
A.    期刊論文
1.    陳冠宇;Ching-Jung Ting,以螞蟻演算法求解動態車輛途程問題,運輸學刊, Vol. 13, pp 135~164 ( 2021/06 )

2.    Celina Semaan;Steven Chien;Ching-Jung Ting,Minimizing Cost of Highway Maintenance Considering the Impact of Vehicle Emissions: An Artificial Bee Colony Approach,Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2674, pp 60~72 ( 2020/06 )

3.    Sheng-Ren Piao;Jian Li;Ching-Jung Ting, Assessing regional environmental efficiency in China with distinguishing weak and strong disposability of undesirable outputs, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.227, No.NA, pp 748~759( 2019/08 )

4.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Ching-Jung Ting, Special issue for the "Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS) 2016 Conference'' PREFACE, Engineering Optimization, Vol.50, No.7, pp1097~1098(2018/03)

5.    王立志;范書愷;Ching-Jung Ting;郭財吉;林春成;許嘉裕, 生產系統於先進智能製造之展望, 管理與系統, Vol.25, No.3, pp381~412(2018/07)

6.    Ching-Jung Ting;Han-Shiuan Tsai, Ant Colony Optimization with Path Relinking for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, Asian Transport Studies, Vol.5, No.2, pp362~377(2018/09)

7.    Shih-Wei Lin;Ching-Jung Ting;Kun-Chih Wu, Simulated Annealing with Different Vessel Assignment Strategies for the Continuous Berth Allocation Problem, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Vol.30, No.4, pp740~763(2018/12)

8.    Ching-Jung Ting;Han-Shiuan Tsai, Street Washing Truck Routing with Intermediate Refill Facilities, International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory Applications and Practice, Vol.25, No.5, pp674~684(2018/10)

9.    Ching-Jung Ting;Kun-Chih Wu,Optimizing Container Relocation Operations at Container Yards with Beam Search,Transportation Research. Part E, Vol. 103, pp 17~31 ( 2017/07 )

10.    Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization for the Multi-Dock Truck Scheduling Problem with Cross-docking, International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 14,No. 3, pp77~87(2017/09)

11.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Ching-Jung Ting, Special issue for the "Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS) 2016 Conference'' PREFACE, Engineering Optimization, Vol. 50,No. 7, pp1097~1098(2018/03)

12.    Vincent F. Yu;Parida Jewpanya;Ching-Jung Ting;A.A.N. Perwira Redi, Two-level Particle Swarm Optimization for the Multi-Modal Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 61,No. NA, pp1022~1040(2017/12)

13.    王立志;范書愷;Ching-Jung Ting;郭財吉;林春成;許嘉裕, 生產系統於先進智能製造之展望, 管理與系統, Vol. 25,No. 3, pp381~412(2018/07)

14.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,A Constructive Heuristic for the Container Relocation Problem,International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory Applications and Practice, Vol. 23, pp 195~206 ( 2016/11 )

15.    Ching-Jung Ting;Kuo-Rui Lu;Kun-Chih Wu,Reactive GRASP for the Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , Vol. 10 , pp 819~833 ( 2015/12 )

16.    Ching-Jung Ting;Hung-Jie Wang, 'A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem', Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 300~312(2014/03)

17.    Ching-Jung Ting;K. C. Wu;H. Chou, 'Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Berth Allocation Problem', Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 1543~1550(2014/03)

18.    Shih-Wei Lin;Ching-Jung Ting, 'Solving the Dynamic Berth Allocation Problem by Simulated Annealing', Engineering Optimization, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 308~327(2014/03)

19.    Ching-Jung Ting;Chia-Ho Chen, A Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Capacitated Location Routing ProblemInternational Journal of Production Economics, 141, pp. 34~44(2013)

20.    Kuo-Rui Lu;Ching-Jung Ting, 'Lagrangian Relaxation for the Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem', Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , Vol. 10, No. NA, pp. 851~863(2013/12)

21.    Chang P.C.;黃偉修;Ching-Jung Ting, Developing a varietal GA with ESMA strategy for solving the pick and place problem in printed circuit board assembly line. Journal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23, pp. 1589~1602(2012)

22.    S. I. J. Chien;J. T. Luo;Ching-Jung Ting, Optimization of Coordinated Multi-Ramp Metering Control with Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA)International Journal of Operations Research, 8, pp. 23~35, 201103

23.    Chang P.C.;Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Ching-Jung Ting, A hybrid genetic-immune algorithm with improved lifespan and elite antigen for flow-shop scheduling problemsInternational Journal of Production Research, 49, pp. 5207~5230(2011)

24.    Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing ProblemJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 9, pp. 631~643(2011)

25.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;Wei-Chun Lan, A Beam Search Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time WindowsJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 9, pp. 702~712(2011)

26.    Yu-Ju Yang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Bi-level Programming for the Multi-echelon Supply Chain Distribution Network DesignJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 9, pp. 676~689(2011)

27.    Ching-Jung Ting;Shangyao Yan, Special Issue: Advanced OR Approaches for Transportation Network AnalysisInternational Journal of Operations Research, 8, pp. 1~2, 201103

28.    Vincent F. Yu;Shih-Wei Lin;Wenyih Lee;Ching-Jung Ting, Solving the Location Routing Problem Based on a Simulated Annealing Heuristic, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 58,pp.288-299, 201003

29.    張百棧;Wei-Hsiu Huang;Ching-Jung Ting, Dynamic Diversity Control in Genetic Algorithm for Mining Unsearched Solution Space in TSP Problems, Expert System with Applications, 37,pp.1863-1878, 201003

30.    Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, Applying Two-Stage Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Large Scale Vehicle Routing ProblemJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 8, pp. 761~776, 201012

31.    Hung-Jie Wang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median ProblemJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 8, pp. 814~826, 201012

32.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;Rafael Hernández, Applying Tabu Search for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container YardsJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 8, pp. 2379~2393, 201012

33.    H. F. Yu;S. I. Chien;Ching-Jung Ting, Bilevel Programming Model for Minimum Cost Travel Time Data Collection with Time WindowsTransportation Research Record, 2197, pp. 29~35, 201012

34.    C. H. Chu;K. W. Tien;C. D. Lee;Ching-Jung Ting, Efficient tool path planning for 5-Axis Flank Milling of ruled surfaces using Ant Colony System AlgorithmInternational Journal of Production Research, 49, pp. 1557~1574, 201103

35.    Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting,Combining Lagrangian Heuristic and Ant Colony System to Solve the Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem,Transportation Research Part E,44,pp. 1099-1122,2008.

36.    Ching-Jung Ting;Chia-Ho Chen,Combination of Multiple Ant Colony System and Simulated Annealing for the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,Transportation Research Record,2089,pp.85-92,2008.

37.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2007, "Dispatching Control at Transfer Stations in Multi-Hub Transit Networks", Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 217-243.

38.    Ching-Jung Ting ;Paul Schonfeld,Dispatching Control at Transfer Stations in Multi-Hub Transit Networks,Journal of Advanced Transportation,41,pp.217-243

39.    陳家和;丁慶榮,應用雙蟻群演算法求解P-中位問題之研究,運輸學刊,19,pp.383-404

40.    Ching-Jung Ting ;Chi-Yang Tsai,L. W. Yeh,The Use of Particle Swarm Optimization for Order Allocation under Multiple Capacitated Sourcing and Quantity Discounts,Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,6,pp.136-145

41.    Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting ,A Hybrid Lagrangian Heuristic/Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Multi-Depot Location Routing Problem,Journal of EASTS,7,pp.961-974

42.    W. C. Lan;Ching-Jung Ting ;K. C. Wu,Ant Colony System Based Approaches to the Air-Express Courier’s Routing Problem,Journal of EASTS,7,pp.1114-1126

43.    K. C. Wu;Ching-Jung Ting ,A Two-phase Algorithm for the Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem,Proceeding of IEEE 2007 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,pp.1574-1578

44.    Chia-Ho Chen and Ching-Jung Ting, 2006, "Applying Multiple Ant Colony System to Solve Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4150, pp. 508-509,2006.

45.    Chia-Ho Chen and Ching-Jung Ting, 2006, "An Improved Ant Colony System Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 115-126.

46.    Chia-Ho Chen,Ching-Jung Ting, Applying Multiple Ant Colony System to Solve Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,September,2006,4150,pp.508-509.

47.    C. H. Chen, C. J. Ting and P. C. Chang, 2005, "Applying a Hybrid Ant Colony System to the Vehicle Routing Problem", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3483, pp. 417-426.

48.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2005, "Schedule Coordination in a Multiple Hub Transit Network", ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 112-124.

49.    P. C. Chang, Y. W. Wang, C. J. Ting, C. Y. Lai and C. H. Liu, 2005, "Evolving Case-Based Reasoning with Genetic Algorithm in Wholesaler’s Returning Book Forecasting", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3612, pp. 205-214.

50.    陳家和與丁慶榮,2005,"應用螞蟻演算法於時窗限制車輛途程問題之研究",運輸學刊,第十七卷,第三期,頁261-280。

51.    Chia-Ho Chen and Ching-Jung Ting, 2005, "A Hybrid Ant Colony System for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows", Journal of EASTS, Vol. 6, pp. 2822-2836

52.    Ching-Jung Ting and Cheng-Hsien Huang, 2005, "An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows", International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 216-226.

53.    J. Chen, Y. R. Syau, and C. J. Ting, 2004, "Convexity and Semicontinuity of Fuzzy Sets", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 143, No. 3, pp. 459-469.

54.    J. Chen, C. J. Ting, and Y. R. Syau, 2003, "F-convex and F-quasiconvex Fuzzy Processes", The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 379-386.

55.    C. J. Ting, M. H. Hong, and C. H. Chen, 2003, "On the Use of Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Dynamic Location Problem", Journal of EASTS, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 2247-2260.

56.    Ching-Jung Ting and Wei-Lun Weng, 2003, "Vehicle Scheduling Problem at a Cross-Docking Terminal", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 636-650. (in Chinese) (NSC 91-2213-E-155-050)(本文榮獲九十三年度工業工程論文獎)

57.    S. I. Chien, H. J. Wen, C. J. Ting, and J. Qu, 2002, "Lane Occupancy Delay Estimation Systems (LODES) for Logistics Information Management", Logistics Information Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 58-71.

58.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2001, "Efficiency versus Fairness in Priority Control: A Waterway Lock Case", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 82-88.

59.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2001, "Control Alternatives at a Waterway Lock", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 89-96.

60.    E. P. K. Ho, S. I-J. Chien, and C. J. Ting, 2000, "A Hybrid Modeling Method for the Planning and Evaluation of Intelligent Transportation Systems", Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-23

61.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1999, "Effects of Speed Control on Tow Travel Cost", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 125, No.4, pp. 203-206.

62.    L. Zhu, P. Schonfeld, Y. M. Kim, I. Flood, and C. J. Ting, 1999, "Waterway Network Analysis with Artificial Neural Networks", Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 365-375.

63.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1998, "Integrated Control for Series of Waterway Locks", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 124, No. 4, pp. 199-207

64.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1998, "Optimization through Simulation of Waterway Transportation Investments", Transportation Research Record 1620, pp. 11-16.

65.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1996, "Effects of Tow Sequencing on Capacity and Delay at a Waterway Lock", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 1, pp. 16-26.

B.    會議論文
1.    Hendra Permana;Ching-Jung Ting,Decision Rule for Robotic Fulfillment System: A Case Study,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, ( 2021/03/18 )

2.    Ching-Jung Ting;Li-Chun Lu,An Iterative Local Search for the Periodic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem,The 26th International Conference on Production Research, ( 2021/07/18 )

3.    Celina Semaan;Steven Chien;Ching-Jung Ting, Minimizing Cost of Highway Maintenance Considering the Impact of Vehicle Emissions: An Artificial Bee Colony Approach, The 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting ( 2020/01/12 )

4.    呂理鈞;Ching-Jung Ting,以迭代區域搜尋法求解容量限制節線途程問題,2020中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE2020), ( 2020/11/21 )

5.    陳冠宇;Ching-Jung Ting,以螞蟻演算法求解動態車輛途程問題,中華民國運輸學會109年學術論文研討會, ( 2020/12/03 )

6.    Rika Juliana Pajrin;Ching-Jung Ting,A Genetic Algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem,第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2020/11/13 )

7.    連倢;林良韋;Ching-Jung Ting,以模擬退火演算法求解校車途程問題,第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2020/11/13 )

8.    Pu-Chun Chang;Ching-Jung Ting, Harmony Search Algorithm for the School Bus Routing Problem, 2019 International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial & Logistics Engineering, 2019/04/19

9.    Ching-Jung Ting;Kuan-Wei Chen, Ant Colony Optimization for the Film Production Scheduling Problem, 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 2019/06/23

10.    Anurag Tiwari;Ching-Jung Ting;Gouthaman Elangovan, Novel Recombination Approach to Solve Prize Collecting Vehicle Routing Problem, International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) ( 2019/09/09 )

11.    Rika Juliana Pajrin;Ching-Jung Ting, A Systematic Literature Review on Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, 台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2019/11/08 )

12.    Gabriela F. Travisan;Ching-Jung Ting, Novel Algorithms for the Container Pre-Marshalling Problem, The 6th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering ( 2019/11/22 )

13.    Fu Chuang;Ching-Jung Ting, Forecasting Bike Usage with Different Models in a Bike-Sharing System, The 20th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference ( 2019/12/02 )

14.    Yan-Cheng Liu;Ching-Jung Ting, Station-level Ridership Forecast Models in a Bike-sharing Service, The 20th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference ( 2019/12/02 )

15.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Solving Container Relocation Problem, INFORMS INTERNATIONAL 2018, 2018/06/17

16.    Anurag Tiwari;Ching-Jung Ting, A Modified Crossover Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for the Multi-objective Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups, 2018 IISE Asian Conference joint with CIEDH and CIIE Annual Conference, 2018/10/18

17.    吳柏叡;Ching-Jung Ting, 接駁式轉運物流中心作業模擬分析, 2018 IISE Asian Conference joint with CIEDH and CIIE Annual Conference, 2018/10/18

18.    Yohana Stephanie;Ching-Jung Ting, A Systematic Literature Review of Hub Location Problem, The 5th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, 韓國, 2018/11/08

19.    許育銓;Ching-Jung Ting, 以記錄更新法求解旅行維修員問題, 第十四屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, 2018/11/30

20.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Beam Search Heuristic for the Unrestricted Container Relocation Problem, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 香港, 2018/12/05

21.    Ting-Dong Cheng;Ching-Jung Ting,Synchronizing Vehicle Routing and Sequencing at a Cross-docking Terminal,International Symposium on Scheduling,日本 ( 2017/06/23 )

22.    Yu-Chuan Hsu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Hybrid Record-to-Record Travel Metaheuristic for the Minimum Latency Problem, The 4th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, Japan(2017/11/02)

23.    Kuo-Rui Lu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Reactive GRASP Metaheuristic for the Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem with Multiple Capacity Levels, The 18th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Indonesia(2017/12/03)

24.    Han-Shiuan Tsai;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization with Path Relinking for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, 12th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vietnam(2017/09/17)

25.    Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-docking, The 4th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, Japan(2017/11/02)

26.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Solving Container Relocation Problem, INFORMS INTERNATIONAL 2018, Taiwan(2018/06/17)

27.    Sivachandra Prabhu A;Anurag Tiwari;Ching-Jung Ting, Solving the Raw Material Collecting Vehicle Routing Problem with a Hybrid Edge Recombination Approach, 中國工業工程學會106年度年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/12/16)

28.    鄭明瑜;Ching-Jung Ting, 以層級分析法探討代理商之定價決策因素-以台灣某公司為例, 中國工業工程學會106年度年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/12/16)

29.    魏妘如;Ching-Jung Ting, 電池交換站選址最佳化之研究-以Gogoro設點為例, 第十三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/10/14)

30.    Ching-Jung Ting;Kuo-Rui Lu,A Lagrangian Relaxation for Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem with Multiple Capacity Levels,14th International Material Handling Research Colloquium,德國 ( 20160612 )

31.    1. Han-Shiuan Tsai;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem,The 17th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, ( 2016/12/07 )

32.    5. Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization for the Multi-Dock Truck Scheduling Problem with Cross-docking,The 6th International Conference on Transportation Logistics (T-LOG 2016), ( 2016/09/07 )

33.    2. Han-Shiuan Tsai;Ching-Jung Ting,Street Washing Truck Routing with Intermediate Refill Facilities,18th International Conference of the International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications, and Practice (IJIE),Korea ( 2016/10/10 )

34.    3. 陳冠宇;Ching-Jung Ting,以螞蟻演算法求解動態車輛途程問題策略之探討,第十二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2016/10/28 )

35.    4. 陳冠瑋;Ching-Jung Ting,蟻群最佳化演算法應用於電影拍攝之人員排程問題,第十二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2016/10/28 )

36.    Ching-Jung Ting,Enhancing Creativity in Industrial Engineering Students at Yuan Ze University,The 6th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation ( 2015/7 )

37.    陳冠宇;洪敬堯;Ching-Jung Ting,物流中心混合寬度走道與儲位指派對揀貨效率之探討,第十一屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, ( 20151023 )

38.    王敬翔;吳崑誌;Ching-Jung Ting,集束搜尋法求解貨櫃場翻櫃問題,第十一屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, ( 20151023 )

39.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,A Constructive Heuristic for the Container Relocation Problem,2nd East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering,韓國 ( 20151106 )

40.    王貞淑;盧宗成;Ching-Jung Ting;陳穆臻;楊士強;高增英;洪上智,基於MapReduce於分散式基因演算法之應用與研究,2015第二十一屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會, ( 20151127 )

41.    4. Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-docking,The 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,越南 ( 20151208 )

42.    盧宗成;Ching-Jung Ting;王貞淑;陳穆臻;陳慧如;高增英;洪上智;林韋捷,即時收送貨車輛路線問題求解策略之比較,中國工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會, ( 20151212 )

43.    Mu-Hsuan Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning by Particle Swarm Optimization,The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems ( 2014/10 )

44.    Y. C. Hsu;Ching-Jung Ting;C. Y. Luo,Record-to-Record Algorithm for the Traveling Repairman Problem-An Application of Public Bike Repair,1st East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering ( 2014/11 )

45.    鄭廷棟;丁慶榮,應用蟻群最佳化演算法求解越庫作業系統車輛途程問題,第十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2014/12 )

46.    鄭廷棟;丁慶榮,應用蟻群最佳化法求解越庫作業系統卡車排序問題,中華民國運輸學會 103 年年會暨學術論文國際研討會 ( 2014/12 )

47.    王友良;丁慶榮,需求不確定下電力發電輸電系統容量擴充規劃穩健最佳化設計,中國工業工程學會103年度年會暨學術研討會 ( 2014/12 )

48.    Ching-Jung Ting;Ting-Dong Cheng, Integrate Vehicle Routing and Truck Sequencing in Cross-docking Operations, 13th International Material Handling Research Colloquium(2014)

49.    Shih-Wei Lin;Ching-Jung Ting, Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Berth Allocation Problems, The Institute of Engineers Asian Conference 2013(2013)

50.    Otto Darío Gálvez;Ching-Jung Ting, Order Picking in Fishbone Warehouse Layout under Different Storage Policies, 17th International Conference of the International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications, and Practice (IJIE)(2013)

51.    蔡伯鍵;Ching-Jung Ting, 單元負載物流中心儲位指派及走道設計之模擬研究, 第九屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會(2013)

52.    Wen-Chueh Yen;Ching-Jung Ting, Order-picking under Turnover-based Storage Policy with a Diagonal Cross Aisle, The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2013)

53.    Ching-Jung Ting;S. W. Lin;K. C. Wu, The Continuous Berth Allocation Problem by Simulated Annealing, The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2013)

54.    蘇煥凱;Ching-Jung Ting, 多階層之電力系統規劃, 中國工業工程學會102年度年會暨學術研討會(2013)

55.    Ching-Jung Ting;Yu-Ju Yang, Solving the Bi-level Programming for Supply Chain Distribution Network with Threshold Accepting, 2012 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence(2012)

56.    潘宗優;Ching-Jung Ting, 接駁公車服務品質及顧客滿意度之探討-以高鐵桃園站為例, 中國工業工程學會101年度年會暨學術研討會(2012)

57.    顏文爵;Ching-Jung Ting, 單元負載物流中心走道設計與儲位指派對揀貨績效影響之研究, 中國工業工程學會101年度年會暨學術研討會(2012)

58.    周昊;吳崑誌;Ching-Jung Ting, 應用集束搜尋法求解碼頭泊位指派問題, 第八屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會(2012)

59.    Ching-Jung Ting;Amanda G. Rodríguez , Dock Assignment and Truck Scheduling Problems at Cross-docking Terminals, 2012 International Material Handling Research Colloquium(2012)

60.    L. F. C. Gonzalez;Ching-Jung Ting;K. C Wu, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Gate Assignment Problem, 2012 Air Transportation Research Society Conference(2012)

61.    Amanda G. Rodríguez ;Ching-Jung Ting, Dynamic Dock Assignment and Truck Scheduling Problems at Cross-docking Terminals, The 4th International Conference on Transportation Logistics(2012)

62.    Ching-Jung Ting;周昊;吳崑誌, A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Berth Allocation Problem, 2012 International Association of Maritime Economists Conference(2012)

63.    Otto Darío Gálvez;Ching-Jung Ting, Analysis of Unit-load Warehouses with Nontraditional Aisles and Multiple P&D Points, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2012)

64.    王弘傑;Ching-Jung Ting, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem with Concave Function, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2012)

65.    吳崑誌;Ching-Jung Ting, Heuristic Approaches for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container Yard, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2012)

66.    Yu-Ju Yang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Bi-level Programming for the Multi-echelon Supply Chain Distribution Network Design, 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Conference, 201106

67.    Candy Hernández;Ching-Jung Ting, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty – A Case Study of a Hotel in Honduras, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2011)

68.    K. C. Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;L. F. C. Gonzalez, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Quadratic Assignment Problem, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2011)

69.    W. C. Yen;K. R. Lu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Hybrid Algorithm for Multi-compartment Vehicle Routing Problem, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2011)

70.    許秀如;Ching-Jung Ting, 訂單式生產導入供應商看板系統之應用與探討-以某汽車零件廠為例, 2011兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會(2011)

71.    顏文爵;Ching-Jung Ting, 應用EIQ 及Apriori 關聯法則於倉庫儲位指派之研究, 2011兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會(2011)

72.    Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem, 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Conference, 201106

73.    W. C. Lan;Ching-Jung Ting;K. C. Wu, A Beam Search Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Conference, 201106

74.    Haifeng Yu;Steven Chien;Ching-Jung Ting, A Bi-level Programming Model for Minimum Cost Travel Time Data Collection with Time-Windows, The 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 201001

75.    Ching-Jung Ting;Hsueh-Lin Fang, Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of Third Party Distribution Centers, 11th International Material Handling Research Colloquium, Milwaukee, 201006

76.    張恒彬;丁慶榮, 以集束搜尋法求解單一車輛成對的收送貨問題, 第六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, pp.A1-A10, 201006

77.    鄧光陵;丁慶榮, 棧板租賃業者之空棧板分派問題, 第六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, pp.A11-A19, 201006

78.    藍緯駿;Ching-Jung Ting;周昊, 以集束搜尋法為基演算法求解旅行推銷員問題, 中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會, 201012

79.    Hsueh-Lin Fang;Ching-Jung Ting, Evaluating the Efficiency of 3PL Warehouses – A Case Study, The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 201012

80.    H. J. Wang;Ching-Jung Ting;C. H. Chen, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for Solving Uncapacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem, The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Logistics (T-LOG 2010), 201009

81.    W. C. Lan;Ching-Jung Ting;K. C. Wu, Beam Search Heuristics for the Single Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem, The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 201012

82.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Beam Search Algorithm for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container Yards, 2010 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, 201009

83.    Chang, P. C.;Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Ching-Jung Ting;Ling-Chun Wu;Chih-Ming Lai,A Hybrid Genetic-Immune Algorithm with Improved Offsprings and Elitist Antigen for Flow-shop Scheduling Problems,The 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-09) Seoul, Korea, June 24-28.,200906

84.    張百棧;Wei-Hsiu Huang;Ching-Jung Ting;Hwei-Wen Luo;Yu-Peng Yu, Self-evolving Artificial Immune System via Developing T and B Cell for Permutation Flow-shop Scheduling Problems, International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering (ICCES

85.    楊育儒;黃俐瑜;丁慶榮, 以門檻接受法求解同時具收送貨之旅行推銷員問題, 第五屆台灣作業研究學會理論與實務學術研討會, 200911

86.    Chang, P. C.;Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Ching-Jung Ting;Wei-Je Chang,A Varietal Genetic Algorithm by External Self-evolving Multiple-archives for Combinatorial Optimization Problems,The 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-09) Seoul, Korea, June 24-28.,200906

87.    Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, Applying Two-Stage Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Large Scale Vehicle Routing Problem, The 8th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 200911

88.    Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting;Li-Hui Meng, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, The Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, pp.1177-1185, 200912

89.    Hung-Jie Wang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem, The 8th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 200911

90.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, Branch-and-Bound Based Heuristics to the Container Reshuffle Problem, The Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, pp. 1658-1667, 200912

91.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;Rafael Hernández, Applying Tabu Search for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container Yards, The 8th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 200911

92.    Yu-Hsin Yao;Ching-Jung Ting, Modularity and End-of-Life Vehicle Recovery in the Automotive Green Supply Chain – A Case Study, The Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, pp.2312-2321, 200912

93.    孟欐潓;丁慶榮, 應用門檻接受法於家庭廢棄物清運規劃之研究, 中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會, 200912

94.    Ching-Jung Ting;Wilson W. Lan,Two Novel Solving Strategies for the Courier Routing Problem in City Logistics,The 13th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies,200808.

95.    S. W. Lin;V. F. Yu;W. Y. Lee;Ching-Jung Ting,Solving the Location Routing Problem Based on a Simulated Annealing Heuristic,POMS Annual Meeting,200808

96.    劉宜婷;丁慶榮,以蟻群最佳化演算法求解團隊越野競賽問題,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會,200812

97.    Kang-Ting Ma;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Uncapacitated Multiple Allocation P-Hub Median Problem,The Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200812

98.    S. L. Fang;L. H. Meng;Ching-Jung Ting,Applying Data Envelopment Analysis in Measuring the Efficiency – A Case Study of Taiwan PCB Industry,The Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200812

99.    Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,A Tree Search Algorithm for the Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem,The Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200812

100.    Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Chang, P. C.;Ching-Jung Ting;Ling-Chun Wu;Hai-Wei Liao,Two-phase Genetic-Immune Algorithm with Improved Survival Strategy of Lifespan for Flow-shop Scheduling Problems,IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, March 30- April 2, Sheraton Music City Hotel, Nashville, TN, USA.,200904

101.    吳崑誌,Ching-Jung Ting ,Appling Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Two-dimensional Pallet Loading Problem,The 2nd International Conference on Transportation Logistics,July,2007

102.    張百棧;W. S. Huang;Ching-Jung Ting ;C. Y. Fan,Dynamic Diversity Control in Genetic Algorithm for Extended Exploration of Solution Space in Multi-Objective TSP,The Third International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control,200806

103.    Ching-Jung Ting ;Chia-Ho Chen,Solving the Capacitated Location Routing Problem by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm,The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management,200807

104.    盧靜珍;丁慶榮,供應鏈管理下推拉式生產最適化之研究,第四屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,200712

105.    吳崑誌;丁慶榮,應用變數產生法求解一維原料裁切問題,2008第16屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會,200806

106.    Ching-Jung Ting ;Chia-Ho Chen,A Combination of Multiple Ant Colony System and Simulated Annealing for the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,The Transportation Research Board 2008 Annual Meeting,200801

107.    K. T. Ma;Ching-Jung Ting ,A Two-Stage Ant Colony System for Solving the Uncapacitated Single Allocation P-hub Median Problem,The Eighth Asia- Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200712

108.    陳家和,丁慶榮(2006),應用多蟻群演算法求解P-中位問題之研究,九十五年運輸年會暨第二十屆學術論文研討會,December,2006

109.    余家福,丁慶榮,考量產能限制下多廠區多產品訂單分配問題之研究,中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨學術研討會,December,2006

110.    Chia-Ho Chen,Ching-Jung Ting, Ant Colony System with Simulated Annealing for the Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem,The 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice,October,2006

111.    翁佩如,陳家和,丁慶榮,以基因演算法求解貨櫃碼頭指派問題,第三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,November,2006

112.    陳昆皇,丁慶榮,供應商管理庫存下自動販賣機週期性補貨問題之研究,第三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,November,2006

113.    丁慶榮與葉訓強,"多階層維修存貨模式導入風險共擔之研究-國軍某裝備系統之模擬分析",2005產業管理創新研討會,台中縣,修平技術學院,中華民國九十四年五月二十日。

114.    李丕贊與丁慶榮,"應用案例式推理於裝備維修系統之研究-以飛行模擬器為例",中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,新竹縣,中華大學,中華民國九十四年十二月十七日。

115.    Ching-Jung Ting and Yi-Ching Liu, "Periodic Delivery Problem for Vending Machines", The First International Conference on Transportation Logistics, Singapore, July 27-29, 2005.

116.    葉訓強、丁慶榮、尤之堅、張文彬,"維修系統導入風險共擔及直接運送策略以提昇裝備妥善之研究",中華民國第六屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會,台中縣,修平技術學院,中華民國九十四年九月二十一日。

117.    劉俊宏、丁慶榮、陳家和,"顧客對郵局與宅配業者服務選擇差異之研究",第三屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,台中市,國立台中技術學院,中華民國九十四年十月二十八日。

118.    陳昆皇與丁慶榮,"週期性車輛途程問題之研究-以自動販賣機配送為例",第二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,台北市,國立政治大學,中華民國九十四年十一月四日。

119.    陳家和與丁慶榮,"應用啟發式演算法求解設施區位問題之研究",九十四年運輸年會暨第二十屆學術論文研討會,台北市,劍潭青年海外活動中心,中華民國九十四年十一月二十五日至二十六日。(NSC 94-2213-E-155-006)

120.    James C. T. Lin and Ching-Jung Ting, "Combing a Simulation Model with a New Dispatching Rule to Improve the Wafer Fabrication Production System", The Sixth Asia- Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Manila, Philippines, Dec,2005

121.    葉訓強與丁慶榮,"多階層維修存貨模式導入風險共擔與直接運送之研究-國軍某裝備系統之模擬分析",中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,新竹縣,中華大學,中華民國九十四年十二月十七日。

122.    Ching-Jung Ting and Chia-Ho Chen, "A Hybrid Ant Colony System Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem", The 33rd International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Jeju, Korea, March 25-27, 2004.

123.    王鈺堂、羅敦義與丁慶榮,"以SCOR為基礎之供應鏈流程改善-以某毛巾廠為例",2004 第三屆跨領域管理學術與實務研討會,台中市,東海大學,中華民國九十三年四月二十四日。

124.    王孔政、陳昆皇與丁慶榮,"設施佈置設計最適化與效能評估-以發電機產業為例",第一屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2004年科技與管理學術研討會論文集,pp. 144-150,台北市,國立台北科技大學,中華民國九十三年十一月十二日。

125.    黃崇熙與丁慶榮,"雙發動機飛機展延航程作業航線與機隊選擇之研究",九十三年運輸年會暨第十九屆學術論文研討會論文集,Vol. 6, pp. 1527-1546,台南縣,長榮大學,中華民國九十三年十一月十九日至二十日。

126.    陳家和與丁慶榮,"應用螞蟻演算法於時窗限制車輛途程問題之研究",九十三年運輸年會暨第十九屆學術論文研討會論文集,Vol. 7, pp. 2143-2158,台南縣,長榮大學,中華民國九十三年十一月十九日至二十日。

127.    Ching-Jung Ting, "Dispatching Control at Transfer Stations in Transit Networks", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15, 2004.

128.    Ching-Jung Ting, Wei-Lun Weng and Chia-Ho Chen, "Coordinate Inbound and Outbound Schedules at a Cross-Docking Terminal", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15, 2004. (NSC 91-2213-E-155-050)

129.    Ching-Jung Ting, Li-Wen Yeh and Chi-Yang Tsai, "Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation – A Mixed integer Programming Model", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15, 2004. (NSC 92-2213-E-155-057)

130.    張企宏與丁慶榮,"貨櫃碼頭指派問題之研究",中國工業工程學會九十三年度年會暨學術研討會,台南市,成功大學,中華民國九十三年十二月十八日。

131.    莊瑞南與丁慶榮,"以CPC協同產品商務應用於國防武器系統發展之研究",九十二年度國防整體後勤支援年會暨研討會論文集,pp. 415-426,桃園縣,中正理工學院,中華民國九十二年十月二十四日。

132.    陳家和與丁慶榮,"應用螞蟻演算法求解車輛途程問題",九十二年運輸年會暨第十八屆學術論文研討會論文集,Vol. 5, pp. 987-994,新竹市,交通大學,中華民國九十二年十二月五日。

133.    林金源與丁慶榮,"以模擬分析探討機坪維修流程之改善",九十二年運輸年會暨第十八屆學術論文研討會,Vol. 3, pp. 581-588,新竹市,交通大學,中華民國九十二年十二月五日。

134.    葉麗雯與丁慶榮,"供應商產能有限及價格折扣下多產品多供應商最佳化採購決策",中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會,彰化市,建國技術學院,中華民國九十二年十二月六日。

135.    劉奕青與丁慶榮,"自動販賣機週期配送途程問題之研究",中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會,彰化市,建國技術學院,中華民國九十二年十二月六日。

136.    Ching-Jung Ting and Shu-Hua Chen, "Hospital Pharmacy Inventory Management – A Case Study of a Private Hospital in Taiwan", The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, December 18-20, 2002. (NSC 90-2218-E-155-007)

137.    Jye Chen, Ching-Jung Ting, and Yu-Ru Syau, "Optimal Supply Chain Inventory Level Under Fuzzy Supply and Fuzzy Demand", The Fourth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Tainan, Taiwan, January 2-5, 2003.

138.    Ching-Jung Ting and Chiuh-Cheng Chyu, "Production Planning Problems in Printed Circuit Board Assembly", 2001 PCB 製造技術研討會,Yuan Ze University, Chung-Li, Taiwan.

139.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, "Optimal Scheduling in Multiple-Hub Transit Networks", presented at the 5rth Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, December 13-15, 2000, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

140.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, "Optimal Headways for Transit Networks with Coordinated Transfers", presented at the Transportation Research Board 1999 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

141.    L. Zhu, P. Schonfeld, Y. M. Kim, I. Flood, and C. J. Ting, "An Artificial Neural Network Analyzer for Waterway Traffic", presented at the Transportation Research Board 1998 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

142.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, "Optimization through Simulation of Waterway Transportation Investments", presented at the Transportation Research Board 1998 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

C.    專書及專書論文
1.    Ching-Jung Ting;Hsueh-Lin Fang, Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of Third Party Distribution Centers, Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010, 201012

D.    獎項
1.    羅啟源, 中國工程師學會, 中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽(2013)

2.    連哲瑋;呂黃捷, 台灣作業研究學會, 台灣作業研究學會大學院校專題競賽(2013)

3.    許彤安;陳俊延, 中國工業工程學會, 「工業工程與管理」大學生專題論文競賽作業研究組佳作(2012)

E.    專利
1.    丁慶榮,黃凱琳,林怡君,凃郁慈,徐儀蓁,可攜式曬衣架,新型M274383,2005。(NSC 92-2517-S-155-001)

2.    丁慶榮,黃凱琳,林怡君,凃郁慈,徐儀蓁,曬衣網改良結構,新型M260565,2005。(NSC 92-2517-S-155-001)

F.    技術報告
1.    丁慶榮,多功能個人網,NSC 92-2517-S-155-001,2005。

2.    丁慶榮,印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發-子計畫四:印刷電路板供應商管理、訂單管理、配送規劃管理系統 (2/3),NSC 92-2213-E-155-019,2005。

3.    丁慶榮,印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發-子計畫四:印刷電路板供應商管理、訂單管理、配送規劃管理系統 (1/3),NSC 92-2213-E-155-057,2004。

4.    丁慶榮,供應鏈管理下排程導向的越庫作業,NSC 91-2213-E-155-050, 2003。

5.    丁慶榮,醫院藥品存貨管理之研究,NSC 90-2218-E-155-007, 2002。

6.    丁慶榮,供應鏈網路之系統模擬與評估模式,NSC 89-2213-E-155-059, 2001。

7.    丁慶榮,貨車在整合中心發車之研究,NSC 89-2213-E-155-053, 2000。

8.    Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1999, "An Algorithm for Truck Dispatching at a Consolidation Terminal", TSC working paper 99-21, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, U.S.A.

G.    其他
1.    Ching-Jung Ting;Amanda G. Rodríguez , Dock Assignment and Truck Scheduling Problems at Cross-docking Terminals, Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012(2013)