| 2018.8-Present | 智慧生產與管理創新研究中心主任 |
| 2015.2-Present | 元智大學工業工程與管理學系教授 |
| 2011.8-2012.7 | 圖書資訊服務處處長 |
| 2004.8-2015.1 | 元智大學工業工程與管理學系副教授 |
| 2003 - 2004.7 | 元智大學工業工程與管理學系客座副教授 |
| 1999 - 2003 | Chairman and Founder , Horky.com Inc. Ltd. |
| 1994 - 1999 | Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering & Logistics Management Department, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
| 1989 - 1994 | Visiting Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Texas A&M University. |
| 1989 - 1994 | Associate Director, Knowledge Based Systems Laboratory, Texas A&M University, USA. |
| 1988 - 1993 | Research Associate, Automation Laboratory, Industrial Engineering Department, Texas A&M University |