A. 期刊論文 1. Chi-Yang Tsai;Cheng-Yu Tu;Chang-Yu Hsieh,Study on Sales System with Demand Affected by Delivery Lead Time,Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 624 , pp 698~701 ( 2014/08 ) |
2. Chi-Yang Tsai;Paul Peter Tekanene;Kuei-Feng Li,An Effective Inventory Allocation Policy in Two-Echelon Distribution Network,Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 627 , pp 310~313 ( 2014/09 ) |
3. Chang P.C.;Chiung-Hua Huang;Chi-Yang Tsai, A Hybrid System by the Integration of Case-Based Reasoning with Support Vector Machine for Prediction of Financial CrisisInternational Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 9, pp. 2245~2260(2013) |
4. Chi-Yang Tsai;Yi-Chen Wang, 'Application of Mixed-Integer Programming and Dispatching Rules on Parallel Machine Scheduling with Inserted Idle Time', Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 437, No. NA, pp. 748~751(2013/10) |
5. Chi-Yang Tsai;I-Wei Kao, Particle swarm optimization with selective particle regeneration for data clusteringExpert Systems With Applications, 38, pp. 6565~6576, 201106 |
6. Chi-Yang Tsai;Sugarla Edwin Nagara, Waste disposal models for manufacturing firm and disposal firmIndustrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10, pp. 115~122, 201106 |
7. Chi-Yang Tsai;You-Ren Chen, Heuristic algorithms for parallel machine scheduling problems with dividable jobsIndustrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10, pp. 15~23, 201103 |
8. Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chi-Yang Tsai;Huang, Po-Wen,An association clustering algorithm for can-order policies in the joint replenishment problem,International Journal of Production Economics,Vol. 117, No. 1,pp. 30-41,Vol. 117, No. 1,pp. 30-41,200901 |
9. Chi-Yang Tsa;I-WEI KAO,A Particle Swarm with Selective Particle Regeneration for Multimodal Functions,WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications,Volume 6, Issue 2,pp.242-252,200902 |
10. 吳函諭;蔡啟揚;蔡耿良,生產存貨模式及廢棄物清運策略之研究,先進工程學刊,Vol. 4, No. 3,pp.253-258,200907 |
11. Chi-Yang Tsa;Szu-Wei Yeh,A multiple objective particle swarm optimization approach for inventory classification,International Journal of Production Economics,Volume 114, Issue 2, pp.656– 666,200808 |
12. Izak Duenyas, and Chi-Yang Tsai, “Control of a Manufacturing System with Random Product Yield and Downward Substitutability,” IIE Transactions Special Issue on Probabilistic Models., 32, 785-795 (2000). |
13. Mark P. Van Oyen, Izak Duenyas and Chi-Yang Tsai, “ Stochastic Sequencing with Job Families, Set-Up Times, and Due Dates,” International Journal of Systems Science., V30, n2, 175-181 (1999). |
B. 會議論文 1. Chi-Yang Tsai;Erickson Liang,Reinforcement Learning for Production Planning with Demand Sensitive to Delivery Lead Time,The 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Science and Technology,On line ( 2021/07/29 ) |
2. Henyi Jen;Chi-Yang Tsai;Carlos E. Salinas Mo, A Cyber Physical Framework Using Sensing Devices and Monte Carlo Simulation for Demand Prediction, International Conference on Smart Science 2019, 2019/03/30 |
3. Chi-Yang Tsai;Henyi Jen;Hsiang-Ying Teng, A Genetic Algorithm for the Scheduling Problem in the Polarizer Manufacturing Process - A Case Study, The 2nd International Symposium on Development of new Technologies in Engineering & Applied Science Research, 2019/06/22 |
4. Chi-Yang Tsai;Tung-Wei Hsu, Inventory Control Policies for A Two-Echelon Perishable Inventory System - A Simulation Study, The 6th International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Okinawa, Japan(2018/06/27) |
5. Chi-Yang Tsai;Tung-Wei Hsu, Inventory Control Policies for A Two-Echelon Perishable Inventory System - A Simulation Study, The 6th International Scientific, Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Japan, 2018/06/27 |
6. Chi-Yang Tsai;艾荔達;鄧湘穎, 應用基因演算法於儲位指派問題 以某第三方物流公司為例, 第十三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/10/14) |
7. Chi-Yang Tsai;湯淑恩;黃意茹, 雙通道供應鏈在綠色消費行為下之最佳策略研究, 第十三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/10/14) |
8. Chi-Yang Tsai;David Villalobos,A Genetic Algorithm for the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling of Printing Operations in the Apparel Industry,2017 Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science,Japan ( 2017/07/25 ) |
9. Chi-Yang Tsai;Chang-Yu Hsieh,Inventory record inaccuracy in supply chain inventory system: A simulation study,The 6th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences,香港 ( 20160608 ) |
10. Chi-Yang Tsai;Ju-Yen Lu,Optimal inventory allocation under substitutable demand,The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, ( 2016/12/07 ) |
11. Chi-Yang Tsai;Stephany Molina,Sustainable supplier selection with ANP and fuzzy ANP: a salt production company example,The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, ( 2016/12/07 ) |
12. Chi-Yang Tsai;Yi-Chen Wang, A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solution for Insertion of Idle Time in the Jobs Scheduling, 2014 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology(2014) |
13. Chi-Yang Tsai;Paul Peter Tekanene;Kuei-Feng Li, An Effective Inventory Allocation Policy in Two-Echelon Distribution Network, The 2014 2nd Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering(2014) |
14. Chi-Yang Tsai;Chakrit Chansukko, Inventory Control in a Dual Channel Supply Chain System with Product Returns, The 3rd International Congress on Natural Sciences and Engineering(2014) |
15. Chi-Yang Tsai;Cheng-Yu Tu;Chang-Yu Hsieh, Study on Sales System with Demand Affected by Delivery Lead Time, The 2014 2nd Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering(2014) |
16. Chi-Yang Tsai;Pei-Hsian Peng, Sequential Decision Making in a Supply Chain with Customer Return and Buyback Policies, The 3rd International Forum & Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management(2013) |
17. Chi-Yang Tsai;Yi-Chen Wang, Application of Mixed-Integer Programming and Dispatching Rules on Parallel Machine Scheduling with Inserted Idle Time, The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanics Power(2013) |
18. Chi-Yang Tsai;Pei-Yu Pai;Qiao-Kai Huang, Order and Pricing Decisions with Return and Buyback Policies, The Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013(2013) |
19. Chi-Yang Tsai;Wei-Fan Chu;Cheng-Yu Tu, Analysis of Sales Strategy with Lead-Time Sensitive Demand, The Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013(2013) |
20. Chi-Yang Tsai;Kuo-Wei Luo;Cheng-Yu Tu, Joint Industrial Waste Recycling and Disposal Mechanism in Multiple Plants Settings, The 2012 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence(2012) |
21. Chi-Yang Tsai;Shih-Hsiung Wu;Velicia Peng, Application of Max-Min Ant System Algorithm on IC Substrate Drilling Path Optimization, The 2012 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence(2012) |
22. Chi-Yang Tsai;Yi-Chen Wang, The Sum of Earliness and Tardiness Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Inserted Idle Time, The 12th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science(2012) |
23. Chi-Yang Tsai;Hui-Min Tang, Recycling and Disposal Policies of Industrial Waste with Nonlinear Recycling Rate, The 7th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems(2012) |
24. 蔡啟揚;林奇霆, 變動鄰域搜尋法於IC載板鑽孔路徑問題之應用, 第八屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨第十一屆中華決策科學學會年會與學術研討會(2012) |
25. 蔡啟揚;林哲旭, 多工廠多樣事業廢棄物協同清運回收策略之研究, 第八屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨第十一屆中華決策科學學會年會與學術研討會(2012) |
26. Chi-Yang Tsai;Chih-Hung Liu;Yi-Chen Wang, Application of Genetic Algorithm on IC Substrate Drilling Path Optimization, 2012 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(2012) |
27. 蔡啟揚;朱韋帆;呂如雁, 前置時間敏感需求下直銷通道策略分析, 2012工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2012) |
28. 蔡啟揚;林哲旭;陳盈均, 多工廠多樣事業廢棄物協同清運回收策略之研究, 2012工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2012) |
29. I-Wei Kao;Chi-Yang Tsai;Yi-Chen Wang, A novel approach for inventory classification in two-stage supply chain system, The 7th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, 201105 |
30. Yi-Chen Wang;Chi-Yang Tsai, Makespan minimization on unrelated parallel machines with sequence-dependent setup times using a simulated annealing approach, The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Logistics Systems, 201102 |
31. Chi-Yang Tsai,You-Ren Chen, Heuristic algorithms for parallel machine scheduling problems with dividable jobs, The 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 201007 |
32. 蔡啟揚;馮喬榆;朱韋帆, 二階層損耗性存貨之訂購週期策略探討, 中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會, 201012 |
33. 蔡啟揚;彭于珊;林奇霆, 考慮生產廢料回收下之生產存貨模式, 中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會, 201012 |
34. 蔡啟揚;吳世雄;林哲旭, 應用基因演算法於IC載板鑽孔路徑最佳化之研究, 中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會, 201012 |
35. Chi-Yang Tsai;Sugarla Edwin Nagara, Waste disposal models for manufacturing firm and disposal firm, The 11th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 201012 |
36. I-Wei Kao;Chi-Yang Tsai, Selective regeneration particle swarm optimization for inventory classification in supply chain systems, 2010 World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 201012 |
37. 湯慧敏;蔡啟揚;羅國瑋, 多工廠事業廢棄物聯合回收與清運機制之研究, 中國工業工程學會九十九年度年會暨學術研討會, 201012 |
38. I-Wei Kao;Chi-Yang Tsai, A particle swarm with selective particle regeneration for data clustering, The 10th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 200912 |
39. Yi-Chen Wang;Chi-Yang Tsai, Minimizing maximum completion time on parallel machines scheduling with limited resources, The 10th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 200912 |
40. 蔡啟揚;彭于珊, 考慮生產廢料回收下之生產存貨模式, 中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會, 200912 |
41. 蔡啟揚;劉志宏;吳世雄, 應用基因演算法於IC載板鑽孔路徑最佳化之研究, 中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會, 200912 |
42. 蔡啟揚;劉興濃;馮喬榆, 具有批量需求下二階存貨系統之模擬研究, 中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會, 200912 |
43. 蔡啟揚;蔡耿良;羅國瑋, 事業廢棄物回收、存貨與清運策略之研究, 中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會, 200912 |
44. Chi-Yang Tsai;Yu-Hua Lai,Branch and bound algorithms for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with resource constraints,The 38th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering,200810 |
45. Chi-Yang Tsai;Jacob Calderon,A Memetic Algorithm Approach for Uniform Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times,The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference,200812 |
46. Chi-Yang Tsai;I-Wei Kao,Selective regenerated particle swarm optimization for multimodal function,The 8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science,200811 |
47. 彭育穎;蔡啟揚;劉興濃,批量需求下發展存貨策略之研究,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
48. 吳函諭;蔡啟揚;蔡耿良,生產存貨模式及廢棄物清運策略之研究,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
49. 王苡宸;蔡啟揚,資源限制下比例式非等效平行機台排成問題之研究,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
50. Chi-Yang Tsai, Sung-Chun Yang,Optimal replenishment intervals in a multi-echelon inventory system with supplier selection,The 8th Asian Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference |
51. Chi-Yang Tsai, Chih-Jye Tseng,Unrelated parallel-machines scheduling with constrained resources and sequence-dependent setup time,37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering |
52. Chi-Yang Tsai, Yu-Jen Cheng,A Simulation Study on Inventory Policies for Two-Stage Inventory Systems with Multiple Items,The 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice,2006/10 |
53. 黃雅楣;蔡啟揚,二階層存貨系統中存貨紀錄不正確對系統績效影響之研究,中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨學術研討會,2006/12 |
54. 鄭志傑;蔡啟揚;賴佑華,應用基因演算法於資源限制下不相關平行機台排程問題,中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨學術研討會,2006/12 |
55. Chi-Yang Tsai, Ya-Mei Huang,Optimal Control Policies for Two-Echelon Inventory Systems with Inventory Inaccuracy,The 7th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference,2006/12 |
56. Chi-Yang Tsai, "Control of a Two-Stage Tandem Manufacturing System with Demand for Intermediate and End Products," APIEMS 2002, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C., December 18-20, 2002. |
57. Chi-Yang Tsai, “Optimal Control of a Manufacturing System with Random Product Yield,” INFORMS Montreal Spring 1998 Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 26-29, 1998. |
C. 專書及專書論文 1. Chi-Yang Tsai, “Essays on Optimal Control of Manufacturing Systems with Multiple Product and Demand Classes”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, May, 2001. |