A. 期刊論文 1. Kendale Kashiem Dari;Henyi Jen,Investigating the Effectiveness of Using a Technological Approach on Students’ Achievement in Mathematics–Case Study of a High School in a Caribbean Country,Sustainability, Vol. 13, pp 5586~5586-21 ( 2021/05 ) |
2. Henyi Jen;余佳憓;吳易霖, '改良式FMEA應用於醫療產品設計階段之潛在失效風險評估', 品質學報, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 17~32(2014/01) |
3. Hou-Tai Chang,;Henyi Jen;Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, 'Using Service Simulation to Analyze the Satisfaction of the Processes of Intensive Care Unit in the Hospital— Perspective of Patient and Family', Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 869~885(2013/08) |
4. Henyi Jen;Ying-Liang Liu, Project risk evaluation with design of experiment: A case of developing a generic drug analytic method development projectTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence, 23, pp. 1171~1189(2012) |
5. Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Henyi Jen;I-Ching Chen, Time-interval process model discovery and validation - a genetic process mining approachApplied Intelligence, 33, pp. 54~66, 201008 |
6. Henyi Jen;廖秀姬,An Empirical Study of Lean Production Value Stream Improvement Method- A Case Application of a Car A/C Manufacturer,Journal of Quality,15,pp.323-336,200810 |
B. 會議論文 1. Henyi Jen;汪承芳, 一個整合最佳化演算法與電腦模擬軟體的白盒子方法, 第21屆永續發展管理研討會 ( 2020/06/08 ) |
2. Chuen-Sheng Cheng;黃杰睿;Henyi Jen;林郁芩,應用分析網路程序法建構供應商評選模式 – 以 D 公司為例,中華民國品質學會2020國際品質管理研討會, ( 2020/11/07 ) |
3. Henyi Jen;Chi-Yang Tsai;Carlos E. Salinas Mo, A Cyber Physical Framework Using Sensing Devices and Monte Carlo Simulation for Demand Prediction, International Conference on Smart Science 2019, 2019/03/30 |
4. Chi-Yang Tsai;Henyi Jen;Hsiang-Ying Teng, A Genetic Algorithm for the Scheduling Problem in the Polarizer Manufacturing Process - A Case Study, The 2nd International Symposium on Development of new Technologies in Engineering & Applied Science Research, 2019/06/22 |
5. Henyi Jen;Chun-yi Hsiao, Using Bayesian Inference Modeling in Estimating Important Production Parameters Used in the Simulation-based Production Planning, IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SYSTEM INNOVATION 2018 (IEEE ICASI 2018), Japan, 2018/04/13 |
6. 鄭宇君;陳其正;Henyi Jen, 運用電腦模擬於晶圓製造廠機台與人力配置分析, 第十屆海峽論壇-2018海峽科技專家論壇-海峽兩岸互聯網技術與標準研討會, 福州, 2018/06/08 |
7. Henyi Jen;Yu-An Chen,Using System Dynamics to Explore the Impacts of Social Media upon Consumer Purchase Behavior,International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2017,Samui, Thailand ( 2017/06/25 ) |
8. Henyi Jen;Yu-Chun Cheng, Computer Simulation of Patients’ Mixed Physical Therapy Treatment Process Flows and Its Analysis, 20th QMOD-ICQSS Conferences, Denmark(2017/08/04) |
9. Henyi Jen;林秀珍;謝寶慧, FMEA結合品質成本於太陽能電池產品製造之研究, 2017年中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/12/16) |
10. Yu-Ying Ho;Yun-Ju Hsueh;Henyi Jen, Provide a Better Cruise-Style Train Travel Service in Taiwan: Use Text Mining to Compare and Contrast Rail Operator’s Service Offering and Customer’s Opinions, 20th QMOD-ICQSS Conferences, Denmark(2017/08/04) |
11. Henyi Jen;Chun-yi Hsiao, Using Bayesian Inference Modeling in Estimating Important Production Parameters Used in the Simulation-based Production Planning, IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SYSTEM INNOVATION 2018 (IEEE ICASI 2018), Japan(2018/04/13) |
12. 曾若涵;蔡萍萍;Henyi Jen, 物理治療人員運用離散事件系統模擬於患者照護流程安排之探討, 第13 屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/10/14) |
13. 鄭宇君;陳其正;Henyi Jen, 運用電腦模擬於晶圓製造廠機台與人力配置分析, 第十屆海峽論壇-2018海峽科技專家論壇-海峽兩岸互聯網技術與標準研討會, 福州(2018/06/08) |
14. 汪承芳;魏澤蒼;鄭宇君;Henyi Jen, 運用電腦模擬探討物理治療中心醫療資源之較佳配置, 第13 屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, Taiwan(2017/10/14) |
15. Levi Munoz;Henyi Jen,A Heuristic Method for Planning Two-Level Fractional Factorial Experiments Using Quaternary Design Tables,ANQ Congress 2015, ( 20150923 ) |
16. Henyi Jen;Hou-Tai Chang;Yun-Ru Huang,A Simulation Study to Reduce the Crowdedness of Emergency Department in a Hospital by Short-Stay Unit,18th QMOD-ICQSS & KSQM International Conference on Quality &Service Sciences,Seoul, Korea ( 20151012 ) |
17. 蘇世傑;方樂佳;Henyi Jen,量販超市購物流程與收銀情況之模擬分析,2015第十一屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, ( 20151023 ) |
18. Kuang-Chau Tsai;Hou-Tai Chang;Henyi Jen;Yun-Ru Huang,he Application of Computer Simulation Program in Building an Analysis Model for Current Algorithms of Medical Service System in Emergency Department,The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine, ( 20151107 ) |
19. Henyi Jen;Wan-Lin Chen;Tsai-Wen Liu;Chor Kuan Lim;Chun-Hsing Liao,Using Combined Lean & Six Sigma Approach upon the Implementation of Infection Control Bundle Care in a Medical Intensive Care Unit,17th QMOD-ICQSS ( 2014/09 ) |
20. 任恒毅;黃韻如,急診室後送區規劃對擁擠程度的影響研究,中國工業工程年會103年度年會暨學術研討會 ( 2014/12 ) |
21. 任恒毅;廖傑民;黃韻如,醫院加護病房導入重症患管理機制之流程 模擬分析與探討,中國工業工程年會103年度年會暨學術研討會 ( 2014/12 ) |
22. Henyi Jen;蔡弦芳, 結合設計專利與發明專利於企業專利運用策略之探討--以鋰電池為例, 第六屆管理知識與技術提升學術與實務研討會(2013) |
23. Henyi Jen;Ana Lucia Sandoval;Ya-Chu Chou, The study of the influences of core competencies and core values upon work-motivation of employee – a case study of a bank in Honduras, 16th QMOD Conference(2013) |
24. Malick Samba;Henyi Jen, Exploring New Design of Air Cargo Service Using an Integrated Framework with Service Attributes and Quality Function Deployment--A Case of an International Airline, ANQ Congress 2013(2013) |
25. Chen C.-K.;Cheng-Ho Tsai;An-Jin Shie;Henyi Jen, Developing an organizational change algorithm in terms of PROCESS conceptual framework, The 13th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference (APIEMS)(2013) |
26. Henyi Jen;蔡弦芳;廖傑民, 整合發明與設計專利資訊之指標於企業專利運用策略之探討, 2013年工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2013) |
27. Henyi Jen;林秀珍;陳婉菱, 應用品質成本與FMEA架構於太陽能電池產品製造之研究, 2013年工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2013) |
28. Henyi Jen;Tzu-Ke Huang, A Framework for Patent Analysis by Integrating IPC Classification and TRIZ with A Case Study of Lithium Battery Patents, 2012大中華系統性創新研討會暨中華系統性創新學會年會(2012) |
29. Si Zhang;Loo Hay Lee;Ek Peng Chew;Chun-Hung Chen;Henyi Jen, An Improved Simulation Budget Allocation Procedure to Efficiently Select the Optimal Subset of Many Alternatives, 8th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering(2012) |
30. Henyi Jen;Hou-Tai Chang;Hung-Chang Lin, Using Service Simulation to Analyze the Satisfaction of the Process of Intensive Care Unit in the Hospital – Perspectives of Patients and Their Relatives, 15th QMOD Conference(2012) |
31. Henyi Jen;林鶴年, 結合師徒制與QCC之產業技術傳承模式, 工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會(2012) |
32. Henyi Jen;張舉哲;蕭淑玲, 建構基於馬可夫理論分析消費行為之決策支援系統--以某連鎖藥局為例, 2011第12屆科技與管理學術研討會(2011) |
33. Henyi Jen;Hung-Chang Lin;Wan-Ching Chou;Shu-Ling Hsiao, Drug Shelving Plan inside the Drug Prescription Center—a Case Study, 2011 International Joint Conference on Service Sciences, 201105 |
34. Henyi Jen, 林郁臻, Using Markov Decision Analysis to Analyze Retention of Patients who Have Chronic Disease Prescriptions, The 40th International Conference on Computers&Industrial Engineering, pp.cie045tw-2, 201007 |
35. Henyi Jen;陳千雅, 運用模擬分析(R,s,S)存貨策略下最適存貨參數組合之研究—以光纖模組製造廠為例, 2010工業工程與管理年會暨學術研討會, 201012 |
36. Henyi Jen;Miriam Aida Sibrian , Investigating the Service Quality Attributes of International Backpackers using the Kano Model, APIEMS2010, 201012 |
37. Henyi Jen;葉庭毓, 漆包線存貨管理策略之研究-以T 公司泵浦產業為例, 2010工業工程與管理年會暨學術研討會, 201012 |
38. Henyi Jen;Chao-Chun Cheng;Meng-Hsien Lin;Fu-Hsiung Chang,Simulation Analysis of Container Terminal Operation—A Case Study of Keelung Harbor Port. No. 17,International Symposium on Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Systems,200904 |
39. Henyi Jen;陳育群,An Analytic Model Combining Monte Carlo Simulation and PSO in Estimating Project Completion Probability of Project Durations and Costs,26th Annual International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2009),200906 |
40. Henyi Jen, 林世明, Applying Six Sigma DMAIC Concept to Approach the Manufacturing Quality Problem of Frequency Shift of Quartz Crystal Oscillator, International Symposium on Quality Management (ISQM) 2009, pp. 9, 200908 |
41. Henyi Jen, 劉英良, A Study of FEMA and DOE on the Appplication of Generic Drug Analytic Method Development Project, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS) 2009, pp. 139, 200912 |
42. 任恒毅;陳育群,結合蒙地卡羅模擬與PSO演算法之專案期程與成本之分析模式,中國工業工程學會97年度年會暨學術研討會,200812 |
43. Henyi Jen,A Simulation Optimization Framework Prototype of Integrated Process of Lean Provision and Lean Consumption,2008 服務創新與應用研討會,200811 |
44. 任恒毅,林靜敏,陳育群,實獲值管理在專案管理之應用,第三屆資訊管理學術暨專案管理實務國際研討會,March,2007 |
45. 任恒毅,游宗融,嚴崇仁,關鍵鏈排程專案緩衝計算方法之比較分析,第三屆資訊管理學術暨專案管理實務國際研討會,March,2007 |
46. Henyi Jen, Chin-Man Lin;Xiangyu Wang,A Case Study of Lean Service Framework in Taiwan's Health Food Industry,The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference |
47. Henyi Jen, Wei-jay Huang;Xiangyu Wang,Application of Ontology for the E-Supply Chain Collaboration and Integration,The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference |
48. Henyi Jen, Chen, Chi-Kuang, Cheng-Ho Tsai,Developing a Coupling-oriented Algorithm in Process Model,The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference |
49. 任恒毅;李宏遠,運用六標準差探討汽車鈑金保安零件點焊最佳化之研究--以某車型油箱橫樑為例,中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會,2007. |
50. Wang, Xiangyu,Henyi Jen,Designing Flexible Construction Worksite Layout with Augmented Reality,Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2006),October,2006 |
C. 獎項 1. 黃杰睿;林郁芩,中華民國品質學會,中華民國品質學會卓越品質碩士論文銀帶獎, 202011 |
2. 許育銓, 元智大學教務處, 優等(2013) |
3. 郭大全;林佳瑩, 中國工程師學會學生分會, 佳作(2013) |
4. 郭大全;林佳瑩, 元智大學工程學院與電機通訊學院, 優等(2012) |
5. 黃紹航, 元智大學工程學院/電機通訊學院, 98年度工程學院/電機通訊學院學生工程論文競賽佳作, 200912 |
6. 第一屆溫世仁服務科學新苗獎(2008) |
7. 97年度工程論文競賽工業工程組優等獎(2008) |
8. 97年度工程學院/電機通訊學院學生工程論文競賽佳作(2008) |