
A.    期刊論文
1.    Cheng, C. S., Chen, P. W., and Ho, Y., 2022, Concurrent control chart pattern classification using multi-label convolutional neural networks, Applied Sciences, 12(2), 787. (SCI, IF 2.679)

2.    Chen, P. W., Peng, W. S., Cheng, C. S. and Wang, Y. T., 2017, Monitoring of nonlinear profile variations using support vector machines, Journal of Quality, 24(5), 313-323. (EI). (ANQ Special Issue)

3.    Cheng, C. S., Huang, K. K. and Chen, P. W., 2015, Recognition of control chart patterns using a neural network-based pattern recognizer with features extracted from correlation analysis, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 18(1), 75-86. (SCI, IF 2.124).

4.    Chen, P. W., Huang, K. K., Lee, Y. L. and Cheng, C. S., 2015, A support vector regression based control procedure for detecting a range of unknown mean shifts. Journal of Quality, 22(5), 427-440. (EI). (ISQM Special Issue)

5.    Chen, P. W., Cheng, C. S. and Chen, S. J., 2012, Increasing the sensitivity of cumulative quality control charts for monitoring high-yield process with runs rules, Journal of Quality, 19(5), 405-422. (EI) (ANQ Special Issue)

6.    Cheng, C. S., Lee, T. C. and Chen, P. W., 2012, Using neural network to predict current gain of III-V compound semiconductor epitaxy wafer, Journal of Quality, 19(4), 405-422. (EI)

7.    Cheng, C. S., Chen, P. W., Lee, S. C., and Huang, K. K., 2012, The application of design for six sigma on high level smart phone development, Journal of Quality, 19(2), 117-136. (EI)

8.    Cheng, C. S. and Chen, P. W., 2011, An ARL-unbiased design of time-between-events control charts with runs rules, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(7), 857-871. (SCI, IF 1.424)

9.    Cheng, C. S., Chen, P. W. and Huang, K. K., 2011, Estimating the shift size in the process mean with support vector regression and neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8), 10624-10630. (SCI, IF 6.954)

10.    Chen, P. W. and Cheng, C. S., 2011, On statistical design of the cumulative quantity control chart for monitoring high yield processes, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 40(11), 1911-1928. (SCI, IF 0.893).

11.    Chen, P. W. and Cheng, C. S., 2010, An ARL-unbiased approach to setting control limits of CCC-r chart for high-yield processes, Journal of Quality, 17(6), 435-452. (EI)

B.    會議論文
1.    鄭春生、陳佩雯、楊宸瑄、劉恩、高晟豪,2021,應用深度卷積神經網路建立製程/產品剖面資料之監測方法,2021中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,成功大學,11月20日。

2.    Cheng, C. S., Chen, P. W., Ho, Y., 2017, Monitoring fraction nonconforming with X bar and R charts - an application to substrate manufacturing process, in Proceedings of the 53th Annual Conference of Chinese Society for Quality and 2017 International Symposium of Quality Management, November 25, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

3.    Chen, P. W., Cheng, C. S., Peng, W. S. and Wang, Y. T., 2015, Monitoring of nonlinear profile variations using support vector machines. in Proceedings of ANQ Congress 2015.

4.    Huang, K. K., Cheng, C. S., Chen, P. W., Hsu, M. S. and Chiang, M. J., 2012, Identifying the process status change using independent component analysis and support vector machine, in Proceedings of ANQ Congress 2012, August 1-2, Hong Kong, China.

5.    鄭春生、吳薏苓、李虹葶、陳佩雯,2012,應用支援向量回歸建立製程/產品剖面資料之監控程序,中華民國品質學會第四十八屆年會暨 2012 國際品質管理研討會,台灣淡水,11月。

6.    Cheng, C. S., Chen, P. W., Huang, K. K., and Lee, H. T., 2011, Combining ICA and MEWMA for monitoring between-part and within-part variation of product measurements, in Proceedings of ANQ Congress 2011, Sep, 26-30, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

7.    鄭春生、陳佩雯、李虹葶、林志鴻,2011,應用整體式分類模型辨識多變量製程變異性異常來源之研究,2011 兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會,台灣新竹。

8.    鄭春生、陳佩雯、陳琬昕,2011,應用基因演算法求解相依性累積合格品數管制圖之多目標統計設計,中華民國品質學會第四十七屆年會暨 2011 國際品質管理研討會,台灣彰化。

9.    鄭春生、陳佩雯、黃國格、劉志洪,2011,應用資料探勘技術於面板異常問題處理之實證研究,2011 兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會,台灣新竹,12月。

10.    鄭春生、陳佩雯、李虹葶、林志鴻,2011,應用整體式分類模型辨識多變量製程變異性異常來源之研究,2011 兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會,台灣新竹,12月。

11.    鄭春生、陳佩雯、陳琬昕,2011,應用基因演算法求解相依性累積合格品數管制圖之多目標統計設計,中華民國品質學會第四十七屆年會暨 2011 國際品質管理研討會,台灣彰化,12月。

12.    鄭春生、李聰智、陳佩雯,2010,應用類神經網路技術於 III-V 族化合物半導體磊晶片電流增益預測,中華民國品質學會第四十六屆年會暨 2010 國際品質管理研討會,台灣台北,11月。

13.    鄭春生、林雅竹、陳佩雯、李虹葶,2010,以特徵值為基礎建構管制圖非隨機樣式之辨識系統,中國工業工程學會 99 年度年會暨學術研討會,台灣台南,12月。

14.    鄭春生、陳忠祐、李虹葶、陳佩雯,2010,建構辨識多變量管制圖異常來源之整體式分類系統,中國工業工程學會 99 年度年會暨學術研討會,台灣台南,12月。

15.    Chen, P. W., Cheng, C. S., Hsu, Y. H., and Chen, S. S., 2009, A study on the optimal setting of control limits for CCC-r chart in monitoring high-yield processes, in Proceedings of The 7th Asian Quality Congress, September 15-18, Tokyo, Japan.

16.    Cheng, C. S., and Chen, P. W., 2009, On the statistical design of time-between-events charts with runs rules, in Proceedings The 7th Asian Quality Congress, September 15-18, Tokyo, Japan.

17.    Cheng, C. S., and Chen, P. W., 2009, Enhancing the cumulative count of conforming chart with runs rules, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Quality Management, November 6-7, Taipei, Taiwan.

18.    陳佩雯、鄭春生、黃威榮、黃國格,2009,應用類神經網路於高產出製程監控之研究,中國工業工程學會 98 年度年會暨學術研討會,台灣台中,12月。

19.    Cheng, C. S., and Chen, P. W., 2008, The design of cumulative count of conforming chart with supplementary runs rules, in Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, December 3-5, Bali, Indonesia.

20.    鄭春生、陳佩雯,2008,計數值管制圖之統計推論特性探討。中華民國品質學會第四十四屆年會暨 2008 國際品質管理研討會論文集,台灣高雄,11月。

21.    Cheng, C. S., and Chen, P. W., 2007, A modified control scheme for fraction nonconforming under Markov dependent processes, in Proceedings The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, December 9-12, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

22.    Cheng, C. S., and Chen, P. W., 2007, Cumulative count of conforming chart with variable sampling intervals for Markov dependent production processes, in Proceedings the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, September 5-7, Kumamoto, Japan.

23.    Cheng, C. S., and Chen, P. W., 2005, The development of attributes control chart for high-yield process, in Proceedings the 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, December 4-7, Manila, Philippines.