿瑩;梅庭瑋, 太陽能晶片目檢對眼睛疲勞度評估分析, The 20th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, National Taipei University of Technology(2013)

79.    Chinmei Chou;陳俐蓁;張文龍, 評估防護服下兩種不同材質工作服的人體生理感知研究, The 20th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, National Taipei University of Technology(2013)

80.    Chinmei Chou;Jui-Feng Lin;Tsu-Yu Chen;姜雅惠, A Study of LED Internet-Lighting Arrangement Design for Human Physiological Perception, The 54rd Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society(2013)

81.    Chinmei Chou;王俐文;盧建均;姜雅惠, Different Thermal Lighting Environment on Human Responses and Work Performance, The 54rd Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society(2013)

82.    山岡俊樹;李傅房;Chinmei Chou, メンタルモデル構築度計測方法の検討, The 54rd Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society(2013)

83.    Chinmei Chou;Zi-Ying Li, The Impact of Balance on Elderly When Using Different Cane Length on Various Stairs, The 1st International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(2013)

84.    Toshiki Yamaoka;Chang-Franw Lee;Chinmei Chou, International Advanced Researches for Ambient Intelligence Examining the Relationship Between Cue and Mental Model, The 1st International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia(2013)

85.    Chinmei Chou;Jui-Feng Lin;Tsu-Yu Chen;Li-Chen Chen;YaHui Chiang, An Evaluation of LED Ceiling Lighting Design with Bi-CCT Layouts Revise Version, The Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013(2013)

86.    Chinmei Chou;Li-Chen Chen;Li-Wen Wang;Chun-Ju Wang;Zi-Ying Li, 青少年族群對LED燈具形狀之喜好度及舒適度研究, 第十九屆人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2012)

87.    Chinmei Chou;Li-Chen Chen, How effective on different aging level in distinct lighting environment design, International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (2012 ICIDM)(2012)

88.    許庭霖;鄧梓祥;周金枚, 創新服務之可行性分析-以雲端科技應用於補習班為例, 第十九屆人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2012)

89.    蔡翔育;曾尹蓉;周金枚, 安養院老年人失落程度與環境照度之關聯性, 第十九屆人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2012)

90.    Li-Chen Chen;Chun-Ju Wang;Li-Wen Wang;Zi-Ying Li;Chin Mei Chou, The Physiological and Psychological Responses to Elders and Young People for Different Shapes of LED lighting, The 53rd Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society (ISSN: 0549-4974)(2012)

91.    Maria Haraguchi;Nobuko Hashiguchi;Hitoshi Wakabayshi;Chinmei Chou;Shuntaro Shirabe;Mika Tanaka;Yutaka Tochihara, Ergonomic study to evaluate efficacy of a new low-radiation cooking system in summer, The 53rd Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society (ISSN: 0(2012)

92.    Ting-Wei Mei;Zi-Ying Li;Chinmei Chou, A study of eye fatigue and concentration on solar cells inspection personnel, The 53rd Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society (ISSN: 0549-4974)(2012)

93.    Chinmei Chou;Li-Chen Chen;Chun-Ju Wang;Li-Wen Wang;Zi-Ying Li, How different shapes conditions affect mood in the elderly, The Second International Conference of the South East Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies (SEANES2012)(ISBN:978-983-41742)(2012)

94.    Ray F. Lin;Chinmei Chou;Yu-Ting Wang;Hsiao-Wen Tu, Effects of LED Color Temperature on Office Workers, The Second International Conference of the South East Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies (SEANES2012)(ISBN:978-983-41742)(2012)

95.    盧建均;Chinmei Chou;姜雅惠;王俐文, 不同LED光色溫與不同溫熱環境溫度之下的心理反應研究, 海峽兩岸第十九屆照明科技與營銷研討會(2012)

96.    周金枚;陳明男, 噪音聽力調查及評估法之研究-以飛機維修人員為例, 第 18 屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 201103

97.    Chun Y.Lee;Chinmei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, An evaluation from presence perspective of customer experiences in virtual environments, The 2nd East Asian Erogonomics Federation Symposium (ISBN:978-986-02-9255-8)(2011)

98.    Chun Y. Lee;Chinmei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, 3D Virtual Reality Application Adaptabolity for Operation Training - A case Study of Military Education, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 2011 (pISSN:2010-376X, eISSN:20103778)(2011)

99.    Chinmei Chou;Ray F. Lin;Yu-Ting Wang;Ya-Hui Chiang;Hung-Lieh Hu, A Study of Impacts of LED Glare on Office Work, The 3rd International Symposium on Digital Manufacturing (ISDM2011)(2011)

100.    涂筱雯;鍾享吉;周智緯;胡鴻烈;周金枚, LED白光頻譜對人之主客觀感知研究, 2011第三屆台灣感性學會研討會(2011)

101.    周金枚;李軍逸;Tien-Lung Sun, 虛擬環境下客戶體驗之存在感評估, 第 18 屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 201103

102.    Tien-Lung Sun;Cheng, T. C.;Yang, C. W.;Yang, L. C.;周金枚;Hung, T. M, 3D visualization based customer experiences of nuclear plant control room, 19th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, 201105

103.    Jui-Feng Lin;Colin G. Drury;周金枚;林育德;林奕荃, Measuring corrective reaction time with the intermittent illumination model, The 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 201107

104.    Tien-Lung Sun;Chou, Chin-Mei,Yang, C. W.;Cheng, T. C.;Hung, T. M., Virtual Reality Based Customer Experience in Service Industry, Mass Customization and Personalization (MCP-AP 2010), 201012

105.    Joo-Young LEE, Mohamed Saat, Chin-Mei Chou, Titis Wijayanto, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Yutaka Tochihara, Peripheral warm and cool thresholds in Malaysian and Japanese males,日本生理人類学会誌 Vol.14 特別号(1), 第60回大会要旨集: 100-101 (K2-13) (2009)

106.    Joo-Young Lee, Mohamed Saat, Chin-Mei Chou, Titis Wijayanto, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, and Yutaka Tochihara, (2009) Peripheral thermal thresholds and thermoeffectors threshold zone in Malaysian and Japanese males,ICEE2009 final program session THERMAL CONTROL August 6

107.    Chinmei Chou and Yutaka Tochihara, (2008) Effects of wearing long pants or shorts under firefighting protective clothing on physiological/subjective responses and wearer’s mobility, Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International and Physical Fitness conference, Taichung, Taiwan ,National Taiwan Sport University, pp.324.

108.    Fumi KITANO, Hitoshi WAKABAYASHI, Chinmei CHOU, Yutaka TOCHIHARA, Takanobu NAKAGURO, (2008) The Effects on Psychological and Physiological Responses of Intermittent Air Flow on the Human Face, Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Human-Environment System, 2008 Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Wellness@Living Environment, 11, Cheju, Korea, International House, Cheju National University, pp. 115-118.

109.    Chinmei Chou and Yutaka Tochihara, (2007) Laboratory evaluation of experimental firefighter protective clothing, International Mini-Symposium on Safety, Wearer Mobility and Comfort for Firefighter Protective Clothing,21st Century COE program Kyushu University, pp. 21-24.

110.    周金枚、栃原 裕、金 泰圭,消防防火服着用時の冷却装置による生理・心理反応への影響, 日本人間工学会第48回大会講演集, 第43巻, pp. 344-345 (2007).

111.    Chinmei Chou, Yutaka Tochihara and Taegyou Kim, (2007) Physiological and subjective responses to cooling devices on firefighting protective clothing,Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, In Mekjavic I B, Kounalakis S N, Taylor N A S (Eds.), Piran,Slovenia, pp. 189-191.

112.    栃原 裕、周金枚、篠原 克明、金 泰圭,バイオハザード防護服の人間工学的研究, 日本人間工学会第47回大会講演集, 第43巻, pp. 278-279 (2006).

113.    周金枚、金 泰圭、栃原 裕, 防護服着用時の冷却装置の快適性評価に関する研究,日本生理人類学会誌11,特別号(1),第55回大会要旨集: pp. 138-139 (2006).

114.    周金枚、栃原 裕、金 泰圭, 防火服着用時の暑熱負担の冷却装置による緩和効果, 日本人間工学会九州支部第27回大会講演集: pp.22-23 (2006).

115.    Chinmei Chou, Yutaka Tochihara and Taegyou Kim,(2006) Evaluation of two types of cooling devices in a warm environment while wearing firefighting protective clothing,Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology.

116.    Yutaka Tochihara, Mizuho Fujita、Chin-Mei Chou and Takahiro Ogawa, (2005) Physiological strain of workers while wearing protective clothig -Repuirement for research to reduce the discomfort of firefighters-,Fourth NRIFD Symposium- International Symposium on Protective clothing for Firefighting Activity.

117.    Yujin Sunwoo, Chinmei Chou, Junko Takeshita, Motoko Murakami and Yutaka Tochihara, (2005) Effects of low relative humidity on physiological and psychological responses -A comparison between old and young people,The 11th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics.

118.    Yutaka Tochihara, Chin-Mei Chou, Mizuho Fujita and Ogawa T, (2005) Protective clothing-related heat stress on firefighters in Japan. In: Holmer I, Kulane K, Gao C eds. Environmental ergonomics XI. Ystad, Sweden, 137–139.

119.    Yujin Sunwoo, Chinmei Chou, Junko Takeshita, Motoko Murakami and Yutaka Tochihara, (2005) Effect of low relative humidity on physiological and subjective responses,- A comparison between old and young people -,The Third International Conference on Human-Environment System ICHES’05.

120.    Yutaka Tochihara, Mizuho Fujita, Chin-Mei Chou and Teruko Tamura, (2005) Protective clothing and performance in hot environments,The Third International Conference on Human-Environment System ICHES’05.

121.    金 泰圭、周金枚、篠原 克明、栃原 裕,バイオハザード防護服着用時の生理・心理反応及び作業能,日本生理人類学会誌10(2),第54回大会要旨集:pp. 98-99 (2005)

122.    周金枚、金 泰圭、篠原克明、栃原 裕,バイオハザード防護服着用時の生理・心理反応に及ぼす室温の影響,日本生理人類学会誌10(2) 第54回大会要旨集: pp.100-101(2005).

123.    鮮干 裕珍,周金枚,竹下 純子,村上 泉子,栃原 裕,生理・心理反応に及ぼす低湿度の影響,日本生理人類学会誌Vol.9特別号(1): pp. 70-71 (2004).

124.    周金枚,Mohamed Saat Ismail,小橋 良平,Hee Eun Kim,栃原 裕,消防用防火服着用時の生理的反応,日本生理人類学会誌Vol.9特別号(1): pp. 44-45 (2004).

125.    Sunwoo, Y, Chou, C, Takeshita, J, Murakami, M and Tochihara, Y,(2004) Effect of low relative humidity on physiological and psychological responses,ICPA2004 7thInternational Congress of physiological Anthropology.

126.    鮮干 裕珍, 周金枚, 竹下 純子, 村上 泉子, 栃原 裕,低湿度が生理・心理反応に及ぼす影響-高齢者と若年者,日本生理人類学会誌Vol.9特別号(2): pp. 66-67 (2004).

127.    Mohamed Saat Ismail, 橋口 暢子, R.G.Sirisinghe, 藤田 水穂, Chin-Mei Chou, 栃原 裕, The effect of exercise in the heat on thermoregulation in Japanese and Malaysian males, 日本生気象学会雑誌40(3): pp. S20 (2003).

128.    鮮于 裕珍,周金枚,村上 泉子,栃原 裕,低湿度が生理心理反応に及ぼす影響,日本生理人類学会誌Vol.8特別号(2): pp. 86-87 (2003).

129.    鮮干 裕珍、周金枚、村上 泉子、栃原 裕,暖房時の低湿度環境が生理心理反応に及ぼす影響,第27回人間*生活環境系シンポジウム報告書: pp. 21-24 (2003).

C.    專書及專書論文
1.    Chinmei Chou;Cindy Sutanto;Chi-Kuang Chen,"Integrating Kansei Engineering Method and Kano Model for Service of Nursing Home in Taoyuan, Taiwan",New Ergonomics Perspective - CRC Press (2015)

2.    Chin Mei Chou;Tsu-Yu Chen;Chih -Yong Chen,"Examined the CCT 4000K lighting environment on visual fatigue during working",Bridging Research and Good Practices towards Patients Welfare - CRC Press (2014)

D.    獎項
1.    黃怡萱;許予晴;廖昶凱 , 太陽能光電創意競賽第三名 , 元智大學機械工學系 , ( 2016/06 )

E.    其他
1.    Chun Y. Lee;Chin Mei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, An evaluation from presence perspective of customer experiences in virtual environments, Ergonomics in Asia: Development, Opportunities and Challenges (ISBN:978-0-415-68414-9(Hbk),ISBN:978-0-203-11999-0(eBook))(2012)

2.    涂筱雯;周智緯;盧建均;李俊興;姜雅惠;周金枚, LED人因照明驗證平台, 工業技術研究院/電光先鋒 第17期(2011)

3.    盧建均;涂筱雯;李俊興;姜雅惠;周金枚;安河內郎, 夜間舒眠LED人因照明的研究與應用, 工業技術研究院/電光先鋒 第17期(2011)