A. 期刊論文 1. 廖吳聖;陳雲岫;鍾雲恭,結合環境因素與成本之FMEA的設計,先進工程學刊, 第十卷 , 第一期 , pp 19~26 ( 2015/01 ) |
2. Dennis K.J. Lin;Yun-Shiow Chen;郭 王民 旬, Process Mining:Process Model from Event LogsJournal of Dada Analysis, 8, pp. 1~30(2013) |
3. P.L. Su;Chen Y.-S., Implementation of a genetic algorithm on MD-optimal designs for multivariate response surface modelsExpert Systems With Applications, 39, pp. 3207~3212(2012) |
4. Min-Hsun Kuo;Yun-Shiow Chen, A Method to Identify the Difference between Two Process ModelsJournal of Computers, 7, pp. 998~1005(2012) |
5. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Chung-Chu Pan;Wei-Ning Yang,Optimum Inspection Ploices of Reliability Analysis for Quantal-Response Product with Weibluu Life4time Components,International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management,Vol. 25, No. 4, pp436-450 |
6. Yeh, Arthur B., Yun-Shiow Chen, Dennis Lin, “The Box-Chart: A New Variables Control Chart,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, Vol. 40,No. 2,pp.147-166,June 2002。(NSC-87-2119-M-001-007) (in Chinese) |
7. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Larry Chen, Dashan Fan, “Multiplier operators on weighted function spaces,” Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol.31, No.1, pp. 77-93, Spring 2001. (SCI) |
8. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Fong-Jung Yu, “Economic Design of A Moving Average Control Chart with Multiple Assignable Causes When Two Failures Occur,” Asia Journal on Quality, Vol.2, No.1, pp.69-86, June 2001. |
9. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Ho, Roger-Wendau “Analysis of Grip and Key Pinch Strength of Foreign Labors in Taiwan,” Journal of Professional Medics, ROC, Vol. 8, No. 4, PP195-200, October 2001. (in Chinese) |
10. Chen, Yun-Shiow, “Fuzzy Ranking and Quadratic Fuzzy Regression,” Computers & Mathematics with Application, Vol.38, No.11/12, pp. 265-279, 1999. (SCI, NSC-86-2213-E-155-021) |
11. Chen, Yun-Shiow, “Fuzzy Ranking and Quadratic Fuzzy Regression,” Computers & Mathematics with Application, Vol.38, No.11/12, pp. 265-279, 1999. (SCI, NSC-87-2213-E-155-013) |
12. 何文島, 陳雲岫, “我國運動員手握力及指捏力之分析,”中華民國重建整形外科醫學會雜誌, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP. 11-22, March 1999. |
13. Ho, Roger-Wendau, Yun-Shiow Chen, “Analysis of Grip and Key Pinch Strength of Sports Teams – Data of Chinese Athletes in Taiwan,” Journal of Plastie & Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP312-324, December 1998. (in Chinese) |
14. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Dennis Lin, “An Algorithm for Constructing One-at-a-Time 2k Plans,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, Vol. 36, No. 4, PP.361-369, 1998. (in Chinese) |
15. Ho, Roger-Wendau, Yun-Shiow Chen, “Analysis of Grip and Key Pinch Strength of Professional Baseball Teams,” Journal of Plastie & Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC, Vol. 7, No. 3, PP. 224-231, 1998. (in Chinese) |
16. Ho, Roger-Wendau, Yun-Shiow Chen, Mei-Teng Kao, Nutritional Sciences Journal ROC, Vol. 23, No. 4, PP. 377-389, December 1998. (in Chinese) |
17. Ho, Roger-Wendau, Yun-Shiow Chen, “Analysis of Grip and Key Pinch Strength of Professional Baseball Teams,” Journal of Plastie & Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC, Vol. 7, No. 3, PP. 224-231, 1998. (in Chinese) |
18. Chen, Yun-Shiow, “Analysis of Conditional Control Limits of X-Control Chart for AR(1) Correlated Data,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, Vol. 35, No. 4, PP. 379-398, 1997. (in Chinese) |
19. Ho, Wen-Dau, Yun-Shiow Chen, Ying-Hsin Yu, Shien-Young Chang, “Statistical Analysis of Grip and Key Pinch Strength Norm for Chinese Students,” The Journal of Medical Informatics, No. 5, PP. 99-120, 1997. (in Chinese) |
20. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Yung-Tao Chang, Bernard C. Jiang, “The Classification of Object surface Defects by Statistical Pattern Recognition – Oil-Seal Case,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 13, No. 3, PP. 283-294, 1996. (NSC-85-2213-E-155-009) (EI) (in Chinese) |
21. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Yu-Chuen Yen, Ker-Cheng Chen, ”The Exact Distributions of CUSUM Estimator of a Changepoint in a Bernoulli Sequence,” Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol.17, No. 2, PP. 275-290, 1996. |
22. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Yu-Chuen Yen, Ker-Cheng Chen, ”Estimation of Changepoint in Two Independent Bernoulli Sequence,” International Journal of Information and Management Science, Vol. 6, No. 3, PP. 21-38, 1995. |
23. Yuan, Tze-Chung and Yun-Shiow Chen,” Comparison and Analysis of Three G1 Arc Spline Algorithms in Approximating Discrete Data”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.11, No.2, PP.1-7, 1994. (EI) (in Chinese) |
24. Wolfe, Douglas A. and Yun-Shiow Chen,”The Changepoint Problem in a Multinomial Sequence,” Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computing, 19(2), pp.603-618, 1990. (SCI). |
B. 會議論文 1. 莊淑珍;陳雲岫, 三五族化合物半導體不同磊晶結構的溫度係數對熱阻量測與壽命預估, 2019全球金融科技論壇暨國際商務研討會, 2019/05/25 |
2. 陳祐安;陳雲岫, 玻璃生產之作業成本及其碳足跡分析, 2019全球金融科技論壇暨國際商務研討會, 2019/05/25 |
3. Michael Manuel Smith;Yun Shiow Chen, Solving the Multi-Objective Software Next Release Problem using an Adaptive Metaheuristic Framework, Industry 3.5 International Symposium for Intelligent Manufacturing ( 2019/09/25 ) |
4. Michael Manuel Smith;Yun Shiow Chen, A multi-objective minimum matrix search algorithm applied to large-scale bi-objective TSP, 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI AAI 2018, Japan, 2018/07/08 |
5. Yun-Shiow Chen;Kai-Chun Yao,A Simulation Study on the One-Shot Reliability System Growth,第二十六屆南區統計研討會, ( 2017/06/23 ) |
6. Michael Manuel Smith;Yun Shiow Chen, A multi-objective minimum matrix search algorithm applied to large-scale bi-objective TSP, 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI AAI 2018, Japan(2018/07/08) |
7. 簡雲楓;陳雲岫,自動注射器之加速老化試驗與碳足跡,2017永續性產品與產業管理研討會, ( 2017/03/18 ) |
8. 袁昕;陳雲岫;孫天龍;周金枚;潘冰冰;林曉華,廣告版面設計對眼球運動影響-以百貨公司電子目錄為例,The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, ( 20160326 ) |
9. 賴家勳;Chung Y.-K.;Yun-Shiow Chen,工業 4.0 - 將神經網路崁入6-sigma 品質設計中以改善電著塗裝製程之智慧型綠色製造模式的設計,2016 年商管學術與實務研討會, ( 20160428 ) |
10. Michael Manuel Smith;Yun-Shiow Chen,A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm for the Homogeneous Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem,15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2016),Okayama, Japan ( 20160626 ) |
11. Michael Manuel Smith;Yun-Shiow Chen,Genetic Minimum Matrix Search Algorithm Applied to Large TSPs,International conference on engineering and Applied Science, ICEAS2015 ( 2015/07 ) |
12. 廖吳聖;Yun-Shiow Chen;Chung Y.-K., 結合環境因素與成本之FMEA的設計, 2014 永續性產品與產業管理(2014) |
13. 許瑋芸;黃柏維;Yun-Shiow Chen;Chung Y.-K.,ISO14000在醫院施行績效的探討,2014第三屆提升全人醫療暨整合服務研討會 ( 2014/08 ) |
14. 羅志堂;Chung Y.-K.;Yun-Shiow Chen, 綠色生產流程之管理績效的評估, 2014永續性產品與產業管理研討會(2014) |
15. 蔡嘉峰;Yun-Shiow Chen, 應用田口方法提升冷陰極燈管的製程能力, 2013 產業創新與經營學術研討會(2013) |
16. Yung-Yu Yang;Yun-Shiow Chen, A Study of Compound Failure Rate Schemes for Monitoring IC Wafers Quality and Lifetime Reliability, 19th ISSAT International Conference Reliability and Quality in Design(2013) |
17. Michael Manuel Smith;Yun-Shiow Chen, Minimum Matrix Search (MMS) Heuristic for TSP: Pursuing Efficiency Preserving Accuracy, The 9th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications(2013) |
18. Moo-Chi Lee;Yun-Shiow Chen;Yun-Kung Chung, A Simplified SEM Diagram for Guiding the Service Quality Improvement of Virtual Classroom, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technology and Economic Management(2012) |
19. Ze-Crong Haun;Yun-Shiow Chen;Chung Y.-K., Statistical Process Monitoring Using Process Mining, 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences(2012) |
20. 戴基任;陳雲岫, 應用 6 Sigma 降低 Source to Source Shorts 不良面板的比率, 2011 ISQM 暨四十七屆品質年會(2011) |
21. Krang-Ze Haung;Chen Y.-S.;Chung Y.-K., Perspectives on Process Mining within Cloud Computing, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, 201101 |
22. Ki-Pin Lee;Chung Y.-K.;Chen Y.-S., Using Java/ASP to Implement a Web-Based SPC Courseware System, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences, 201008 |
23. Ming-Shirg Kuo;Yun-Shiow Chen,Yunkung Chung, Teaching Engineering Statistics Course on a Web Services-Based Platform, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information management and engineering, pp.IEEE website, 201004 |
24. Yun-Shiow Chen;Min-Hsun Kuo,A Simplified and Efficient Algorithm Used to Mine Similar Processes: An Illustrated Example,Paris 2009 ICBIS (2009 International Conference on Business Information Systems),200906 |
25. Yun-Shiow Chen,Tsung-Yuan Yeh, Implementation of Artificial Immune Classifier to Nonrandom Patterns of Control Charts, Interantiona; Symposium of Quality Management, ISQM2009, p.27, 200911 |
26. 古強;Yun-Shiow Chen;Yun-Kung Chung, An intelligent FMEA system implemented with a hierarchy of back-propagation neural networks,2008 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems,200809 |
27. Chi-Fang Huang,;Chen, Yun-Shiow, Yun-Kung Chung, An Autonomous Collaborative Forecasting System Implementation-The First Step towards Successful CPFR System,5th International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology ICASET'08 |
28. 胡信正;Yun-Kung Chung, Yun-Shiow Chen,Using Hopfield neural networks to solve DEA problems,2008 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems,200809 |
29. 鍾官榮;王慶順;陳永樹;林育才;陳雲岫,應用於太空計畫之相關微電子元件的可靠度評估系統建構,第七屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會,2007/6 |
30. 陳雲岫;陳昆暉,Six Sigma應用於貼合良率製程改善分析-以電漿顯示器材料濾光玻璃為個案分析,第一屆工業工程與管理產學研發成果研討會,2007/3 |
31. 蘇佩蘭;Chen, Yun-Shiow, Implementation of Genetic Algorithm to MD-Optimal Designs for Multivariate Response Surface Models,第四屆亞洲品質大會暨品質研討會,2006/9 |
32. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Min-Xun Guo, 2002, “A Study for the Determination of Threshold Value of Supportability in Association Rule – From Cost Viewpoint,” The 16th Asia Quality Symposium 2002, Japan, November 2002. |
33. Yu, Fong-Jung, Yun-Shiow Chen, 2002, “An X-bar Control Chart with Variable-Sampling-Interval for a Continuous-Flow Processes,” The 16th Asia Quality Symposium 2002, Japan, November 2002. |
34. Yu, Fong-Jung, Yun-Shiow Chen, 2002, “An X-bar Control Chart with Variable-Sampling-Interval for a Continuous-Flow Processes,” The 16th Asia Quality Symposium 2002, Japan, November 2002. |
35. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Jia-Shiuan Chueh, 2002, “Implementation GMDH Neural Network into Custormer Relationship Management-A Case Study for a 24-hour Open Shop,” Proceedings of IE&EM’2002 & IceCE’2002, Beijing, September 2002. |
36. Chen, Yun-Shiow, 2001, “Using GMDH Network to Predict Yields in a Semiconductor Process,” The 15th Asia Quality Symposium 2001, Korea,pp.217-220, November 2001. |
37. Yu, Fong-Jung, Yun-Shiow Chen, 2001, “An Economic Design of Moving Average Control Charts,” The 15th Asia Quality Symposium 2001, Korea,pp.59-62, November 2001. |
38. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Yit-Ming Yang,2000,”Economic Design of X-bar Control Charts in a Continuous Flow Process – Case for Multiple Assignable Causes,” The 14th Asia Quality Symposium 2000 Taipei,pp.123-128,November 2000. |
39. 江行全,湯玲郎,陳雲岫,鍾雲恭,2000,”對省立桃園醫院醫護與行政品質系統建立的方法與經驗”,2000邁向二十一世紀品質管理技術應用研討會論文集,2000年6月. |
40. Chen, Yun-Shiow, Yit-Ming Yang,1999,”Economic Design of X-bar control Charts for Continuous Flow Process With Weibull in-Control Times,”,The 13th Asia Quality Symposium ’99 Osaka,pp.17-20, October 1999. |
41. 陳雲岫,王贊旭,1999,”FMECA自動化之研究分析,”,中國工業工程學會論文集,中華民國八十八年度,1999年12月. |
42. 陳雲岫,劉亭宜,王瓊琦,1999,”GRNN應用在晶圓製造裡的良率學習模式,”,中國工業工程學會論文集,中華民國八十八年度,1999年12月. |
43. 陳雲岫,梁瑞明,曾明德,1999,”GMDH在EWMA管制圖上之應用,”,中國工業工程學會論文集,中華民國八十八年度,1999年12月. |
44. 陳雲岫、古強、鍾雲恭,1999,「貝氏神經網路在FMECA上的應用」,第三屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會論文集(Proc. of the 3rd R.O.C. Symp. on R. and M.),pp.287-295,1999年10月。 |
45. 陳增儒,鍾雲恭,陳雲岫,1999,”模糊關聯記憶神經網路應用於半導體晶圓之FMECA決策支援系統設計,”, 第三屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會論文集,中華民國八十八年度,pp.339-345, 1999年10月. |
46. 藍茂榮,鍾雲恭,陳雲岫,1999,”模糊調節共嗚原理神經網路於統計製程管制圖的辨認,”, 第四屆全國技術及職業教育研討會論文集,中華民國八十八年度,pp.99-104, 1999年5月. |
47. 陳雲岫,蔡敏盛,1998,”模糊迴歸分析穩健性之探討- 以二階線性為例,”,中國工業工程學會論文集,中華民國八十七年度,pp.1034-1039,1998年12月. |
48. 陳增儒,鍾雲恭,陳雲岫,1998,”應用模糊關聯記憶神經網路於失效模式與效應分析之實作,中國工業工程學會年會論文集,中華民國八十七年度,pp.739-744, 1998年12月. |
49. 鄭盛樹,陳雲岫,鄭春生,1998,”估計管制界限之連串長度特性之探討”,中國民國品質學會第三十四屆年會暨第四屆全國品質管理研討會論文集,中華民國八十七年度,pp.397-403, 1998年9月. |
50. 彭建彰,鍾雲恭,陳雲岫,1998,” WWW工程經濟遠距教學系統”,跨世紀資訊科技研討會論文集,pp. 850-857, 1998年2月. |
51. 李建輝,鍾雲恭,陳雲岫,1998,” 統計品質管制多媒體教學系統在WWW上的製造”,邁向二十一世紀的品質與管理技術應用研討會論文集,pp. 147-160, 1998年6月. |
52. 黃士哲、蘇光裕、吳聰毅、鄧相榮、鍾雲恭、陳雲岫、葉若春、彭鴻霖,「可靠度模式庫的建立」,第二屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會論文集(Proc. of the 2nd R.O.C. Symp. on R. and M.),第87~92頁,1997年5月。 |
53. 黃士哲、蘇光裕、吳聰毅、吳文福、鍾雲恭、陳雲岫、葉若春、彭鴻霖,「物件導向可靠度資料庫設計」,第二屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會論文集(Proc. of the 2nd R.O.C. Symp. on R. and M.),第355~362頁,1997年5月。 |
54. 黃士哲、蘇光裕、吳聰毅、林明農、鍾雲恭、陳雲岫、葉若春、彭鴻霖,「可靠度資料表單處理電腦化的設計」,第二屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會論文集(Proc. of the 2nd R.O.C. Symp. on R. and M.),第363~368頁,1997年5月。 |
55. 鍾雲恭,陳雲岫,葉若春,1996,”可靠度資訊系統在WWW上的製造”,中國工業工程學會年會論文集,中華民國八十五年度,pp.850-857, 1996年12月. |
56. 陳雲岫,余英信,1996,”待命備件系統在不置換型-壽命試驗貝氏可靠度分析”,中國工業工程學會論文集,中華民國八十五年度,pp.576-582, 1996年12月. |
57. 鍾雲恭,潘雲龍,陳雲岫,葉若春,彭鴻霖,唐麗英,王在均,1995, ”Intelligent Model for Prediction Reliability Performance”,第一屆可靠度與維護工程技術學會研討會論文集,中華民國八十四年度,pp.139-145, 1995年. |
58. 鍾雲恭,潘雲龍,陳雲岫,葉若春,彭鴻霖,唐麗英,王在均,1995,”RAMCAD系統與RAM物件導向資料庫之間的物件轉換觀念架構”,第一屆可靠度與維護工程技術學會研討會論文集,中華民國八十四年度,pp.309-313, 1995年. |
59. 鍾雲恭,潘雲龍,陳雲岫,葉若春,彭鴻霖,唐麗英,王在均,1995,”Towards an Integrated RAM-Based CAD Environment for Product Design”,第一屆可靠度與維護工程技術學會研討會論文集,中華民國八十四年度,pp.315-319, 1995年. |
60. 鍾雲恭,潘雲龍,陳雲岫,葉若春,彭鴻霖,唐麗英,王在均,1995,”物件導向可靠度資料庫設計”,第一屆可靠度與維護工程技術學會研討會論文集,中華民國八十四年度,pp.315-319, 1995年 |
C. 專書及專書論文 1. 陳雲岫,’Bayesian神經網路在FMEAC上的應用’,國科會專題研究計畫報告, 2000年,國科會計畫編號:NSC-89-2213-E-155-020- |
2. 陳雲岫,’一個具有與時間關聯之新的統計製程分析法的設計’,國科會專題研究計畫報告, 1999年,國科會計畫編號:NSC-88-2213-E-155-015- |
3. 陳雲岫,李建斌,’柔性解算綜合研究及其在製造業與服務業之應用-子計畫1- 模糊迴歸在柔性解算中之研究分析(3/3)’,國科會專題研究計畫報告, 1998年,國科會計畫編號:NSC-87-2213-E-155-013- |
4. 陳雲岫,李建斌,’柔性解算綜合研究及其在製造業與服務業之應用-子計畫1- 模糊迴歸在柔性解算中之研究分析(2/3)’,國科會專題研究計畫報告, 1997年,國科會計畫編號:NSC-86-2213-E-155-021- |
5. 陳雲岫,1996,’系統可靠度模式建立與貝氏可靠度分析技術研究發展’,中山科學研究院,1996年. |
6. 陳雲岫,李建斌,’柔性解算綜合研究及其在製造業與服務業之應用-子計畫1-模糊迴歸在柔性解算中之研究分析(1/3)’,國科會專題研究計畫報告, 1996年,國科會計畫編號:NSC-85-2213-E-155-011- |
7. 葉若春,鍾雲恭,陳雲岫,’品質可靠度資訊分析及資料庫設計與模式建立’,中山科學研究院專題計畫報告, 1995年. |
8. 陳雲岫,1995,’控制變數與平衡自助法在系統模擬之應用分析’,國科會專題研究計畫報告, 1995年, 國科會計畫編號:NSC-84-2213-E-0155-0003- |