蔡篤銘教授 (元智學術講座、中國工業工程學會會士)的研究著作與獎項等資料如下:

A.    期刊論文
1.    Saul A. Reynoso Farn;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu,Autofocus Measurement for Electronic Components Using Deep Regression,IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 11, pp 697~707 ( 2021/04 )

2.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yi-Hsiang Chou, Fast and Precise Positioning in PCBs Using Deep Neural Network Regression, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.69, No.7, pp 4692~4701( 2020/07 )


4.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Chia-Yu Hsu;Du-Ming Tsai;Fei He;Chun-Chung Cheng,Data-Driven Approach for Fault Detection and Diagnostic in Semiconductor Manufacturing,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, pp 1925~1936 ( 2020/10 )

5.    Du-Ming Tsai, Defect detection in electronic surfaces using template-based Fourier image reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vo9, No.1, pp163~172(2019/01)

6.    Du-Ming Tsai;Daniel E. Rivera Mol, Morphology-based defect detection in machined surfaces with circulartool-mark patterns, Measurement, Vo134, pp209~217(2019/02)

7.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Du-Ming Tsai;Fei He;Jui-Yu Huang;Chih-Hung Jen, Key parameter identification and defective wafer detection of semiconductor manufacturing processes using image processing techniques, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol.32, No.4, pp 544~552( 2019/11 )

8.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Che Chuang,Automatic vision-based grain optimization and analysis of multi-crystalline solar wafers using hierarchical region growing,Engineering Optimization, Vol. 49, pp 617~632 ( 2017/04 )

9.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yi-chun Hsieh, Machine Vision-Based Positioning and Inspection Using Expectation-Maximization Technique, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 66,No. 11, pp2858~2868(2017/11)

10.    Du-Ming Tsai;Y. J. Xie,Crack detection in randomly textured surfaces using spiral search,International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, Vol. 4 , No. 1, pp 1~7 ( 2016/01 )

11.    Du-Ming Tsai;H.-J. Lu,Boundary-based object segmentation in X-ray imaging using spiral search,Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 64, pp 381~395 ( 2016/10 )

12.    Du-Ming Tsai;Hao Hsu;Wei-Yao Chiu,3-D vision-assist guidance for robots or the visually impaired,Industrial Robot - An International Journal, Vol. 41 , No. 4, pp 351~364 ( 2015/01 )

13.    Du-Ming Tsai;Guan-Nan Li;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu,Defect detection in multi-crystal solar cells using clustering with uniformity measures,Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 29 , No. 3, pp 419~430 ( 2015/08 )

14.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Men-Han Lee,Optical flow-motion history image (OF-MHI) for action recognition,Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 9 , No. 8, pp 1897~1906 ( 2015/11 )

15.    Du-Ming Tsai;Hao Hsu;Wei-Yao Chiu, '3-D vision-assist guidance for robots or the visually impaired', Industrial Robot - An International Journal, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 351~364(2014/07)

16.    Du-Ming Tsai;Chingying Huang,A motion and image analysis method for automatic detection of estrus and mating behavior in cattle,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 104 , pp 25~31 ( 2014/06 )

17.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu,Action performance evaluation in video sequences,Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 62 , No. 7 , pp 358~364 ( 2014/09 )

18.    Wei-Yao Chiu;Du-Ming Tsai,Dual-mode detection for foreground segmentation in low-contrast video images,Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 9 , No. 4 , pp 647~659 ( 2014/12 )

19.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Yao Chiu, Defect Detection in Solar Modules Using ICA Basis ImagesIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9, pp. 122~131(2013)

20.    Du-Ming Tsai;Tzu-Hsun Tseng, 'A template reconstruction scheme for moving object detection from a mobile robot', Industrial Robot - An International Journal, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 559~573(2013/11)

21.    Du-Ming Tsai;Ming-Chin Lin, 'Machine-vision-based identification for wafer tracking in solar cell manufacturing', Robotics and Computer - Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 312~321(2013/10)

22.    Du-Ming Tsai;I-Yung Chiang;Ya-Hui Tsai, A shift-tolerant dissimilarity measure for surface defect detectionIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 8, pp. 128~137(2012)

23.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Wavelet-based defect detection in solar wafer images with inhomogeneous texturePattern Recognition, 45, pp. 742~756(2012)

24.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Chen Li, Defect detection of solar cells in electroluminescence images using Fourier image reconstructionSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 99, pp. 250~262(2012)

25.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Chen Li, Defect detection of solar cells in electroluminescence images using Fourier image reconstructionSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 99, pp. 250~262(2012)

26.    Du-Ming Tsai;Ming-Chun Chen;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu, A fast regularity measure for surface defect detectionMachine Vision and Applications, 23, pp. 869~886(2012)

27.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Defect inspection in low-contrast LCD images using Hough transform-based nonstationary line detectionIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 7, pp. 136~147, 201102

28.    Du-Ming Tsai;Chung-Chan Lin, Fuzzy C-means based clustering for linearly and nonlinearly separable dataPattern Recognition, 44, pp. 1750~1760(2011)

29.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Automatic saw-mark detection in multicrystalline solar wafer imagesSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, pp. 2206~2220(2011)

30.    Du-Ming Tsai;Jie-Yu Luo, Mean shift-based defect detection in multicrystalline solar wafer surfacesIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 7, pp. 125~135, 201102

31.    Ya-Hui Tsai;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu;Ming-Chin Lin, Surface defect detection of 3D objects using robot visionIndustrial Robot - An International Journal, 38, pp. 381~398, 201107

32.    邱威堯;D. M. Tsai, A macro-observation scheme for abnormal event detection in daily-life video sequences, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010,pp.1-19, 201004

33.    曾彥馨;D. M. Tsai, Defect detection of uneven brightness in low-contrast images using basis image representation, Pattern Recognition, 43,pp. 1129-1141, 201003

34.    趙新民;D. M. Tsai, Anisotropic diffusion with generalized diffusion coefficient function for defect detection in low-contrast surface images, Pattern Recognition, 43,pp.1917-1931, 201005

35.    D. M. Tsai,張志傑;趙新民, Micro-crack inspection in heterogeneously textured solar wafers using anisotropic diffusion, Image and Vision Computing, 28,pp.491-501, 201003

36.    Shin-Ming Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, An improved anisotropic diffusion model for detail- and edge-preserving smoothingPattern Recognition Letters, 31, pp. 2012~2023, 201010

37.    Du-Ming Tsai;賴夏枝,Independent component analysis-based background subtraction for indoor surveillance,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,18,pp.158-167,200901

38.    D. M. Tsai,蘇晏徵, Non-referential, self-compared shape defect inspection for bond pads with deformed shapes, International Journal of Production Research, 47,pp.1225-1244, 200908

39.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai,An anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for low-contrast glass substrates,Image and Vision Computing,26,pp.187-200

40.    C. J. Lu;Du-Ming Tsai,Independent component analysis-based defect detection in patterned liquid crystal display surfaces,Image and Vision Computing,26,pp.955-970

41.    Du-Ming Tsai;邱威堯,Motion detection using Fourier image reconstruction,Pattern Recognition Letters,29,pp.2145-2155,200812

42.    Du-Ming Tsai;賴夏枝,Defect detection in periodically patterned surfaces using independent component analysis,Pattern Recognition,41,pp.2812-2832,200809

43.    顏旭男;Du-Ming Tsai;馮勝凱,Full-Field 3-D Flip-Chip Solder Bumps Measurement Using DLP-Based Phase Shifting Technique,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING,31,pp.830-840,200811

44.    Du-Ming Tsai, Su-Ta Chuang;Yan-Hsin Tseng,One-dimensional Based Automatic Defect Inspection of Multiple Patterned TFT-LCD Panels using Fourier Image Reconstruction,International Journal of Production Research,(期別:45,pp.1297-1321),2007/3

45.    D. M. Tsai, S. T. Chuang and Y. H. Tseng, 2007,“One-dimensional Based Automatic Defect Inspection of Multiple Patterned TFT-LCD Panels using Fourier Image Reconstruction,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, pp 1297-1321. (SCI)

46.    Du-Ming Tsai, C. C. Kuo,Defect detection in inhomogeneously textured sputtered surfaces using 3D Fourier image reconstruction,Machine Vision and Applications,18,pp.383-400

47.    H. N. Yen, D. M. Tsai and J. Y. Yang, 2006,“Full-field 3D measurement of solder pastes using LCD-based phase shifting techniques,”IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, VOL. 29, NO. 1, pp. 50-57. (SCI)

48.    Hsu-Nan Yen;Du-Ming Tsai, Jun-Yi Yang,Full-field 3D measurement of solder pastes using LCD-based phase shifting techniques,IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing,29,pp.50-57,2006/1

49.    Du-Ming Tsai, Ping-Chieh Lin;Chi-Jie Lu,An independent component analysis-based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast surface images,Pattern Recognition,39,pp.1679-1694,2006/9

50.    Y. H. Tseng and D. M. Tsai ,2006, “Using Independent Component Analysis Based Process Monitoring in TFT-LCD Manufacturing,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, VOL. 23 NO. 3, pp262-267. (EI)

51.    S. M. Chao and D. M. Tsai, 2006, “Astronomical image restoration using an improved anisotropic diffusion,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.27, pp.335-344. (SCI)

52.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, Astronomical image restoration using an improved anisotropic diffusion,Pattern Recognition Letters,27,pp.335-344,2006/3

53.    D. M. Tsai, P. C. Lin, C. J. Lu, 2006, “An independent component analysis-based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast surface images ”Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39, pp 1679-1694(SCI)

54.    C. J. Lu and D. M. Tsai, 2005, “Automatic Defect Inspection for LCDs Using Singular Value Decomposition,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.25, pp.53-61. (SCI)

55.    D. M. Tsai and S. M. Chao, 2005, “An anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for sputtered surfaces with inhomogeneous textures,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 23, pp. 325-338. (SCI)

56.    D. M. Tsai, C. P. Lin and K. T. Huang, 2005, “Defect detection in colored texture surfaces using Gabor filters,” The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 53, pp.27-37. (SCI)

57.    D. M. Tsai and C. Y. Hung, 2005, “Automatic Defect Inspection of Patterned TFT-LCD Panels Using 1-D Fourier Reconstruction and Wavelet Decomposition,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol 43, No. 21, 4589-4607. (SCI)

58.    D. M. Tsai and C. H. Yang, 2005,“A quantile-quantile plot based pattern matching for defect detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters , Vol.26, pp.1948-1962. (SCI)

59.    D. M. Tsai and C. H. Yang, 2005,“A quantile-quantile plot based pattern matching for defect detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters , Vol.26, pp.1948-1962. (SCI)

60.    H. N. Yen and D. M. Tsai, 2004, “A fast full-field 3D measurement system for BGA coplanarity inspection," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 24, pp.132-139. (SCI)

61.    C. J. Lu and D. M. Tsai, 2004, “Defect Inspection of Patterned TFT-LCD Panels Using a Fast Sub-Image Based SVD,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 42, pp.4331-4351. (SCI)

62.    E. Zahara, S. K. S. Fan. and D. M. Tsai, 2004, “Optimal multi-thresholding using a hybrid optimization approach,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.26, pp.1082-1095. (SCI)

63.    D. M. Tsai and Y. H. Tsai, 2003, “Defect Detection in Textured Surfaces Using Color Ring-Projection Correlation,” Machine Vision and Applications Vol. 13, pp.194-200.

64.    D. M. Tsai and C. P. Lin, 2003, “Fast Defect Defect Detection in Textured Surfaces Using 1D Gabor Filters,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol. 20, pp.664-675.

65.    K. H. Hsiehn and D. M. Tsai, 2003, “A non-Referential Machine Vision Approach for BGA Substrate Inspection,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Vol. 20, pp.125-138.

66.    D. M. Tsai and C. C. Chou, 2003, “A Fast Focus Measure for Video Display Inspection,” Machine Vision & Applications, Vol. 14, pp.192-196.

67.    D. M. Tsai and C .H. Chiang, 2003, “Automatic Band Selection for Wavelet Reconstruction in The Application of Defect Detection,” Image and Vision Computing Vol. 21, pp.413-431.

68.    D. M. Tsai and T. Y. Huang, 2003, “Automated Surface Inspection for Statistical Textures,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 21, pp.307-323.

69.    D. M. Tsai and C. T. Lin, 2003, “Fast Normalized Cross Correlation for Defect Detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 24, pp. 2625-2631. (SCI)

70.    D. M. Tsai, C. T. Lin and J. F. Chen, 2003, “The Evaluation of Normalized Cross Correlations for Defect Detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.24, pp.2525-2535. (SCI)

71.    D. M. Tsai and Y. H. Tsai, 2002, “Rotation-Invariant Pattern Matching with Color Ring-Projection,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 35, pp. 131-141.

72.    D. M. Tsai and C. H. Chiang, 2002, “Rotation-Invariant Pattern Matching Using Wavelet Decomposition,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, pp. 191-201.

73.    D. M. Tsai and H. P. Lin, 2002, “Fast defect detection in textured surfaces unsing 1D Gabor filters,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 20, pp.664-675.

74.    D. M. Tsai and B. T. Lin, 2002, “Defect Detection of Gold-Plated Surfaces on PCBs Using Entropy Measures,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol. 20, pp.420-428.

75.    C. H. Yeh and D. M. Tsai, 2001,“A Rotation-Invariant and Nonreferential Approach for Ball Grid Array (BGA) Substrate Conduct Paths Inspection,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 17, pp.412-424. (SCI)

76.    D. M. Tsai, S. K. Wu and M. C. Chen, 2001, “Optimal Gabor Filter Design for Texture Segmentation Using Stochastic Optimization,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 19, pp. 299-316. (SCI)

77.    D. M. Tsai and B. Hsiao, 2001, “Automatic Surface Inspection Using Wavelet Reconstruction,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 34, pp. 1285-1305. (SCI)

78.    C. H. Yeh and D. M. Tsai, 2001, “Wavelet-Based Approach for Ball Grid Array (BGA) Substrate Conduct Paths Inspection,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 39, pp.4281-4299.

79.    D. M. Tsai and S. K. Wu, 2000, “Automated Surface Inspection Using Gabor Filters,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , Vol. 16, pp. 474-482. (SCI)

80.    M. C. Chen, D. M. Tsai and H. Y. Tseng, 1999, “A Stochastic Optimization Approach for Roundness Measurements,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 20, pp. 707-719. (SCI)

81.    D. M. Tsai, H.-T. Hou and H.-J. Su, 1999, “Boundary-based Corner Detection Using Eigenvalues of Covariance Matrices,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 20, pp. 31-40. (SCI)

82.    D. M. Tsai, 1999, “A Machine Vision Approach for Detecting and Inspecting Circular Parts,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 15, pp. 217-221. (SCI)

83.    D. M. Tsai and C. F. Tseng, 1999, “Surface Roughness Classification for Castings,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 32, pp. 389-405; NSC88-2213-E-155-013. (SCI)

84.    P. K. Wang and D. M. Tsai, 1999, “Machine Vision for Leadframe Process Quality Monitoring,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.16, pp. 533-549; NSC88-2212-E-155-010. (in Chinese)

85.    S. M. Guu and D. M. Tsai, 1999, “Measurement of Roundness: a Nonlinear Approach,” Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. ROC(A), Vol. 23, pp. 348-352.

86.    D. M. Tsai and C. Y. Hsieh, 1999, “Automated Surface Inspection for Directional Textures,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 18, pp. 49-62. (SCI)

87.    D. M. Tsai and C. T. Lin, 1998, “A Moment-Preserving Approach for Depth from Defocus,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 31, pp. 551-560; NSC87-2212-E-155-006. (SCI)

88.    D. M. Tsai, C. Y. Chien and P. K. Wang, 1998, “Model Based 3D Parts Recognition from a Single Image,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.15, pp.523-532; NSC85-2212-E-155-010.(in Chinese)

89.    D. M. Tsai, J. J. Chen and J. F. Chen, 1998, “A Vision System for Surface Roughness Assessment Using Neural Networks,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 14, pp. 412-422; NSC87-2213-E-155-021. (SCI)

90.    D. M. Tsai and H. J. Wang, 1998, “Segmenting Focused Objects in Complex Visual Images,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 19, pp. 929-940. (SCI)

91.    D. M. Tsai, 1997, “Boundary-based Corner Detection Using Neural Networks,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 31, pp. 85-97. (SCI)

92.    D. M. Tsai, and J. I. Tzeng, 1997, “Dimensional and Angular Measurements Using Least Squares and Neural Networks,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 55-66; NSC86-2213-E-155-003. (SCI)

93.    D. M. Tsai, 1997, “An Improved Generalized Hough Transform for the Recognition of Overlapping Objects,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 15, pp. 887-888; NSC84-2213-E-155-002. (SCI)

94.    M. F. Chen and D. M. Tsai, 1996, “Economic design of turning operations," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.13, pp.349-361.(in Chinese)

95.    D. M. Tsai and W. J. Lu, 1996, “Detecting and Locating Burrs of Industrial Parts,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 34, pp. 3187-3205; NSC82-0415-E-155-068. (SCI)

96.    D. M. Tsai, 1996, “Detecting and Locating Partially Occluded Planar Parts by Clustering,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 28, pp. 531-544; NSC82-0415-E-155-020. (SCI)

97.    D. M. Tsai and M. F. Chen, 1996, “A Fast Machine Vision Approach for Automatic Recognition of Industrial Parts,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 34, pp. 687-699. (SCI)

98.    M. C. Chen and D. M. Tsai, 1996, “A Simulated Annealing Approach for Optimization of Multi-pass Turning Operations,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 34, pp. 2803-2825. (SCI)

99.    D. M. Tsai and R. Y. Tsai, 1996, “Use Neural Networks to Determine Matching Order for Recognizing Overlapping Objects,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 17, pp. 1077-1088. (SCI)

100.    M. C. Chen and D. M. Tsai, 1996, “Simulation Optimization through Direct Search for Multi-Objective Manufacturing Systems,” Production Planning and Control, Vol. 17, pp. 554-565. (SCI)

101.    D. M. Tsai, 1996, “Locating Overlapping Industrial Parts for Robotic Assembly,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 12, pp. 288-302; NSC83-0415-E-155-033. (SCI)

102.    D. M. Tsai, 1995, “A Fast Thresholding Selection Procedure for Multimodal and Unimodal Histograms,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 653-666. (SCI)

103.    D. M. Tsai and M. F. Chen, 1995, “Object Recognition by a Linear Weight Classifier,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 591-600. (SCI)

104.    D. M. Tsai, 1995, “A Three-Dimensional Machine Vision Approach for Automatic Robot Programming,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 12, pp. 23-48; NSC80-0415-E-155-02 and NSC81-0415-E-155-07. (SCI)

105.    D. M. Tsai, E. M. Malstrom and W. Kuo, “Physical Simulation of a Three Dimensional Palletizing Heuristic,International Journal of Production Research,Vol. 32, pp. 1159-1171, 1994.

106.    D. M. Tsai and M. F. Chen, 1994“Curve Fitting Approach for Tangent Angle and Curvature Measurements,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 27, pp. 699-711.

107.    D. M. Tsai, E. M. Malstrom and W. Kuo,“Three Dimensional Pallelization of Mixed Box Sizes,” IIE Transactions, Vol. Pp. 64-75, 1993.

108.    D. M. Tsai and M. J. Yao, 1993“A Line-Balance-Based Capacity Planning Procedure for Series-Type Robotic Assembly Line,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 31, pp. 1901-1920.

109.    D. M. Tsai and Y. H. Chen, “A Fast Histogram-Clustering Approach for Multi-level Thresholding,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 13, pp. 245-255, 1992.

110.    R. H. Choi, E. M. Malstrom and D. M. Tsai, 1988,“Evaluating Lot-Sizing Methods in Multilevel Inventory System by Simulation,” Production and Inventory Management Journal, Vol. 29, pp. 4-10.

111.    D. M. Tsai and E. M. Malstrom and H. D. Meeks, 1988, “A Two-Dimensional palletizing Procedure for Warehouse Loading Operations,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 20, pp. 418-425.

B.    會議論文
1.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shu-Kai Fan;Yi-Quan Huang;Wei-Yao Chiu, Saw-mark Defect Detection in Heterogeneous Solar Wafer Images using GAN-based Training Samples Generation and CNN Classification, VISAPP2019(14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application), 2019/02/25

2.    Du-Ming Tsai;Hshin-Yang Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, Mura defect inspection in Liquid Crystal Display panels using optical flow-based motion analysis, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference(APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 )

3.    Du-Ming Tsai;Morris Fan;Yan Hsin Tseng, Defect inspection of liquid-crystal-display (LCD) panels in repetitive pattern images using 2D Fourier image reconstruction, The Fourteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2018), France(2018/05/20)

4.    Du-Ming Tsai;Morris Fan;Yan Hsin Tseng, Defect inspection of liquid-crystal-display (LCD) panels in repetitive pattern images using 2D Fourier image reconstruction,The Fourteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2018), France, 2018/05/20

5.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wan-Ling Chen;Wei-Yao ChiuSegmentation of coffee plantation area in satellite images using Fourier features, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, HK, 2018/12/05

6.    Wei-Yao Chiu;Du-Ming Tsai;Morris Fan;Ching-Hau Peng,Object detection and positioning using fast spiral search,Hong Kong 25th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017),HongKong ( 2017/07/22 )

7.    Du-Ming Tsai;Ching-Hau Peng, Automated Visual Inspection Of Multicrystalline Solar Wafers Using Wavelet Discrimination Measure, The 18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (2017), Indonesia(2017/12/03)

8.    Du-Ming Tsai;I-Yung Chiang;Wei-Yao Chiu,Optical-flow-based template matching for surface defect detection,International Congress on Engineering and Information (ICEAI 2016),Japan ( 2016/05/10 )

9.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Tzu-Hsun Tseng,Moving object detection from a mobile robot using basis image matching,IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2015 ( 2015 /02)

10.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yi-Jun Xie;Wei-Yao Chiu,Automatic crack detection in textured metal surfaces using machine vision,The 16th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems Conference.,越南 ( 20151208 )

11.    Du-Ming Tsai;Tzu-Hsun Tseng;Wei-Yao Chiu,Surface defect detection in low-contrast images using basis image representation,IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications ( 2015/05 )

12.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yan-Hsin Tseng;Wei-Yao Chiu,Automatic defect inspection of TFT-LCD panels using Fourier image reconstruction,Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2014 ( 2014/10 )

13.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Jie-Yu Luo , Automatic visual inspection of solar wafers using mean-shift techniques , ACEAIT 2014 - The Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology 2014(2014)

14.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, Dual-mode detection for foreground segmentation in low-contrast video images, VISIGRAPP2013(8th Int’l. Joint Conf. on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications)(2013)

15.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Yao Chiu, Automatic visual inspection of solar modules using Independent component analysis, The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference(APIEMS 2013)(2013)

16.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, A real-time ICA-based activity recognition in video sequences, MVA2013(IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications)(2013)

17.    Wei-Yao Chiu;Du-Ming Tsai, ICA-based Action Recognition for Human-computer Interaction in Disturbed Backgrounds, 7th International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer graphics Theory and Applications(2012)

18.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Ming-Chun Chen, A PCA-based regularity measure for surface defect inspection, The Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2012(2012)

19.    Du-Ming Tsai;I-Yung Chiang;Hao Hsu;Wei-Yao Chiu, A Shift-tolerant Dissimilarity Measure for Surface Defect Detection, The 13th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference(2012)

20.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Automatic Saw-Mark Detection in Multicrystalline Solar Wafer Images, The 12th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systeme Conference(2011)

21.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, A macro-observation approach of intelligence video surveillance for real-time unusual event detection, The 2010 International Symposium on Service, Security and its Data management technologies in Ubi-com, 201010

22.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu, A generalized anisotropic diffusion for defect detection in low-contrast surfaces, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 201008

23.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Wei-Chen Li, Anisotropic diffusion-based detail-preserving smoothing for image restoration, International Conference on Image Processing, 201009

24.    李韋辰;D. M. Tsai, Defect inspection in low-contrast LCD images using Hough transform-based non-stationary line detection, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), pp.12, 200912

25.    D. M. Tsai,邱威堯, A Micro-observation Approach for Real-time Unusual Event Detection in Video, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), (DEMO Session), 200909

26.    蔡篤銘;蔡欣洋,應用動態影像處理之光流法於液晶顯示器面板之Mura瑕疵檢測,中國工業工程學會97年度年會暨學術研討會,200812

27.    Du-Ming Tsai;蘇晏徵;邱威堯,Non-referential, self-compared shape defect inspection for PCB bond pads,The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference (APIEMS),200812

28.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, Yu-His Lee;Wei-Yao Chiu;Chih-heng Fang,Anisotropic diffusion-based detail-preserving smoothing for image restoration,8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV Workshop on Multi-dimensional and Multi-view Image Processing)

29.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Wei-Yao Chiu;Ya-Hui Tsai,Motion detection with a moving camera for mobile robot surveillance,Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Society

30.    Chi-Jie Lu;Du-Ming Tsai, Chih-Chou Chiu;Yan-Hsin Tseng,Statistical process monitoring using independent component analysis based signal separation techniques,Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE2006),2006/12

31.    Du-Ming Tsai, Su-Ta Chuang, Yan-Hsin Tseng, 2006, “Automatic defect inspection of patterned TFT-LCD panels using Fourier image reconstruction,” The International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Application and Practice(IJIE), Nagoya, October, Japan.

32.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng;Yuan-Ruei Jhang,Defect detection in low-contrast glass substrates using anisotropic diffusion,The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2006/8

33.    Shin-Min Chao, Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng and Yuan-Ruei Jhang, “ Defect detection in low-contrast glass substrates using anisotropic diffusion,” The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Hong Kong, August 2006.

34.    Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng;Shin-Min Chao;Chao-Hsuan Yen,Independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast textured images,18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2006/8

35.    Du-Ming Tsai, Su-Ta Chuang;Yan-Hsin Tseng,Automatic defect inspection of patterned TFT-LCD panels using Fourier image reconstruction,The International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Application and Practice(IJIE),2006/10

36.    Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng, Shin-Min Chao and Chao-Hsuan Yen , “ Independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast textured images,” The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Hong Kong, August 2006.

37.    Chi-Jie Lu, Du-Ming Tsai, Chih-Chou Chiu and Yan-Hsin Tseng, “Independent component analysis based disturbance separation for statistical process control,” The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2006.

38.    Shin-Min Chao, Du-Ming Tsai and Ya-Hui Tsai, “Independent component analysis based motion detection for indoor surveillance,” The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2006.

39.    蔡篤銘、林品杰、曾彥馨, 2005, “應用獨立成份分析濾波器於背光板與TFT-LCD面板之瑕疵檢測,” 第五屆全國AOI論壇與展覽,交通大學,新竹市。

40.    Yan-Hsin Tseng and Du-Ming Tsai, 2005, “Using Independent Component Analysis for Process Monitoring in TFT-LCD Manufacturing,” The 3rd ANQ Congress & The 19th Asia Quality Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, September 20-23.

41.    趙新民、蔡篤銘, 2005,“Astronomical image restoration using anisotropic diffusion,”第四屆資訊與管理應用研討會,元培技術學院,新竹市。

42.    Du-Ming Tsai, Chi-Jie Lu, Ping-Chieh Lin and Yan-Hsin Tseng, 2005, “Defect detection of backlight panel surfaces using independent component analysis filering scheme,” 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference, Manila, Philippines.

43.    Shin-Min Chao and Du-Ming Tsai, 2005, “An anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for backlight panels,” 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference, Manila, Philippines.

44.    蔡篤銘、呂奇傑、林品杰, 2005,“應用獨立成份分析(ICA)濾波器於TFT-LCD面板之瑕疵檢測,” 中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,中華大學,新竹市。

45.    趙新民、蔡篤銘, 2005,“An anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for low-contrast LCD glass substrates,”中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,中華大學,新竹市。

46.    曾彥馨、蔡篤銘, 2005,“Using independent component analysis based process monitoring in TFT-LCD manufacturing,”中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,中華大學,新竹市。

47.    江行全、蔡篤銘、呂奇傑、朱建政、楊程翔,2004“應用機器視覺技術於臂章圖形之自動邊界偵測,” 第四屆全國AOI論壇與展覽,交通大學,新竹市。

48.    曾彥馨、蔡篤銘, 2004, “應用機器視覺於TFT面板之表面瑕疵檢測與分類,” 第四屆全國AOI論壇與展覽,交通大學,新竹市。

49.    Chi-Jie Lu and Du-Ming Tsai, 2004, “Defect Inspection of Patterned TFT-LCD Panels Usinga Fast Sub-image Based SVD,” The Fifth Asia-pacific conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15.

50.    Chi-Jie Lu and Du-Ming Tsai, 2004, “Defect Detection of Patterned TFT-LCD Surfaces Using Independent Component Analysis,” 中國工業工程學會九十三年度年會暨學術研討會,成功大學,台南市。

51.    趙新民、蔡篤銘, 2003, “應用非線性擴散於非同質性紋路之濺鍍玻璃基板表面檢測,” 中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會,建國科技大學,彰化市。

52.    Hsu-Nan Yen and Du-Ming Tsai, 2002, " An adaptive machine vision system for electronic components inspection,” Proceedings of IE&EM’2002 & IceCE’2002 and Enterprise Management (IE&EM’2002), RID215, 1-8, Beijing, China.

53.    Chi-Jie Lu, Du-Ming Tsai and Hsu-Nan Yen, 2002, "Automatic Defect Inspection for LCDs Using Singular Value Decomposition,” The Fourth Asia-pacific conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, December 18-22.

54.    蔡篤銘、顏旭男及謝坤翰,2001, “應用白光相位移技術於BGA高度之檢測,” 2001年PCB製造技術研討會, 元智大學,中壢市。

55.    蔡篤銘、顏旭男及謝坤翰, 2001, “應用準確白光相移技術於BGA共平面之檢測,” 中國工業工程學會學術研討會,義守大學,高雄縣。

56.    Du-Ming Tsai and B. Hsiao, “Defect detection using wavelet reconstruction,” The 13th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2000.

57.    Du-Ming Tsai and Chi-Hao Yeh, “Ball Grid Array (BGA) substrate inspection by 1-D wavelet-transform,” The 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering – Theory, Applications and Practice, 2000.

58.    Du-Ming Tsai and S. K. Wu, “Automated surface inspection using Gabor filters,” 12th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 1999.

C.    獎項
1.    國科會102年度傑出特約研究員

2.    科技部102年度傑出特約研究員,科技部,(201402)

3.    國科會, 國科會99年度特約研究人員第二年(2010)

4.    國科會特約研究人員(95-97)

5.    蔡篤銘,國科會特約研究人員(95-97),國科會,2006/8

D.    專利
1.    Du-Ming Tsai;邱威堯, 行為辨識方法及系統, 蔡篤銘, 中華民國, 340931, 201104