陳啟光教授 (行政院第二十四屆國家品質獎個人獎)的研究著作與獎項等資料如下:

A.    期刊論文
1.    Dahlgaard, Jens J.;Lidia Reyes;Chen C.-K.;Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Evolution and future of total quality management: management control and organisational learning, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol.30, No.supp 1, pp 1~16( 2019/09 )

2.    Chen C.-K.;Fernando Palma;Lidia Reyes, Reducing Global Supply Chains’ Waste of Overproduction by Using Lean Principles: A Conceptual Approach and Benefits, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol.11, No.4, pp 441~454( 2019/08 )

3.    王國明;郭人介;Chen C.-K.;Chan C.-L.;翁紹仁;黃怡詔;王熙哲;宋佩芳, 工業工程應用於健康事業與醫療照護之回顧與展望, 管理與系統, Vol.25, No.3, pp413~456(2018/07)

4.    Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park;Lidia Reyes;Chen C.-K., The Evolution and Convergence of Total Quality Management and Management Theories, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol.29, No.9-10, pp1108~1128(2018/09)

5.    Chen C.-K.;王麒瑋;于長禧,全面品質管理組織文化培育模式之建置與實證個案分析,品質學報, Vol. 24, pp 3~17 ( 2017/02 )

6.    Chi-Kuang Chen and Lidia Reyes, A Quality Management Approach to Guide the Executive Management Team through the Product/Service Innovation Process, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 28(9), 1003-1022. (SSCI)(2017)

7.    Chen C.-K.;Lidia Reyes, A Quality Management Approach to Guide the Executive Management Team through the Product/Service Innovation Process, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 28,No. 9, pp1003~1022(2017/09)

8.    王國明;郭人介;Chen C.-K.;Chan C.-L.;翁紹仁;黃怡詔;王熙哲;宋佩芳, 工業工程應用於健康事業與醫療照護之回顧與展望, 管理與系統, Vol. 25,No. 3, pp413~456(2018/07)

9.    Chen C.-K.;楊俊庭;呂函儒,應用社群網站資料探討顧客需求-以高齡者需求為例,福祉科技與服務管理學刊, Vol. 4 , No. 2, pp 153~154 ( 2016/05 )

10.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, Karina Anchecta, Yuan-Duen Lee & Jens J. Dahlgaard (2016) “A Stepwise ISO-based TQM Implementation Approach Using ISO 9001:2015”, Management and Production, Engineering Review, 7(4), (to be appeared).

11.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, Madi Kambai, An-Jin Shie & Jens J. Dahlgaard (2016) “Greenhouse Gas Management Model - A Triple Cause-Effect Logic”, International Journal of Quality and Service Science, 8(3&4), 412-427.

12.    陳啟光、王麒瑋、于長禧(2016)「全面品質管理組織文化培育模式之建置與實證個案分析」,品質學報(accepted, EI)。

13.    Chen C.-K.;Karina Anchecta;Yuan-Duen Lee;Jens J. Dahlgaard,A Stepwise ISO-based TQM Implementation Approach Using ISO 9001:2015,Management and Production, Engineering Review, Vol. 7, pp 65~75 ( 2016/12 )

14.    Chen C.-K.;Madi Kambai;An-Jin Shie;Jens J. Dahlgaard,Greenhouse Gas Management Model - A Triple Cause-Effect Logic,International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 8, pp 417~427 ( 2016/09 )

15.    Chen C.-K.;Lu, Iuan-Yuan;Kuo-Ming Wang;Jiun-Yi,Jang,Development of quality management in Taiwan the past, present and future,Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 26 , No. 1 , pp 3~13 ( 2015/01 )

16.    Shih-Lung Fu;Shou-Yan Chou;Chen C.-K.;Chi-Wei Wang,Assessment and cultivation of total quality management organisational culture – an empirical investigation,Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 26 , No. 2 , pp 123~139 ( 2015/02 )

17.    Jens J. Dahlgaard;Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park;Chen C.-K.,Quality excellence in Taiwan: theories and practicesi,Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 26 , No. 1-2 , pp 1~2 ( 2015/02 )

18.    Chen C.-K.;Ann-Jin Shie;Kuo-Ming Wang;Chang-Hsi Yu,An ageing-in-place service innovation model by using TRIZ methodology,Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Vol. 25 , No. 2 , pp 162~182 ( 2015/03 )

19.    陳啟光;廖盈婷;謝安晉,考量外在環境限制之優質老化照顧策略與行動方案設計概念模式建構,福祉科技與服務管理學刊, Vol. 3 , No. 3 , pp 309~310 ( 2015/06 )

20.    Chen C.-K.;Shie, A. J.;Kuo-Ming Wang, 'Study of a comprehensive successful aging model', Gerontechnology, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 118~NA(2014/04)

21.    Chen C.-K.;Katty Michelle Ortiz;Jiun-Yi Jang, The Study of Business Excellence for Project-based OrganizationsJournal of Quality, 20, pp. 91~114(2013)

22.    Dahlgaard, Jens J;Chen C.-K.;Jiun-Yi Jang;Leonardo A. Banegas;Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Business Excellence Models: Limitations, Reflections and Further DevelopmentTotal Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24, pp. 519~538(2013)

23.    Dahlgaard-Park, Su M;Chen C.-K.;Jiun-Yi Jang;Jens J. Dahlgaard, Diagnosing and Prognosticating the Quality Movement - a Review on the 25 Years Quality Literature (1987-2011)Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24, pp. 1~18(2013)

24.    Kuo-Ming Wang;Chen C.-K.;張君儀, '國家品質獎回顧與卓越經營模式之展望', 品質學報, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 353~377(2013/08)

25.    Kuo-Ming Wang;Chen C.-K.;Shie, Ann-Jin, GAM: A Comprehensive Successful Ageing ModelTheoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 14, pp. 213~226(2013)

26.    Chen C.-K.;謝明澄;于長禧;謝安晉, 應用價值共同創造概念於顧客導向服務經營模式之建構」福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1, pp. 27~46(2013)

27.    Chang-Hsi Yu;Chen C.-K.;Wan-Hong Chen;Hsiu-Chen Chang, Developing a revised QFD technique to meet the needs of multiple customer groups: A case of public policy analysisTotal Quality Management and Business Excellence, 23, pp. 1413~1431(2012)

28.    Chen C.-K.;Ann-Jin Shie;Chang-Hsi Yu, A Customer-Oriented Organisational Diagnostic Model Based on Data Mining of Customer-Complaint DatabasesExpert Systems With Applications, 39, pp. 786~792(2012)

29.    Chen C.-K.;朱珮君;張君儀;彭翎媛, 建構一個驗證卓越經營模式效度之架構品質學報, 19, pp. 305~324(2012)

30.    Chang-Hsi Yu;Chen C.-K.;Shen-Hung Tasi;Hsiu-Chen Chang, Developing a Public Policy Analytical Operational Model Based on Stakeholder Identification and Salience TypologyAfrican Journal of Business Management, 5, pp. 8715~8727(2011)

31.    陳啟光;史玉波;蔡政和, 從企業自評觀點探討不同企業規模在品質管理成熟度之差異, 品質學報, 17(1),pp.1-20, 201002

32.    王熙哲;Chen, Chi-Kuang ,Choosing and Evaluating a High-Quality Retirement Home in Taiwan,AIMS International Journal of Management,3(1),pp.75-88,200902

33.    Chen, Chi-Kuang ;蔡政和;許國進,An Exploratory Study for Groupthink Research to Enhance Group Decision Quality,Journal of Quality,16(2),200904

34.    于長禧;陳啟光;黃培嘉, 企業經營績效之探討-管理者策略價值與操作價值的認知觀點, 中華管理發展評論, 1(2),pp.191-207, 200912

35.    陳啟光;許詩宏;蔡政和;謝安晉,電話詐騙實證案例分析研究--建構低欺騙偵知線索環境之認知互動模式,管理學報,25(3),pp.333-358

36.    陳啟光;廖世凱;蔡政和;謝安晉,流程管理對於推動 ISO 9000 品質系統成效影響之初探--以產品良率為驗証指標,品質學報,15(1),pp.85-100

37.    Chen, Chi-Kuang ;蔡政和,Developing A Process Re-engineering- oriented Organizational Change Exploratory Simulation System (PROCESS),International Journal of Production Research,46(16),pp.4463-4482,200808

38.    陳啟光;謝安晉;邱思瑋,從首長電子信箱個案分析之觀點探討政府服務品質的內涵與演變,研考雙月刊,31(4),pp.13-21

39.    陳啟光、陳玉真、于長禧、蔡政和(2006)「政府機關之間為民服務創新作為擴散過程之探討」,品質學報,(accepted)。

40.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, Chang-Hsi Yu & Hsiu-Chen Chang (2006) “ERA Model: A Customer-orientated Organizational Change Model for the Public Service”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (SSCI, impact factor = 0.201) (in press).

41.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, 于長禧;張秀珍,ERA Model: A Customer-orientated Organizational Change Model for the Public Service,Total Quality Management and Business Excellence,(期別:17(10),pp. 1301-1322),2006/11

42.    Chen, Chi-Kuang & Kuang-Yiao Hsu (2006) “Creativity of Engineering Students as Perceived by Faculty: A Case Study”, International Journal of Engineering Education. 22(2), (SCI, impact factor = 0.228) (in press).

43.    陳啟光;陳玉真;于長禧;蔡政和,政府機關之間為民服務創新作為擴散過程之探討,品質學報,(期別:13(3),pp.329-343),2006/9

44.    Chen, Chi-Kuang,曾淑芬;Hsin-I Huang,A Comprehensive Study of the Digital Divide Phenomenon in Taiwanese Governmental Agencies,International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management,4(3),(期別:pp.244-256),2006/9

45.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, Shu-Fen Tseng & Hsin-I Huang (2006) “A Comprehensive Study of the Digital Divide Phenomenon in Taiwanese Governmental Agencies”, International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 4(3), (ABI) (in press).

46.    陳啟光、魏建德、蔡政和(2005)「推行六標準差品質活動組織文化特徵之探討」,品質學報,第12卷,第3期,175-189 。(榮獲九十四年度品質學會論文獎)

47.    陳啟光、鄭傑升、林大舜、于長禧(2005)「使用者介面與網路傳輸速度對於建構顧客導向電子化政府之影響評估」,電子商務學報,第7卷,第4期,313-332。(TSSCI)

48.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, Chang-Hsi Yu & Hsiu-Chen Chang (2005) “An Empirical Analysis of Customer-oriented Service Activities in the Taiwanese Public Sector”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 16(7), 887-901. (SSCI, impact factor = 0.348)

49.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, Bernard C. Jiang & Kuang-Yiao Hsu (2005) “An Empirical Study of Industrial Engineering and Management Curriculum Reform in Fostering Students’ Creativity”, European Journal of Engineering Education, 30(2), 191-202. (EI, ERIC)

50.    Chen, Chi-Kuang (2005) ”Using a Multiattribute Utility Model to Assess Subjective Preferences for Three Methods of Analyzing Human Judgmental Behaviors”, Journal of the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2(1), 49-64.

51.    陳啟光、于長禧、蔡政和(2004)「應用數位科技建構電子化單一窗口服務:電子閘門建置分析模式」,研考雙月刊,第28卷,第2期,33-43。

52.    陳啟光、于長禧、楊秀娟、張秀珍(2004)「影響政府機關顧客導向為民服務之相關因素探討」,品質學報,第11卷,第3期,207-222。

53.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, Chang-Hsi Yu, Shiow-Jiuan Yang & Hsiu-Chen Chang (2004) “A Customer-Oriented Service Enhancement System (COSES) for the Public Sector”, Managing Service Quality, 14(5), 414-425. (ABI)

54.    陳啟光、林大舜、張啟昌(2003)「建構資訊推動計畫風險管理模式之研究 - 以電子公文計畫推動為例」,管理與系統,第10卷,第3期,303-328。(TSSCI)

55.    陳啟光、鄭慧萍、張啟昌(2003)「利用小群體決策技術建構ISO14000系統之環境績效評估模式」,品質學報,第10卷,第2期,47-60。

56.    陳啟光、王國明、張淑芳(2003)「從衝突理論觀點探討風險認知對推動產業研發計畫之影響」,科技管理學刊,第8卷,第4期,39-66。

57.    陳啟光、陳進財、李元墩、于長禧(2003)「管理才能評鑑中心評鑑結果與多年度績效之效標關聯效度研究」,人力資源管理學報,第3卷,第4期,25-37。

58.    陳啟光、許國進、蔡政和(2003)「從團體迷思現象的觀點探索國內廠商投資大陸之決策過程」,中國工業工程學刊,第20卷,第6期,666-678。(EI;TSSCI)

59.    陳啟光、顧忠興、李元墩、于長禧(2003)「從跨文化觀點探討外籍勞工管理制度之建構-以塑化業泰籍勞工為例」,人力資源管理學報,第3卷,第2期,57-74。

60.    李元墩、陳啟光、陳博舜、蕭敦勝(2003)「臺商投資中國大陸之企業政策與人力資源管理 – 以大億公司為例」,管理案例研究,第2003卷,132-144。

61.    陳啟光、鄭傑升、王國明(2002)「電子化政府推動成效評估量表之建構 - 民眾主觀認知構面之探討」,中國工業工程學刊,第19卷,第2期,39-52。(EI;TSSCI)

62.    陳啟光、曾淑芬(2002)「論政府機關人員創新能量之提升」,研考雙月刊,第26卷,第5期,20-29。

63.    江行全、陳啟光(2002)「建構顧客導向服務文化的觀念與作法」,研考雙月刊,第26卷,第5期,93-101。

64.    陳啟光、吳俊義(2002)「應用田口質量工程於積層陶瓷電容檢驗良率提昇之研究」,工業工程與管理,第7卷,第5期,6-10。

65.    陳啟光、黃星榕、于長禧(2002)「影響服務品質主要構面之探討 – 以元智大學單一服務櫃臺為例」,品質學報,第8卷,第2期,19-39。

66.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, David H. Gustafson & Yuan-Duen Lee (2002) “The Effects of A Quantitative Decision Aid - Analytic Hierarchy Process - on Group Polarization Phenomenon”, Group Decision and Negotiation, 11, 329-344. (SSCI, impact factor = 1.038)

67.    陳啟光(2001)「強化計畫管理是現階段推動電子化政府之重要工作」,研考雙月刊,第25卷,第2期,75-81。

68.    李元墩、林育理、陳啟光(2001)「銀行業主管領導型態與部屬人格特質、組織承諾及其生產力關係模式之研究 – LISREL分析法之應用」,人力資源管理學報,第1卷,第2期,1-23。

69.    陳啟光、王國明(2001)「政府再造成功關鍵因素 – 創新作為之探討」,研考雙月刊,第25卷,第5期,74-85。

70.    陳啟光、王國明(2001).「系統工程在建構整體校務發展管理模式之應用」,管理與系統,第8卷,第1期,1-16。(TSSCI)

71.    Chen, Chi-Kuang, David H. Gustafson & Yuan-Duen Lee (2001) “A Study of Examining the Causal Relationships of Group Polarization Effect under a Small Group Decision”, Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 18(5), 63-75. (EI)

72.    王國明、陳啟光(2000)「對我國推動單一窗口運動之幾點看法」,研考雙月刊,第24卷,第4期,70-76。

73.    陳啟光、蔡政和、李元墩(2000)「高等教育行政服務品質衡量之研究」,長榮學報,第四卷,第一期,15-32。

74.    陳啟光、黃聖凱(2000)「大學評鑑指標選取模式之建構 – 考慮外部競爭環境與模糊群體決策之情況」,管理與系統,第7卷,第3期,343-364。(TSSCI)

75.    Chen, Chi-Kuang & Yuan-Duen Lee (2000) ”Review and Rethink The Utility Theory”, Chinese Management Review , 3(3), 1-8.

B.    會議論文
1.    Chen C.-K.;Lidia Reyes, Management Control and Organizational Learning: The Missing Link in TQM’s Implementation and its Path to the Future, The 21th QMOD Conference, 英國, 2018/08/22

2.    Chen C.-K.;Kathya Pinos;Lidia ReyesTotal Quality Management as an Actionable Tool in an Organisation by using Roadmap and Roadmapping Self-Assessment Approaches, The 21th QMOD Conference, 英國, 2018/08/22

3.    Chen C.-K.;Lidia Reyes, A Six Sigma User Template for the Implementation in Services, The 20th QMOD Conference, Denmark(2017/08/05)

4.    Chen C.-K.;Lidia Reyes, The Use of Lean Principles to Resolve Overproduction Waste under a Global Supply Chain Business Setting, The 20th QMOD Conference, Denmark(2017/08/05)

5.    Chen C.-K.;Lidia Reyes, Total Quality Management as a Comprehensive Management Theory: The Shift of Management Paradigm based on a Historical View, 中國工業工程學會106年度年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/12/16)

6.    Chen C.-K.;Lidia Reyes, Total Quality Management as an Ultimate Management Theory: The Shift of Management Paradigm based on a Historical View, The 20th QMOD Conference, Denmark(2017/08/05)

7.    Chen C.-K.;Lidia Reyes,A Quality Management Approach to Guide the Executive Management Team through the Product/Service Innovation Process,The 19th QMOD Conference,Rome, Italy ( 2016/09/21 )

8.    Chen C.-K.;楊俊庭;呂函儒,應用社群網站資料探討顧客需求-以高齡者需求為例,2016福祉科技與服務管理研討會, ( 2016/05/14 )

9.    陳啟光;廖盈婷;謝安晉,考量外在環境限制之優質老化照顧策略與行動方案設計概念模式建構,2015福祉科技與服務管理研討會 ( 2015/06 )

10.    Chen C.-K.;Madi Kambai,A Measurement and Analysis Model on Green House Gas Management-A Triple Cause-Effect Logic,The 18th QMOD Conference,Seoul, Republic of South Korea ( 20151012 )

11.    Chen C.-K.;Karina Anchecta,A stepwise ISO-based TQM implementation approach- An example of ISO9001:2015,The 18th QMOD Conference,Seoul, Republic of South Korea ( 20151012 )

12.    Chin Mei Chou;Cindy Sutanto;Chi-Kuang Chen,Integrating Kansei Engineering Method and Kano Model for Service of Nursing Home in Taoyuan, Taiwan,10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Occupational Ergonomics ( 2014/08 )

13.    Chen C.-K.;Oscar Escobar,A Business Excellence Model for Supply Chain Management,The 17th QMOD Conference ( 2014/09 )

14.    Shih-Lung Fu;Shou-Yan Chou;Chen C.-K.;Chi-Wei Wang,Assessment and Cultivation of Total Quality Management Organizational Culture-An Empirical Investigation of Taiwanese Companies,The 17th QMOD Conference ( 2014/09 )

15.    陳啟光;王麒瑋;于長禧,全面品質管理組織文化培育模式之建置與實證個案分析,中華民國品質學會第五十屆年會暨2014國際品質管理研討會 ( 2014/11 )

16.    陳啟光;曾銓富,卓越經營績效衡量系統建構與改善路徑圖,中國工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會 ( 2014/12 )

17.    Chen C.-K.;曾大維;于長禧;謝安晉, 顧客導向服務經營模式建構方法論之探討, 福祉科技與服務管理研討會(2013)

18.    Chen C.-K.;Eileen Salamanca Pon;Jiun-Yi Jang, An Approach on the Cultivation of Organizational Culture toward TQM Culture, The 16th QMOD Conference(2013)

19.    Lu, Iuan-Yuan;Kuo-Ming Wang;Chen C.-K., Development of Quality Management in Taiwan (1970-2012): The Past, Present and Future, The 16th QMOD Conference(2013)

20.    Chen C.-K.;Roberto A. Alcívar E;Jiun-Yi Jang, Strategic Management toward Business Excellence-The Successful Points and Some Insights in Xerox Case, The 16th QMOD Conference(2013)

21.    Chen C.-K.;Fernando Zelaya;Jiun-Yi Jang;Chang-Hsi Yu, Evaluating the Service Quality of Funeral Home Services using P-C-P Attributes Model, The ANQ Congress 2103(2013)

22.    Chen C.-K.;陳協駿;郭炫廷, 全面生產保養導入先期評估模式建構, 中華民國學會第四十九屆年會暨2013國際品質管理研討會(2013)

23.    Chen C.-K.;Cheng-Ho Tsai;An-Jin Shie;Henyi Jen, Developing an organizational change algorithm in terms of PROCESS conceptual framework, The 13th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS)(2013)

24.    Chen C.-K.;曾大維;于長禧;謝安晉, 顧客導向服務經營模式建構方法論之探討, 中國工業工程學會102年度年會暨學術研討會(2013)

25.    Yu, Chang-Hsi;Chi-Hsun Tsai;Chen C.-K.;An-Jin Shie, Applying Lean Thinking to Develop a Customer Value Analytic Model for the Service Industry, The ANQ Congress 2012(2012)

26.    Chen C.-K.;Leonardo A. Banegas;Jiun-Yi Jang, An Empirical Investigation of FACT Model: A Case of World Class Company, The 15th QMOD Conference(2012)

27.    Dahlgaard, Jens J;Chen C.-K.;Leonardo A. Banegas;Jiun-Yi Jang;Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Business Excellence Models: Limitations and further development, The 15th QMOD Conference(2012)

28.    Dahlgaard-Park, Su M;Chen C.-K.;Jiun-Yi Jang;Jens J. Dahlgaard, A Snapshot of 25 Years Quality Movement (1987-2011)- Diagnosing and reflecting the Past, Predicting and Shaping the Future, The 15th QMOD Conference(2012)

29.    An-Jin Shie;Kah-Hin Chai;Chen C.-K.;Kuo-Ming Wang, Developing a Service-Oriented Innovation Model to Improve Service Processes, International Service Innovation Design Conference,(2012)

30.    Chen C.-K.;Leonardo A. Banegas;Jiun-Yi Jang, An Empirical Investigation of FACT Model: A Case of World-class Company, 2012 International Quality Symposium by Chinese Society for Quality(2012)

31.    Chen C.-K.;Mungunshagai Enkhbol;Cheng-Ho Tsai, An Enhanced Process Improvement Roadmap in Six Sigma Methodology, 2012 International Quality Symposium by Chinese Society for Quality(2012)

32.    Chen C.-K.;Sarasin Songsithipor;Jiun-Yi Jang, Does Kanji’s Business Excellence Model Work Well? A Study from the Measurement Aspect, The 13th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS)(2012)

33.    Chen C.-K.;謝明澄;于長禧;謝安晉, 應用價值共同創造概念於顧客導向服務經營模式之建構, 中國工業工程學會101年度年會暨學術研討會(2012)

34.    Chen C.-K.;Juni_Yi Jhang, FACT: A Comprehensive Business Excellence Model, The 14th QMOD Conference, San Sebastian, Spain (08/29-31/2011)(2011)

35.    Chen C.-K.;Nicolle Suazo;Cheng-Ho Tsai, Combining Technical and Social Aspects to Conduct a Successful BPR Project, The 14th QMOD Conference, San Sebastian, Spain (08/29-31/2011)(2011)

36.    Chen C.-K.;Chang-Hsi Yu;Chi-Hsun Tsai;An-Jin Shie, Developing A Customer Value Analytic Model Of Lean Service, The ANQ Congress 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (09/27-30/2011)(2011)

37.    Chen C.-K.;Katty Michelle;Ortiz Rivas;Jiun-Yi Jang, The Study of Business Excellence for Project-based Organizations, 中華民國品質學會第四十七屆年會暨2011國際品質管理研討會,中華民國品質學會(11/05/2011)(2011)

38.    Chen C.-K.;陳廷盈;謝安晉;張君儀, 服務創新績效衡量模式之建構-從創新主體暨組織管理之觀點, 中華民國品質學會第四十七屆年會暨2011國際品質管理研討會,中華民國品質學會(11/05/2011)(2011)

39.    Chen C.-K.;陳文章;蔡政和;謝安晉, 考量企業組織再造及流程再造之ERP導入模擬分析模式, 兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會(12/10/2011)(2011)

40.    Chang-Hsi Yu;Chen, Chi-Kuang,Wan-Hong Chen;Hsiu-Chen Chang, Developing a Revised QFD Technique to Meet the Needs of Multiple Customer Groups, The 7th Asian Network for Quality Congress, Tokyo, Japan (09/16/2009), 200909

41.    Chen, Chi-Kuang,An-Jin Shie;Chang-Hsi Yu, Developing a TRIZ-Based Service System Diagnostic Model for Aging in Place, The 10th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS), Kitakyushu, Japan (12/15/2009), 200912

42.    Chen, Chi-Kuang,Fernando Zelaya;Cheng-Ho Tsai;An-Jin Shie, Evaluating the Service Quality of Funeral Home Service using P-C-P Attribute Model, 2009 International Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM), Taipei, Taiwan (11/06/2009), 200911

43.    Chen, Chi-Kuang,Juni-Yi Jhang;Pei-Chun Chu, Investigating the Differences between Self and External Assessment of Business Excellence, The 7th Asian Network for Quality Congress, Tokyo, Japan (09/16/2009), 200909

44.    陳啟光;劉貞余;謝安晉, 建構一個整合ISO 9001 與 CMMI 之品質管理系統:以CMMI 階段式管理級(二級水準)為例, 中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會, 200912

45.    陳啟光;史玉波;蔡政和,從臺灣產業自評之觀點初探不同企業規模在品質管理成熟度之差異性,2008 International Symposium of Quality Management,200811

46.    于長禧;Chi-kuang Chen;Shen-Hung Tasi;Hsiu-Chen Chang,Developing A Public Policy Analytic Operational Model by Using Mitchell’s Stakeholder Identification And Salience Theory,The 6th Asian Network for Quality Congress, Bangkok, Thailand,200810

47.    Chi-kuang Chen;An-Jin Shie;Chang-Hsi Yu,Developing a Customer-Oriented Organizational Diagnostic Model,The 9th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS), Bali, Indonesia,200812

48.    Chen, Chi-Kuang,于長禧;張秀珍,CORE: A Study of Customer-Oriented Service System in the Public Sector,The 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management and Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME 2008), Toronto, Canada

49.    Chi-kuang Chen,Developing a Total Organizational Change Algorithm in terms of PROCESS Conceptual Model,2009 Global Business & International Management Conference,200907


51.    于長禧;Chen, Chi-Kuang,蔡政和;張秀珍,Developing a Public Policy Analytic Model by Using Mitchell’s Stakeholder Identification and Salience Theory,The 5th Asian Network for Quality Congress, Incheon, Korea (10/18/2007)

52.    夏太長;謝安晉;陳啟光;李雨瞳,以資料探勘技術探討影音租售業消費者行為之研究,2007海峽兩岸高等技術與職業教育學術研討會

53.    陳啟光;于長禧;黃培嘉,企業策略價值與操作價值的認知對經營績效之影響,中華民國品質學會第四十三屆年會暨第十三屆全國品質學會管理研討會

54.    于長禧;Chen, Chi-Kuang,張秀珍,An Integrated Approach by Incorporating Kano’s Model and QFD for Service System Design,The 12th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, Tokoyo, Japan, (09/07/2006)

55.    于長禧;Chen, Chi-Kuang,張秀珍,An Integrated Approach by Incorporating Kano’s Model and QFD for Service System Design: An Empirical Study,The 4rd Asian Network for Quality Congress & 20th Asia Quality Symposium, Singapore (09/27/2006)

56.    Chen, Chi-Kuang,蔡政和,Functional, Product Team or Matrix Organizational Structure? An Empirical Study by Using PROCESS Model,The 7th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS), Bangkok, Thailand, (12/17/2006)

57.    陳啟光;許詩宏,電話詐騙案之探索性研究 - 建構低欺騙偵知線索環境之認知互動模式,中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨學術研討會, 東海大學, 12/23/2006

58.    陳啟光;廖世凱,從流程能見度觀點探討流程管理對於推動I SO 9000 品質系統成效之影響,中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨學術研討會, 東海大學, 12/23/2006

59.    陳啟光;謝昆璋;于長禧,以跨文化價值觀點探討海峽兩岸品質系統執行落實度之比較,第十二屆全國品質管理研討會,2006/11

60.    陳啟光,從電子化服務的觀點探討民主的未來與發展,政府e化十年回顧與展望研討會暨國際學術論壇,2006/10

C.    專書及專書論文
1.    Reyes,Lidia;Chen C.-K.;Dennis Sosa;Dahlgaard, Jens J., "Key Challenges and Opportunities for Quality, Sustainability and Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution", Investigation of Industry 4.0 implementation challenges: An exploratory case study of Volkswagen(202012)

2.    Chen C.-K.;Yenni Lim;Reyes, Lidia, "Key Challenges and Opportunities for Quality, Sustainability and Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution", Key Challenges and Opportunities for Quality, Sustainability and Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution(202012)

3.    Chinmei Chou;Cindy Sutanto;Chi-Kuang Chen,"Integrating Kansei Engineering Method and Kano Model for Service of Nursing Home in Taoyuan, Taiwan",New Ergonomics Perspective - CRC Press (2015)

4.    陳啟光,"深耕台灣品質五十載有成:一份來自北歐遠方友人的祝福」",品質月刊,第51卷,第2期 (2015)

5.    Chen C.-K.;Shih-Lung Fu;Ying-Ting Liao,"QUALITY AND SERVICE AWARDS, TAIWAN",The Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy (2015)

6.    陳啟光,"全面品質管理與卓越經營-以中華民國國家品質獎卓越經營模式之精進為例",產業工程與管理個案,1-27,中國工業工程學會 (2014)

7.    陳啟光,"一個中小企業追求卓越經營的典範",堅持品質創新卓越-國內外五家追求卓越品質案例,58-59,經濟部中小企業處 (2014)

8.    陳啟光,"深耕服務價值,開拓洗衣新藍海",讓服務發芽灌溉創新茁壯-企業個案解析,6-23,經濟部商業司 (2014)

9.    陳啟光;許詩宏;蔡政和;謝安晉, 認知行為的操控--淺談電話詐騙, 科技報導(99/03/15), 201003

D.    獎項
1.    洛吉戈,中國工業工程學會,中國工業工程學會碩士論文競賽佳作獎, 202107

2.    Lidia Anabel Reyes A , 富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎 , 中華民國管理科學學會 , ( 2016/07 )

3.    陳啟光(2015)第二十四屆國家品質獎個人獎(研究類)

4.    陳啟光、曾詮富(2014)「卓越經營績效衡量系統建構與改善路徑圖」,2014工業工程與管理學術研討會論文競賽佳作獎。

5.    Roberto Andres Alciv, 財團法人國際合作基金會 ICDF, Third place at ICDF Student Paper Competition, Business and Management category(2013)

6.    陳啟光、謝明澄、于長禧、謝安晉(2012)「應用價值共同創造概念於顧客導向服務經營模式之建構」,2012工業工程與管理學術研討會論文競賽佳作獎。

7.    謝安晉, 中華民國品質學會, 卓越品質博士論文競賽銀質獎(2012)

8.    陳啟光、許詩宏、蔡政和、謝安晉(2011)「電話詐騙實證案例分析研究 - 建構低欺騙偵知線索環境之認知互動模式」,2011聯電經營管理論文優等獎。

9.    陳啟光、蔡佶勳、于長禧、謝安晉(2010)「建構精實服務之顧客價值分析模式」,2010工業工程與管理學術研討會論文競賽優勝獎,中國工業工程學會。

10.    史玉波;蔡政和, 經濟部中小企業處, 第14屆中小企業研究碩博士論文競賽佳作獎, 200910

11.    Chen, Chi-Kuang,Juni-Yi Jhang;Pei-Chun Chu, Asian Network for Quality Congress, Outstanding Paper Award in the 7th Asian Network for Quality Congress, 200909

12.    陳啟光;許詩宏;蔡政和;謝安晉, 中華民國管理科學學會, 九十八年度管理學報論文獎, 200912

13.    Outstanding Paper Award in the 6th Asian Network for Quality Congress,200810(Asian Network for Quality)

14.    Chang-His Yu, Chen, Chi-Kuang, Shen-Hung Tasi & Hsiu-Chen Chang (2007) “Developing a Public Policy Analytic Model by Using Mitchell’s Stakeholder Identification and Salience Theory”, Best Paper Award in the 5th Asian Network for Quality Congress.

15.    陳啟光,第四十二屆品質個人獎,中華民國品質學會,2006/11

16.    陳啟光,第一屆TOYOTA管理論文競賽優勝獎(首獎),中華民國管理科學學會,2006/9

17.    陳啟光、魏建德、蔡政和(2005)「探討成功推動六標準差品質活動之組織文化特徵」,九十四年度中華民國品質學會品質論文獎。