A. 期刊論文 1. 陳冠宇;Ching-Jung Ting,以螞蟻演算法求解動態車輛途程問題,運輸學刊, Vol. 13, pp 135~164 ( 2021/06 ) |
2. Celina Semaan;Steven Chien;Ching-Jung Ting,Minimizing Cost of Highway Maintenance Considering the Impact of Vehicle Emissions: An Artificial Bee Colony Approach,Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2674, pp 60~72 ( 2020/06 ) |
3. Sheng-Ren Piao;Jian Li;Ching-Jung Ting, Assessing regional environmental efficiency in China with distinguishing weak and strong disposability of undesirable outputs, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.227, No.NA, pp 748~759( 2019/08 ) |
4. Shu-Kai S. Fan;Ching-Jung Ting, Special issue for the "Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS) 2016 Conference'' PREFACE, Engineering Optimization, Vol.50, No.7, pp1097~1098(2018/03) |
5. 王立志;范書愷;Ching-Jung Ting;郭財吉;林春成;許嘉裕, 生產系統於先進智能製造之展望, 管理與系統, Vol.25, No.3, pp381~412(2018/07) |
6. Ching-Jung Ting;Han-Shiuan Tsai, Ant Colony Optimization with Path Relinking for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, Asian Transport Studies, Vol.5, No.2, pp362~377(2018/09) |
7. Shih-Wei Lin;Ching-Jung Ting;Kun-Chih Wu, Simulated Annealing with Different Vessel Assignment Strategies for the Continuous Berth Allocation Problem, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Vol.30, No.4, pp740~763(2018/12) |
8. Ching-Jung Ting;Han-Shiuan Tsai, Street Washing Truck Routing with Intermediate Refill Facilities, International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory Applications and Practice, Vol.25, No.5, pp674~684(2018/10) |
9. Ching-Jung Ting;Kun-Chih Wu,Optimizing Container Relocation Operations at Container Yards with Beam Search,Transportation Research. Part E, Vol. 103, pp 17~31 ( 2017/07 ) |
10. Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization for the Multi-Dock Truck Scheduling Problem with Cross-docking, International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 14,No. 3, pp77~87(2017/09) |
11. Shu-Kai S. Fan;Ching-Jung Ting, Special issue for the "Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS) 2016 Conference'' PREFACE, Engineering Optimization, Vol. 50,No. 7, pp1097~1098(2018/03) |
12. Vincent F. Yu;Parida Jewpanya;Ching-Jung Ting;A.A.N. Perwira Redi, Two-level Particle Swarm Optimization for the Multi-Modal Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 61,No. NA, pp1022~1040(2017/12) |
13. 王立志;范書愷;Ching-Jung Ting;郭財吉;林春成;許嘉裕, 生產系統於先進智能製造之展望, 管理與系統, Vol. 25,No. 3, pp381~412(2018/07) |
14. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,A Constructive Heuristic for the Container Relocation Problem,International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory Applications and Practice, Vol. 23, pp 195~206 ( 2016/11 ) |
15. Ching-Jung Ting;Kuo-Rui Lu;Kun-Chih Wu,Reactive GRASP for the Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , Vol. 10 , pp 819~833 ( 2015/12 ) |
16. Ching-Jung Ting;Hung-Jie Wang, 'A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem', Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 300~312(2014/03) |
17. Ching-Jung Ting;K. C. Wu;H. Chou, 'Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Berth Allocation Problem', Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 1543~1550(2014/03) |
18. Shih-Wei Lin;Ching-Jung Ting, 'Solving the Dynamic Berth Allocation Problem by Simulated Annealing', Engineering Optimization, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 308~327(2014/03) |
19. Ching-Jung Ting;Chia-Ho Chen, A Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Capacitated Location Routing ProblemInternational Journal of Production Economics, 141, pp. 34~44(2013) |
20. Kuo-Rui Lu;Ching-Jung Ting, 'Lagrangian Relaxation for the Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem', Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , Vol. 10, No. NA, pp. 851~863(2013/12) |
21. Chang P.C.;黃偉修;Ching-Jung Ting, Developing a varietal GA with ESMA strategy for solving the pick and place problem in printed circuit board assembly line. Journal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23, pp. 1589~1602(2012) |
22. S. I. J. Chien;J. T. Luo;Ching-Jung Ting, Optimization of Coordinated Multi-Ramp Metering Control with Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA)International Journal of Operations Research, 8, pp. 23~35, 201103 |
23. Chang P.C.;Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Ching-Jung Ting, A hybrid genetic-immune algorithm with improved lifespan and elite antigen for flow-shop scheduling problemsInternational Journal of Production Research, 49, pp. 5207~5230(2011) |
24. Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing ProblemJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 9, pp. 631~643(2011) |
25. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;Wei-Chun Lan, A Beam Search Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time WindowsJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 9, pp. 702~712(2011) |
26. Yu-Ju Yang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Bi-level Programming for the Multi-echelon Supply Chain Distribution Network DesignJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 9, pp. 676~689(2011) |
27. Ching-Jung Ting;Shangyao Yan, Special Issue: Advanced OR Approaches for Transportation Network AnalysisInternational Journal of Operations Research, 8, pp. 1~2, 201103 |
28. Vincent F. Yu;Shih-Wei Lin;Wenyih Lee;Ching-Jung Ting, Solving the Location Routing Problem Based on a Simulated Annealing Heuristic, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 58,pp.288-299, 201003 |
29. 張百棧;Wei-Hsiu Huang;Ching-Jung Ting, Dynamic Diversity Control in Genetic Algorithm for Mining Unsearched Solution Space in TSP Problems, Expert System with Applications, 37,pp.1863-1878, 201003 |
30. Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, Applying Two-Stage Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Large Scale Vehicle Routing ProblemJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 8, pp. 761~776, 201012 |
31. Hung-Jie Wang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median ProblemJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 8, pp. 814~826, 201012 |
32. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;Rafael Hernández, Applying Tabu Search for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container YardsJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies , 8, pp. 2379~2393, 201012 |
33. H. F. Yu;S. I. Chien;Ching-Jung Ting, Bilevel Programming Model for Minimum Cost Travel Time Data Collection with Time WindowsTransportation Research Record, 2197, pp. 29~35, 201012 |
34. C. H. Chu;K. W. Tien;C. D. Lee;Ching-Jung Ting, Efficient tool path planning for 5-Axis Flank Milling of ruled surfaces using Ant Colony System AlgorithmInternational Journal of Production Research, 49, pp. 1557~1574, 201103 |
35. Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting,Combining Lagrangian Heuristic and Ant Colony System to Solve the Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem,Transportation Research Part E,44,pp. 1099-1122,2008. |
36. Ching-Jung Ting;Chia-Ho Chen,Combination of Multiple Ant Colony System and Simulated Annealing for the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,Transportation Research Record,2089,pp.85-92,2008. |
37. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2007, "Dispatching Control at Transfer Stations in Multi-Hub Transit Networks", Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 217-243. |
38. Ching-Jung Ting ;Paul Schonfeld,Dispatching Control at Transfer Stations in Multi-Hub Transit Networks,Journal of Advanced Transportation,41,pp.217-243 |
39. 陳家和;丁慶榮,應用雙蟻群演算法求解P-中位問題之研究,運輸學刊,19,pp.383-404 |
40. Ching-Jung Ting ;Chi-Yang Tsai,L. W. Yeh,The Use of Particle Swarm Optimization for Order Allocation under Multiple Capacitated Sourcing and Quantity Discounts,Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,6,pp.136-145 |
41. Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting ,A Hybrid Lagrangian Heuristic/Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Multi-Depot Location Routing Problem,Journal of EASTS,7,pp.961-974 |
42. W. C. Lan;Ching-Jung Ting ;K. C. Wu,Ant Colony System Based Approaches to the Air-Express Courier’s Routing Problem,Journal of EASTS,7,pp.1114-1126 |
43. K. C. Wu;Ching-Jung Ting ,A Two-phase Algorithm for the Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem,Proceeding of IEEE 2007 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,pp.1574-1578 |
44. Chia-Ho Chen and Ching-Jung Ting, 2006, "Applying Multiple Ant Colony System to Solve Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4150, pp. 508-509,2006. |
45. Chia-Ho Chen and Ching-Jung Ting, 2006, "An Improved Ant Colony System Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 115-126. |
46. Chia-Ho Chen,Ching-Jung Ting, Applying Multiple Ant Colony System to Solve Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,September,2006,4150,pp.508-509. |
47. C. H. Chen, C. J. Ting and P. C. Chang, 2005, "Applying a Hybrid Ant Colony System to the Vehicle Routing Problem", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3483, pp. 417-426. |
48. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2005, "Schedule Coordination in a Multiple Hub Transit Network", ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 112-124. |
49. P. C. Chang, Y. W. Wang, C. J. Ting, C. Y. Lai and C. H. Liu, 2005, "Evolving Case-Based Reasoning with Genetic Algorithm in Wholesaler’s Returning Book Forecasting", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3612, pp. 205-214. |
50. 陳家和與丁慶榮,2005,"應用螞蟻演算法於時窗限制車輛途程問題之研究",運輸學刊,第十七卷,第三期,頁261-280。 |
51. Chia-Ho Chen and Ching-Jung Ting, 2005, "A Hybrid Ant Colony System for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows", Journal of EASTS, Vol. 6, pp. 2822-2836 |
52. Ching-Jung Ting and Cheng-Hsien Huang, 2005, "An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows", International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 216-226. |
53. J. Chen, Y. R. Syau, and C. J. Ting, 2004, "Convexity and Semicontinuity of Fuzzy Sets", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 143, No. 3, pp. 459-469. |
54. J. Chen, C. J. Ting, and Y. R. Syau, 2003, "F-convex and F-quasiconvex Fuzzy Processes", The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 379-386. |
55. C. J. Ting, M. H. Hong, and C. H. Chen, 2003, "On the Use of Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Dynamic Location Problem", Journal of EASTS, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 2247-2260. |
56. Ching-Jung Ting and Wei-Lun Weng, 2003, "Vehicle Scheduling Problem at a Cross-Docking Terminal", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 636-650. (in Chinese) (NSC 91-2213-E-155-050)(本文榮獲九十三年度工業工程論文獎) |
57. S. I. Chien, H. J. Wen, C. J. Ting, and J. Qu, 2002, "Lane Occupancy Delay Estimation Systems (LODES) for Logistics Information Management", Logistics Information Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 58-71. |
58. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2001, "Efficiency versus Fairness in Priority Control: A Waterway Lock Case", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 82-88. |
59. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 2001, "Control Alternatives at a Waterway Lock", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 89-96. |
60. E. P. K. Ho, S. I-J. Chien, and C. J. Ting, 2000, "A Hybrid Modeling Method for the Planning and Evaluation of Intelligent Transportation Systems", Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-23 |
61. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1999, "Effects of Speed Control on Tow Travel Cost", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 125, No.4, pp. 203-206. |
62. L. Zhu, P. Schonfeld, Y. M. Kim, I. Flood, and C. J. Ting, 1999, "Waterway Network Analysis with Artificial Neural Networks", Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 365-375. |
63. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1998, "Integrated Control for Series of Waterway Locks", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 124, No. 4, pp. 199-207 |
64. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1998, "Optimization through Simulation of Waterway Transportation Investments", Transportation Research Record 1620, pp. 11-16. |
65. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1996, "Effects of Tow Sequencing on Capacity and Delay at a Waterway Lock", ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 1, pp. 16-26. |
B. 會議論文 1. Hendra Permana;Ching-Jung Ting,Decision Rule for Robotic Fulfillment System: A Case Study,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, ( 2021/03/18 ) |
2. Ching-Jung Ting;Li-Chun Lu,An Iterative Local Search for the Periodic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem,The 26th International Conference on Production Research, ( 2021/07/18 ) |
3. Celina Semaan;Steven Chien;Ching-Jung Ting, Minimizing Cost of Highway Maintenance Considering the Impact of Vehicle Emissions: An Artificial Bee Colony Approach, The 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting ( 2020/01/12 ) |
4. 呂理鈞;Ching-Jung Ting,以迭代區域搜尋法求解容量限制節線途程問題,2020中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(CIIE2020), ( 2020/11/21 ) |
5. 陳冠宇;Ching-Jung Ting,以螞蟻演算法求解動態車輛途程問題,中華民國運輸學會109年學術論文研討會, ( 2020/12/03 ) |
6. Rika Juliana Pajrin;Ching-Jung Ting,A Genetic Algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem,第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2020/11/13 ) |
7. 連倢;林良韋;Ching-Jung Ting,以模擬退火演算法求解校車途程問題,第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2020/11/13 ) |
8. Pu-Chun Chang;Ching-Jung Ting, Harmony Search Algorithm for the School Bus Routing Problem, 2019 International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial & Logistics Engineering, 2019/04/19 |
9. Ching-Jung Ting;Kuan-Wei Chen, Ant Colony Optimization for the Film Production Scheduling Problem, 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 2019/06/23 |
10. Anurag Tiwari;Ching-Jung Ting;Gouthaman Elangovan, Novel Recombination Approach to Solve Prize Collecting Vehicle Routing Problem, International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) ( 2019/09/09 ) |
11. Rika Juliana Pajrin;Ching-Jung Ting, A Systematic Literature Review on Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, 台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2019/11/08 ) |
12. Gabriela F. Travisan;Ching-Jung Ting, Novel Algorithms for the Container Pre-Marshalling Problem, The 6th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering ( 2019/11/22 ) |
13. Fu Chuang;Ching-Jung Ting, Forecasting Bike Usage with Different Models in a Bike-Sharing System, The 20th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference ( 2019/12/02 ) |
14. Yan-Cheng Liu;Ching-Jung Ting, Station-level Ridership Forecast Models in a Bike-sharing Service, The 20th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference ( 2019/12/02 ) |
15. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Solving Container Relocation Problem, INFORMS INTERNATIONAL 2018, 2018/06/17 |
16. Anurag Tiwari;Ching-Jung Ting, A Modified Crossover Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for the Multi-objective Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups, 2018 IISE Asian Conference joint with CIEDH and CIIE Annual Conference, 2018/10/18 |
17. 吳柏叡;Ching-Jung Ting, 接駁式轉運物流中心作業模擬分析, 2018 IISE Asian Conference joint with CIEDH and CIIE Annual Conference, 2018/10/18 |
18. Yohana Stephanie;Ching-Jung Ting, A Systematic Literature Review of Hub Location Problem, The 5th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, 韓國, 2018/11/08 |
19. 許育銓;Ching-Jung Ting, 以記錄更新法求解旅行維修員問題, 第十四屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, 2018/11/30 |
20. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Beam Search Heuristic for the Unrestricted Container Relocation Problem, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 香港, 2018/12/05 |
21. Ting-Dong Cheng;Ching-Jung Ting,Synchronizing Vehicle Routing and Sequencing at a Cross-docking Terminal,International Symposium on Scheduling,日本 ( 2017/06/23 ) |
22. Yu-Chuan Hsu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Hybrid Record-to-Record Travel Metaheuristic for the Minimum Latency Problem, The 4th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, Japan(2017/11/02) |
23. Kuo-Rui Lu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Reactive GRASP Metaheuristic for the Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem with Multiple Capacity Levels, The 18th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Indonesia(2017/12/03) |
24. Han-Shiuan Tsai;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization with Path Relinking for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, 12th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vietnam(2017/09/17) |
25. Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-docking, The 4th East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering, Japan(2017/11/02) |
26. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Solving Container Relocation Problem, INFORMS INTERNATIONAL 2018, Taiwan(2018/06/17) |
27. Sivachandra Prabhu A;Anurag Tiwari;Ching-Jung Ting, Solving the Raw Material Collecting Vehicle Routing Problem with a Hybrid Edge Recombination Approach, 中國工業工程學會106年度年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/12/16) |
28. 鄭明瑜;Ching-Jung Ting, 以層級分析法探討代理商之定價決策因素-以台灣某公司為例, 中國工業工程學會106年度年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/12/16) |
29. 魏妘如;Ching-Jung Ting, 電池交換站選址最佳化之研究-以Gogoro設點為例, 第十三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/10/14) |
30. Ching-Jung Ting;Kuo-Rui Lu,A Lagrangian Relaxation for Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem with Multiple Capacity Levels,14th International Material Handling Research Colloquium,德國 ( 20160612 ) |
31. 1. Han-Shiuan Tsai;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem,The 17th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, ( 2016/12/07 ) |
32. 5. Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization for the Multi-Dock Truck Scheduling Problem with Cross-docking,The 6th International Conference on Transportation Logistics (T-LOG 2016), ( 2016/09/07 ) |
33. 2. Han-Shiuan Tsai;Ching-Jung Ting,Street Washing Truck Routing with Intermediate Refill Facilities,18th International Conference of the International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications, and Practice (IJIE),Korea ( 2016/10/10 ) |
34. 3. 陳冠宇;Ching-Jung Ting,以螞蟻演算法求解動態車輛途程問題策略之探討,第十二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2016/10/28 ) |
35. 4. 陳冠瑋;Ching-Jung Ting,蟻群最佳化演算法應用於電影拍攝之人員排程問題,第十二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 2016/10/28 ) |
36. Ching-Jung Ting,Enhancing Creativity in Industrial Engineering Students at Yuan Ze University,The 6th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation ( 2015/7 ) |
37. 陳冠宇;洪敬堯;Ching-Jung Ting,物流中心混合寬度走道與儲位指派對揀貨效率之探討,第十一屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, ( 20151023 ) |
38. 王敬翔;吳崑誌;Ching-Jung Ting,集束搜尋法求解貨櫃場翻櫃問題,第十一屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, ( 20151023 ) |
39. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,A Constructive Heuristic for the Container Relocation Problem,2nd East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering,韓國 ( 20151106 ) |
40. 王貞淑;盧宗成;Ching-Jung Ting;陳穆臻;楊士強;高增英;洪上智,基於MapReduce於分散式基因演算法之應用與研究,2015第二十一屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會, ( 20151127 ) |
41. 4. Chi-Yuan Luo;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-docking,The 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,越南 ( 20151208 ) |
42. 盧宗成;Ching-Jung Ting;王貞淑;陳穆臻;陳慧如;高增英;洪上智;林韋捷,即時收送貨車輛路線問題求解策略之比較,中國工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會, ( 20151212 ) |
43. Mu-Hsuan Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning by Particle Swarm Optimization,The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems ( 2014/10 ) |
44. Y. C. Hsu;Ching-Jung Ting;C. Y. Luo,Record-to-Record Algorithm for the Traveling Repairman Problem-An Application of Public Bike Repair,1st East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering ( 2014/11 ) |
45. 鄭廷棟;丁慶榮,應用蟻群最佳化演算法求解越庫作業系統車輛途程問題,第十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2014/12 ) |
46. 鄭廷棟;丁慶榮,應用蟻群最佳化法求解越庫作業系統卡車排序問題,中華民國運輸學會 103 年年會暨學術論文國際研討會 ( 2014/12 ) |
47. 王友良;丁慶榮,需求不確定下電力發電輸電系統容量擴充規劃穩健最佳化設計,中國工業工程學會103年度年會暨學術研討會 ( 2014/12 ) |
48. Ching-Jung Ting;Ting-Dong Cheng, Integrate Vehicle Routing and Truck Sequencing in Cross-docking Operations, 13th International Material Handling Research Colloquium(2014) |
49. Shih-Wei Lin;Ching-Jung Ting, Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Berth Allocation Problems, The Institute of Engineers Asian Conference 2013(2013) |
50. Otto Darío Gálvez;Ching-Jung Ting, Order Picking in Fishbone Warehouse Layout under Different Storage Policies, 17th International Conference of the International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications, and Practice (IJIE)(2013) |
51. 蔡伯鍵;Ching-Jung Ting, 單元負載物流中心儲位指派及走道設計之模擬研究, 第九屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會(2013) |
52. Wen-Chueh Yen;Ching-Jung Ting, Order-picking under Turnover-based Storage Policy with a Diagonal Cross Aisle, The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2013) |
53. Ching-Jung Ting;S. W. Lin;K. C. Wu, The Continuous Berth Allocation Problem by Simulated Annealing, The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2013) |
54. 蘇煥凱;Ching-Jung Ting, 多階層之電力系統規劃, 中國工業工程學會102年度年會暨學術研討會(2013) |
55. Ching-Jung Ting;Yu-Ju Yang, Solving the Bi-level Programming for Supply Chain Distribution Network with Threshold Accepting, 2012 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence(2012) |
56. 潘宗優;Ching-Jung Ting, 接駁公車服務品質及顧客滿意度之探討-以高鐵桃園站為例, 中國工業工程學會101年度年會暨學術研討會(2012) |
57. 顏文爵;Ching-Jung Ting, 單元負載物流中心走道設計與儲位指派對揀貨績效影響之研究, 中國工業工程學會101年度年會暨學術研討會(2012) |
58. 周昊;吳崑誌;Ching-Jung Ting, 應用集束搜尋法求解碼頭泊位指派問題, 第八屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會(2012) |
59. Ching-Jung Ting;Amanda G. Rodríguez , Dock Assignment and Truck Scheduling Problems at Cross-docking Terminals, 2012 International Material Handling Research Colloquium(2012) |
60. L. F. C. Gonzalez;Ching-Jung Ting;K. C Wu, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Gate Assignment Problem, 2012 Air Transportation Research Society Conference(2012) |
61. Amanda G. Rodríguez ;Ching-Jung Ting, Dynamic Dock Assignment and Truck Scheduling Problems at Cross-docking Terminals, The 4th International Conference on Transportation Logistics(2012) |
62. Ching-Jung Ting;周昊;吳崑誌, A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Berth Allocation Problem, 2012 International Association of Maritime Economists Conference(2012) |
63. Otto Darío Gálvez;Ching-Jung Ting, Analysis of Unit-load Warehouses with Nontraditional Aisles and Multiple P&D Points, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2012) |
64. 王弘傑;Ching-Jung Ting, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem with Concave Function, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2012) |
65. 吳崑誌;Ching-Jung Ting, Heuristic Approaches for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container Yard, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2012) |
66. Yu-Ju Yang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Bi-level Programming for the Multi-echelon Supply Chain Distribution Network Design, 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Conference, 201106 |
67. Candy Hernández;Ching-Jung Ting, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty – A Case Study of a Hotel in Honduras, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2011) |
68. K. C. Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;L. F. C. Gonzalez, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Quadratic Assignment Problem, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2011) |
69. W. C. Yen;K. R. Lu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Hybrid Algorithm for Multi-compartment Vehicle Routing Problem, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems(2011) |
70. 許秀如;Ching-Jung Ting, 訂單式生產導入供應商看板系統之應用與探討-以某汽車零件廠為例, 2011兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會(2011) |
71. 顏文爵;Ching-Jung Ting, 應用EIQ 及Apriori 關聯法則於倉庫儲位指派之研究, 2011兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會(2011) |
72. Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem, 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Conference, 201106 |
73. W. C. Lan;Ching-Jung Ting;K. C. Wu, A Beam Search Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Conference, 201106 |
74. Haifeng Yu;Steven Chien;Ching-Jung Ting, A Bi-level Programming Model for Minimum Cost Travel Time Data Collection with Time-Windows, The 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 201001 |
75. Ching-Jung Ting;Hsueh-Lin Fang, Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of Third Party Distribution Centers, 11th International Material Handling Research Colloquium, Milwaukee, 201006 |
76. 張恒彬;丁慶榮, 以集束搜尋法求解單一車輛成對的收送貨問題, 第六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, pp.A1-A10, 201006 |
77. 鄧光陵;丁慶榮, 棧板租賃業者之空棧板分派問題, 第六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, pp.A11-A19, 201006 |
78. 藍緯駿;Ching-Jung Ting;周昊, 以集束搜尋法為基演算法求解旅行推銷員問題, 中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會, 201012 |
79. Hsueh-Lin Fang;Ching-Jung Ting, Evaluating the Efficiency of 3PL Warehouses – A Case Study, The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 201012 |
80. H. J. Wang;Ching-Jung Ting;C. H. Chen, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for Solving Uncapacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem, The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Logistics (T-LOG 2010), 201009 |
81. W. C. Lan;Ching-Jung Ting;K. C. Wu, Beam Search Heuristics for the Single Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem, The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 201012 |
82. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, A Beam Search Algorithm for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container Yards, 2010 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, 201009 |
83. Chang, P. C.;Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Ching-Jung Ting;Ling-Chun Wu;Chih-Ming Lai,A Hybrid Genetic-Immune Algorithm with Improved Offsprings and Elitist Antigen for Flow-shop Scheduling Problems,The 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-09) Seoul, Korea, June 24-28.,200906 |
84. 張百棧;Wei-Hsiu Huang;Ching-Jung Ting;Hwei-Wen Luo;Yu-Peng Yu, Self-evolving Artificial Immune System via Developing T and B Cell for Permutation Flow-shop Scheduling Problems, International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering (ICCES |
85. 楊育儒;黃俐瑜;丁慶榮, 以門檻接受法求解同時具收送貨之旅行推銷員問題, 第五屆台灣作業研究學會理論與實務學術研討會, 200911 |
86. Chang, P. C.;Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Ching-Jung Ting;Wei-Je Chang,A Varietal Genetic Algorithm by External Self-evolving Multiple-archives for Combinatorial Optimization Problems,The 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-09) Seoul, Korea, June 24-28.,200906 |
87. Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting, Applying Two-Stage Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Large Scale Vehicle Routing Problem, The 8th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 200911 |
88. Chia-Ho Chen;Ching-Jung Ting;Li-Hui Meng, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, The Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, pp.1177-1185, 200912 |
89. Hung-Jie Wang;Ching-Jung Ting, A Threshold Accepting Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem, The 8th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 200911 |
90. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting, Branch-and-Bound Based Heuristics to the Container Reshuffle Problem, The Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, pp. 1658-1667, 200912 |
91. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting;Rafael Hernández, Applying Tabu Search for Minimizing Reshuffle Operations at Container Yards, The 8th International Conference of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 200911 |
92. Yu-Hsin Yao;Ching-Jung Ting, Modularity and End-of-Life Vehicle Recovery in the Automotive Green Supply Chain – A Case Study, The Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, pp.2312-2321, 200912 |
93. 孟欐潓;丁慶榮, 應用門檻接受法於家庭廢棄物清運規劃之研究, 中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會, 200912 |
94. Ching-Jung Ting;Wilson W. Lan,Two Novel Solving Strategies for the Courier Routing Problem in City Logistics,The 13th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies,200808. |
95. S. W. Lin;V. F. Yu;W. Y. Lee;Ching-Jung Ting,Solving the Location Routing Problem Based on a Simulated Annealing Heuristic,POMS Annual Meeting,200808 |
96. 劉宜婷;丁慶榮,以蟻群最佳化演算法求解團隊越野競賽問題,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
97. Kang-Ting Ma;Ching-Jung Ting,An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Uncapacitated Multiple Allocation P-Hub Median Problem,The Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200812 |
98. S. L. Fang;L. H. Meng;Ching-Jung Ting,Applying Data Envelopment Analysis in Measuring the Efficiency – A Case Study of Taiwan PCB Industry,The Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200812 |
99. Kun-Chih Wu;Ching-Jung Ting,A Tree Search Algorithm for the Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem,The Ninth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200812 |
100. Huang, Wei-Hsiu;Chang, P. C.;Ching-Jung Ting;Ling-Chun Wu;Hai-Wei Liao,Two-phase Genetic-Immune Algorithm with Improved Survival Strategy of Lifespan for Flow-shop Scheduling Problems,IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, March 30- April 2, Sheraton Music City Hotel, Nashville, TN, USA.,200904 |
101. 吳崑誌,Ching-Jung Ting ,Appling Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Two-dimensional Pallet Loading Problem,The 2nd International Conference on Transportation Logistics,July,2007 |
102. 張百棧;W. S. Huang;Ching-Jung Ting ;C. Y. Fan,Dynamic Diversity Control in Genetic Algorithm for Extended Exploration of Solution Space in Multi-Objective TSP,The Third International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control,200806 |
103. Ching-Jung Ting ;Chia-Ho Chen,Solving the Capacitated Location Routing Problem by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm,The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management,200807 |
104. 盧靜珍;丁慶榮,供應鏈管理下推拉式生產最適化之研究,第四屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,200712 |
105. 吳崑誌;丁慶榮,應用變數產生法求解一維原料裁切問題,2008第16屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會,200806 |
106. Ching-Jung Ting ;Chia-Ho Chen,A Combination of Multiple Ant Colony System and Simulated Annealing for the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,The Transportation Research Board 2008 Annual Meeting,200801 |
107. K. T. Ma;Ching-Jung Ting ,A Two-Stage Ant Colony System for Solving the Uncapacitated Single Allocation P-hub Median Problem,The Eighth Asia- Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems,200712 |
108. 陳家和,丁慶榮(2006),應用多蟻群演算法求解P-中位問題之研究,九十五年運輸年會暨第二十屆學術論文研討會,December,2006 |
109. 余家福,丁慶榮,考量產能限制下多廠區多產品訂單分配問題之研究,中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨學術研討會,December,2006 |
110. Chia-Ho Chen,Ching-Jung Ting, Ant Colony System with Simulated Annealing for the Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem,The 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice,October,2006 |
111. 翁佩如,陳家和,丁慶榮,以基因演算法求解貨櫃碼頭指派問題,第三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,November,2006 |
112. 陳昆皇,丁慶榮,供應商管理庫存下自動販賣機週期性補貨問題之研究,第三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,November,2006 |
113. 丁慶榮與葉訓強,"多階層維修存貨模式導入風險共擔之研究-國軍某裝備系統之模擬分析",2005產業管理創新研討會,台中縣,修平技術學院,中華民國九十四年五月二十日。 |
114. 李丕贊與丁慶榮,"應用案例式推理於裝備維修系統之研究-以飛行模擬器為例",中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,新竹縣,中華大學,中華民國九十四年十二月十七日。 |
115. Ching-Jung Ting and Yi-Ching Liu, "Periodic Delivery Problem for Vending Machines", The First International Conference on Transportation Logistics, Singapore, July 27-29, 2005. |
116. 葉訓強、丁慶榮、尤之堅、張文彬,"維修系統導入風險共擔及直接運送策略以提昇裝備妥善之研究",中華民國第六屆可靠度與維護度技術研討會,台中縣,修平技術學院,中華民國九十四年九月二十一日。 |
117. 劉俊宏、丁慶榮、陳家和,"顧客對郵局與宅配業者服務選擇差異之研究",第三屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,台中市,國立台中技術學院,中華民國九十四年十月二十八日。 |
118. 陳昆皇與丁慶榮,"週期性車輛途程問題之研究-以自動販賣機配送為例",第二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨作業研究理論與實務學術研討會,台北市,國立政治大學,中華民國九十四年十一月四日。 |
119. 陳家和與丁慶榮,"應用啟發式演算法求解設施區位問題之研究",九十四年運輸年會暨第二十屆學術論文研討會,台北市,劍潭青年海外活動中心,中華民國九十四年十一月二十五日至二十六日。(NSC 94-2213-E-155-006) |
120. James C. T. Lin and Ching-Jung Ting, "Combing a Simulation Model with a New Dispatching Rule to Improve the Wafer Fabrication Production System", The Sixth Asia- Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Manila, Philippines, Dec,2005 |
121. 葉訓強與丁慶榮,"多階層維修存貨模式導入風險共擔與直接運送之研究-國軍某裝備系統之模擬分析",中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,新竹縣,中華大學,中華民國九十四年十二月十七日。 |
122. Ching-Jung Ting and Chia-Ho Chen, "A Hybrid Ant Colony System Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem", The 33rd International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Jeju, Korea, March 25-27, 2004. |
123. 王鈺堂、羅敦義與丁慶榮,"以SCOR為基礎之供應鏈流程改善-以某毛巾廠為例",2004 第三屆跨領域管理學術與實務研討會,台中市,東海大學,中華民國九十三年四月二十四日。 |
124. 王孔政、陳昆皇與丁慶榮,"設施佈置設計最適化與效能評估-以發電機產業為例",第一屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2004年科技與管理學術研討會論文集,pp. 144-150,台北市,國立台北科技大學,中華民國九十三年十一月十二日。 |
125. 黃崇熙與丁慶榮,"雙發動機飛機展延航程作業航線與機隊選擇之研究",九十三年運輸年會暨第十九屆學術論文研討會論文集,Vol. 6, pp. 1527-1546,台南縣,長榮大學,中華民國九十三年十一月十九日至二十日。 |
126. 陳家和與丁慶榮,"應用螞蟻演算法於時窗限制車輛途程問題之研究",九十三年運輸年會暨第十九屆學術論文研討會論文集,Vol. 7, pp. 2143-2158,台南縣,長榮大學,中華民國九十三年十一月十九日至二十日。 |
127. Ching-Jung Ting, "Dispatching Control at Transfer Stations in Transit Networks", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15, 2004. |
128. Ching-Jung Ting, Wei-Lun Weng and Chia-Ho Chen, "Coordinate Inbound and Outbound Schedules at a Cross-Docking Terminal", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15, 2004. (NSC 91-2213-E-155-050) |
129. Ching-Jung Ting, Li-Wen Yeh and Chi-Yang Tsai, "Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation – A Mixed integer Programming Model", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15, 2004. (NSC 92-2213-E-155-057) |
130. 張企宏與丁慶榮,"貨櫃碼頭指派問題之研究",中國工業工程學會九十三年度年會暨學術研討會,台南市,成功大學,中華民國九十三年十二月十八日。 |
131. 莊瑞南與丁慶榮,"以CPC協同產品商務應用於國防武器系統發展之研究",九十二年度國防整體後勤支援年會暨研討會論文集,pp. 415-426,桃園縣,中正理工學院,中華民國九十二年十月二十四日。 |
132. 陳家和與丁慶榮,"應用螞蟻演算法求解車輛途程問題",九十二年運輸年會暨第十八屆學術論文研討會論文集,Vol. 5, pp. 987-994,新竹市,交通大學,中華民國九十二年十二月五日。 |
133. 林金源與丁慶榮,"以模擬分析探討機坪維修流程之改善",九十二年運輸年會暨第十八屆學術論文研討會,Vol. 3, pp. 581-588,新竹市,交通大學,中華民國九十二年十二月五日。 |
134. 葉麗雯與丁慶榮,"供應商產能有限及價格折扣下多產品多供應商最佳化採購決策",中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會,彰化市,建國技術學院,中華民國九十二年十二月六日。 |
135. 劉奕青與丁慶榮,"自動販賣機週期配送途程問題之研究",中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會,彰化市,建國技術學院,中華民國九十二年十二月六日。 |
136. Ching-Jung Ting and Shu-Hua Chen, "Hospital Pharmacy Inventory Management – A Case Study of a Private Hospital in Taiwan", The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, December 18-20, 2002. (NSC 90-2218-E-155-007) |
137. Jye Chen, Ching-Jung Ting, and Yu-Ru Syau, "Optimal Supply Chain Inventory Level Under Fuzzy Supply and Fuzzy Demand", The Fourth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Tainan, Taiwan, January 2-5, 2003. |
138. Ching-Jung Ting and Chiuh-Cheng Chyu, "Production Planning Problems in Printed Circuit Board Assembly", 2001 PCB 製造技術研討會,Yuan Ze University, Chung-Li, Taiwan. |
139. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, "Optimal Scheduling in Multiple-Hub Transit Networks", presented at the 5rth Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, December 13-15, 2000, Hsinchu, Taiwan. |
140. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, "Optimal Headways for Transit Networks with Coordinated Transfers", presented at the Transportation Research Board 1999 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A. |
141. L. Zhu, P. Schonfeld, Y. M. Kim, I. Flood, and C. J. Ting, "An Artificial Neural Network Analyzer for Waterway Traffic", presented at the Transportation Research Board 1998 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A. |
142. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, "Optimization through Simulation of Waterway Transportation Investments", presented at the Transportation Research Board 1998 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A. |
C. 專書及專書論文 1. Ching-Jung Ting;Hsueh-Lin Fang, Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of Third Party Distribution Centers, Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010, 201012 |
D. 獎項 1. 羅啟源, 中國工程師學會, 中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽(2013) |
2. 連哲瑋;呂黃捷, 台灣作業研究學會, 台灣作業研究學會大學院校專題競賽(2013) |
3. 許彤安;陳俊延, 中國工業工程學會, 「工業工程與管理」大學生專題論文競賽作業研究組佳作(2012) |
E. 專利 1. 丁慶榮,黃凱琳,林怡君,凃郁慈,徐儀蓁,可攜式曬衣架,新型M274383,2005。(NSC 92-2517-S-155-001) |
2. 丁慶榮,黃凱琳,林怡君,凃郁慈,徐儀蓁,曬衣網改良結構,新型M260565,2005。(NSC 92-2517-S-155-001) |
F. 技術報告 1. 丁慶榮,多功能個人網,NSC 92-2517-S-155-001,2005。 |
2. 丁慶榮,印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發-子計畫四:印刷電路板供應商管理、訂單管理、配送規劃管理系統 (2/3),NSC 92-2213-E-155-019,2005。 |
3. 丁慶榮,印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發-子計畫四:印刷電路板供應商管理、訂單管理、配送規劃管理系統 (1/3),NSC 92-2213-E-155-057,2004。 |
4. 丁慶榮,供應鏈管理下排程導向的越庫作業,NSC 91-2213-E-155-050, 2003。 |
5. 丁慶榮,醫院藥品存貨管理之研究,NSC 90-2218-E-155-007, 2002。 |
6. 丁慶榮,供應鏈網路之系統模擬與評估模式,NSC 89-2213-E-155-059, 2001。 |
7. 丁慶榮,貨車在整合中心發車之研究,NSC 89-2213-E-155-053, 2000。 |
8. Ching-Jung Ting and Paul Schonfeld, 1999, "An Algorithm for Truck Dispatching at a Consolidation Terminal", TSC working paper 99-21, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, U.S.A. |
G. 其他 1. Ching-Jung Ting;Amanda G. Rodríguez , Dock Assignment and Truck Scheduling Problems at Cross-docking Terminals, Progress in Material Handling Research: 2012(2013) |